• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2024
  • offline last seen Yesterday


It's time to comfypost and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum.


This story is very simple and tart
Zecora tries to win Anon's tender heart
In a world where mares take charge,
and stallions are meek by and large.
Please don't point out the meter, don't be so morose,
it is by accident that I unlearned how to write prose.
Wrong drug and wrong dosage to boot,
Suddenly yielded this weirdly-rhymed fruit.
And if your interest still isn't yet gone,
Then, well, why don't you read on?..

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Yeah, just take my like, my favorite, my comment, and my follow. What an awesome fic written entirely through poetry. If this isn't in the sinbox, I will be pissed.

Practice makes perfect. Do more!

But as a fellow poetry and/or lyrics enjoyer/occasional writer, I must confess, it was a pain to go through. Luckily I have no standards and no expectations.

Lovely take on things, and my deepest respect for going the poet's way in doing Zecora right. :moustache:

"I put the new forgis on the jeep~"

I've been in this fandom since the very beginning well over a decade ago now, & on this site for almost as long. I tell you this, because sometimes this fandom & the works on this site, can still genuinely surprise me in a delightful way. I wanted to say thank you for brightening a not-so-great day for me especially. With that out of the way, I must say that I didn't expect to like such an odd premise, but your strict commitment to keeping the bit going, of doing the whole thing not only with a rhyme scheme, but also a meter... let alone your homage to traditional green texts... was well executed. I actually teach college Freshmen, & I wish that even half of them could achieve something like this. You blended genres to reference them, but still burst past them. Thank you for writing this, & I look forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you for such kind words. :yay:

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