Anon wants to celebrate Thanksgiving, but Equestria doesn't have an equivalent holiday. Alone and with no one willing to help him celebrate, Anon is prepared for the worst Thanksgiving he's ever had.
Gleaming and Cadance aren't having it though.
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The thyme joke was the last straw of 2020.
Best ponies to cod a crime with right there!

Good job! Would like to see the after dinner fun with the stuffing and creampie
I'm so fucking mad and I'm so fucking giddy like a school-child. I hate that I love everything you put out.
If you can just answer me this, I can die happy–if not, I understand, I mean fuck, you're Anon A Mous.
Fucking why?
Well, that didn't end in the way anybody expected.
Yeah. Americans sometimes forget that turkeys are native to their country. It's pretty common there, but there are lots of places in the world where it's a known animal, but simply not available. Like walking into a sandwich deli and asking for kangaroo meat. They're probably not going to have it unless you're in Australia.
Come to think of it, I suppose Hearth's Warming Eve is their Thanksgiving. Celebrates the formation of the country, and would be something that other nations wouldn't celebrate. No reason for the griffons or buffalo or whatnot to celebrate the formation of Equestria.
American cooking
Oh you rat bastard.
Holy hell, that punchline!
Well done!
Okay dude, get the fuck out of here man
Mmmm~ """turkey"""!
Last line sent my sides into orbit.
If the, eh... turkey was female, would that mean there's more room for stuffing?
Are you going to Scarboroug fair?
did not see that coming
God dammit, fell for it again.
I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
Oh fuck off
Good stuff though
Good stuffing you mean
fooking kek
You glorious bastard
So close