• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019
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I am become cringe, destroyer of... my own shame, lol. Apparently able to consistently get features and stories with heat in the year of our celestial baes, 2024


Sweet Biscuit may or may not have a slight cookie addiction. She also may or may not break into Anon’s house to steal his cookie jar. Again. Or maybe it’s just because she misses him.

Either way, they're happy enough to see each other again.

... Though that doesn't mean Anon won't lose a sweet or two in the process.

Art stolen. Send the artist some love!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 53 )

Glad that you liked it!

. . . Who is the artist?

Lockhe4rt, if derpi is being honest, and the deviantart link through it is also being honest.

What does losing a sweet have to do with sex?

Ah. My aging eyes couldn’t see the blue link color on “Art”.

Does anyone know the story where a human is turned into a spirit by the maker and is named shattered skies, or a similar name.

Very sweet, pardon the pun.

I want to see more of these two.:twilightsmile:

Very well done, dear sir!:moustache:

Now these two are wonderful together. 'tis a thing of beauty.
Dangit, now I want cookies.

That was cute. Not sure where the sex came in though.

Finally, somebody really utilizes this adorable character. :rainbowlaugh:

And utilize her you did. You really took little Sweet Biscuit and made her into a fully developed character in an impressively short word count. Great work, Mr. Ludus, great work indeed.

Oh my god! The sweetness of this chapter is life threateningly good!:pinkiehappy:

Great job!:moustache:

This just in, this fanfic will give anyone a big ol' smile just from how well written, fantastically plotted, and adorable this was! Honestly your works of writing are blessings man! :3

It's better to be safe than sorry with tags when it comes to T-rated stories, I've found. And many a physical contact was made-
Oh, and it's meant to read a tad bit differently the second time around, or if you pay close attention, hahah. And I'm known for sneaking in inuendos- I can't help myself, okay?!

Ahhh, I really appreciate it!

I mean, I was genuinely surprised when I saw the lack of stories on her- so it let me go nuts with characterizing. I'd like to say I did well, at least! One artist or another may have influenced the choice to make her a model, though~

Thank ye, Mr. Voice Man! I'm not quite sure my writing is a blessing, but I do my best to make things people will enjoy reading.

Yea, I'll have to do that, doesn't help I have the attention span of a fruitfly sometimes.


Wonderful fluffy story. Every brony needs one like this from time to time. Thank you!

That was literally called Shattered Skies by Arctikfox. He deleted it though.

Genuinely one of the most adorable fics I've read. Definitely a favorite.

So I decide to randomly check this site, see this fic, read it, and now I have the biggest smile on my face. Adorable and funny, the best combination.
Really lovely job, thank you for the smiles! :heart:

I really enjoyed the fic as well and wanted to read it again, later on the day I commented that I found out he/she deleted it and I'm super sad.

“Do I need to call the ponice?”


the sex tag is not needed


Well now... that was wholesome and adorable as all get out. Now I want some cookies.

Well that was just all the good feels XD

But ya why the hell is there a sex tag?



As the author said above, this could be read a second time from a different angle and it is mostly there.
They were having sex while the cookies were in the oven

yes i saw that the first time but unless there is an explicit scene of some form of nudity on the human side unless its anthropomorphic the tag is not needed or the author can explain why the tag is there in the first place.

An excerpt from the 'tag information' section under help:

The sex tag, when used with a teen rating, is used as a warning that the story contains lightly-charged sexual situations, innuendo, or vaguely implied (but not described!) sexual acts. Some light kissing is fine, light touching generally is too, but if things get heavily charged, you need to move to the mature tag.

Under the rules it set, I thought it'd be better to be safe than sorry, considering I hit most of those marks. Innuendos were hidden but intentional, situations were intentionally written to be lightly-charged, and the implications were there. Plus some consistent bodily-contact, and it seemed to imply that romantic gestures should be placed under the tag.


thank you for clearing that up

“Do I need to call the ponice?”

Do I even, just no.

I regret seeing that line. Hopefully the rest of the story makes up specifically for this line.

PS. The hilarity of how bad it is has already made up for it. I forgive you.

I read the title as coke addiction was so confused

Cute! What with the upsies and such.

If you are ever looking for a story that was once on fimfic but was deleted it can be found here https://fimfetch.net/

We demandith thee writes a sequel, tiss only right.

So cute and fluffy. Loved it. Though I am annoyed at the fact that I need to spend a whole bunch of energy getting this smile off my face. :D

I'm so confused! They didn't have sex or anything! Aaaaaaaahhhh!... it was still a cute and funny story though. X3:twilightblush:cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697893326417952810/701586653676044358/IMG_20191121_210506.jpg


This is really sweet.

Yes they did! He booped her on the snout! Thats pony sex. :twilightsmile:

Belly rubs? :moustache:

That is also lood! Everything a human does is lood!:pinkiecrazy:

Even... chin scratches? :pinkiegasp:

They're so cute. I wish there were more cuddles.

This was cute and wholesome. Love it

Yep. It’s Sweet Biscuit. You’re as surprised as ever. This definitely wasn’t the hundred-eightieth-and-a-half (long story) time this had happened or anything.

I want to hear that story.

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