My current status, for anyone who might care. · 3:33am Feb 10th, 2021
As of now, I am officially canceling my old stories. They were, quite honestly, absolute shite. I was a far worse writer back then, and not only that, but I also had no idea of the majority of MLP's canon. Now, this does not mean I will never write again. I do eventually plan on writing a story for my personal OC- though most certainly not a ponysona- Icy Creation. However, I must first begin by letting myself become a better writer overall. Otherwise, it might end up just as horrible as my
Well I'm happy I've improved someone's day, aye?
I love how every story i read i find ❤ you in the comments it makes me hope that the site wont die sinve the show is over this site and its stories have gotten me through allot and your little additions at the end of every cahpter of so many differnet things i have read just makes me smile
Pony Town, Ashes Town server.
how did you make that pixel art?
Alright, time for a new story, hopefully a bit better than The Equestrian Disruption (Which I do hope to finish someday, just not any time soon. Maybe in a few years.), and not involving the Guardians (Ian, Perceiver, Icy, Polaris) whatsoever. Still scifi, still involving a human (Although certainely not baseline human.), although this time he/she (Not even going to spoil the gender) will be an actual human, instead of an energy being that tends to simply take the form of a human. Don't know yet if I will introduce any pony OCs into this one, though probably not.
Like I said, Equestrian Disruption isn't dead, I am simply taking a break from all things related to the Guardians for... I don't know... Probably a few years. I apologize about that for anybody who actually did enjoy it. But I am pretty sure that this character will be a bit better than them. I hope.