Sometimes, family is embarrassing no matter how much you prepare them to face a situation. Rarity learns this the hard way immediately before receiving a prestigious award.
Afterward, Rarity's family must ask themselves if they can still play a part in Rarity's new high society life, or if their memories of Rarity are all they have left.
WINNER of the Poniverse Summerpalooza 3.0 contest. Theme: "Family is Magic".
Good job, i really enjoyed reading this.
Right when i thought to myself “ alright, so when's something gonna happen?“ , something happened.
The pacing was perfect, the characters were...well, in character.
Great story, great work
Thanks so much! I was a tad worried about the pacing, so I'm really glad everything worked out to your satisfaction.
It sure did.
Have fun at bronycon by the way
This is a great story. loved reading it.
I'm glad
Now this, was a great story.
Thanks so much
What tickled your fancy about it?
It's very real, and the ending is pretty sweet.
This was a great story, I love stories like this that show such appreciation and love towards family.
I'm really glad you liked it. Hopefully it wins the contest I wrote it for!
This was absolutely, utterly charming. The pacing was phenomenal, with each scene JUST as long as it needed to be, exactly what you want to see in a one-shot fic just over 5000 words long. None of the characters were given the Mary Sue treatment nor were any demonized or cast in a poor light; mistakes were made on both sides as they often are in the show. I will say that perhaps a little more insight into Rarity's forgiving of her family would have been nice (before it happened, I mean), but that's a minor nitpick, and it's not hard to believe she'd be that generous of spirit to her own family. The dinner scene was especially entertaining, and we seriously do need more fics featuring Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, they're a delight in the right hooves! Well done indeed, an excellent fic all around, thank you so much for writing and submitting it for our contest!
Wow! Thank you so much for your praise; it's really humbling to hear that someone actually enjoyed this story to such a degree! In particular, I'm really pleased that I got the pacing down well.
I love taking part in writing contests; aside from the chance to flare my competitive spirit temporarily, they are excellent writing practice and allow me to create a beautiful story within a set theme or framework. Thanks to you and the Poniverse for running the contest, and an extra thank you for taking the time to comment on the story!
And also thanks for the watch
I hope I've earned it!
But of course, it's always a delight whenever I come across a story this good!
This was so god damn pleasent, Rarity's parents really need another episode appearance outside of background stuff. Also when Rarity said they should go some place simple I instantly thought that she was gunna say Donut Joes but milkshakes are nice to.
Dainty sip versus hearty swig. No way anything could go wrong...
Now with an intermezzo.
Kinda wish there was a love button.
That line made me laugh!
This was excellently written, and I particularly loved Rarity's acceptance speech - it was so professional, so gracious and eloquent. Wonderfully done!
Sounds like she was wearing a really gorgeous gown up there too, don't cha know?
I can see why the story itself won an award as well. Thank you kindly for sharing! 
Thank you so much for your kind words! :3c
That was a good story.