This story is a sequel to Across the Dimensional Divide
Hey, it's me again. You know, the human-turned-pony thrust into the crosshairs of a crazy sun princess and her plan to "harmonize" all of humanity? Well, I just wanted to get home, but things have hit a bit of a snag. I'm now even farther from home, left to wander the multiverse without a clue as to how I get back. Hopefully I can find my way around the multiverse and back to where I started, so I can finally get home. However, while I'm out here, I might as well have some fun with it.
Just as long as nothing bad has happened to my friends while I was gone...
I haven't really read this series yet. But it seems somewhat similar to a conversion bureau scenario. Is it?
7314501 It's coincidentally similar. I did not try to make a TCB story. Any similarities to TCB is purely coincidental.
Need more story
When is the rest coming?
*Poke Poke
Did it die?
7556678 No, it's just that I've had a very large share of distractions over the summer, so progress has been slow.
Ok, hopefully it doesn't take you 3000 years to update.he he
haha, more
7768575 But what about it was nice?
7768646 i forgot...
It's alive!!!!!!!
7769232 Quickly, we must act now to keep it alive! Give me your baby words to sacrifice to the Word God!
No sacrifices, we must instead use the great advantages that the Science brings us to time travel into the future where the story is already complete, steal what has been written, bring it back to then upload to Fimfiction.
7770315 And then paradoxes happen and suddenly we need the Doctor
The Doctor? Doctor who?
7770512 Doctor Minuette
Those are my words. (drops microphone)
I like youre first ATDD story! I hope this will be just as good as the first.
Totally just remembered about your first story from FanFiction from way back. Now here I am already gnawing away at this story waiting for more. Back in FanFiction I remember reading up to the road trip, but that was all you had written. Glad to get at least some closure. This story has been interesting to say the least. The characters are unique and there's dimensional travel and timelines. This story just speaks to me. I hope you can finish this cause I truly can't wait. I've been on this story since 2013 when you started writing the first arc. Glad to see you haven't given up like other authors I read stories from back on FanFiction. Keep up the awesome work and the wacky writing style. It's such a great change of pace!
Wait a second, the Element of Loyalty has a bearer. If it were to choose a new bearer that means the old one would have to fall from that Element.
Unless you don't roll like that with this story Just a thought...
'Although this is cross dimension... hmm more thought needs to be put into this train.'
7824702 I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I tend to forget about FanFiction on occasion. I should probably upload the rest of it there. Meh, procrastination.
Jäi youre back!
8084259 I never left. It just takes me forever to get past whatever distractions or blockages get in my way.
For a princess Lemon Drop is one sour bitch.
8085024 Haha, more lemon jokes
A yellow orange alicorn... what? Just walks in out of nowhere? What's even going on anymore? I thought the only alicorns in future Equestria were androids?
8085697 She's showed up previously in multiple chapters. This is not out of nowhere
8085893 I probably just have to read the story over again...
8086136 Read over the last few chapters of the first part. Now I'm starting to regret my decision to split the story
I think I'll need to reread the last chapter... its a bit confusing in some point.
8152380 Maybe if I didn't take so long, or was a better storyteller, it wouldn't be so confusing. But since this is a story I just write in my free time however I like, so things tend to get jumbled.
Eh, the plot makes sense to me. I even remembered Warm Lemonade or whatever her name was. I think your biggest mistake was introducing a multiverse, but it's not that big as far as mistakes go. You could still make it work, and even make some sense.
I'm just glad to have something fun to read. Thanks!
Sunny should check to see if there's a yellow gem embedded in her belly.
Okay fine, I remembered Lemon Drop's name perfectly. In fact I remembered it so perfectly that as soon as I saw this just now I laughed out loud. If Lemon Drop saw that there wouldn't be anything left of Earth to conquer!
8152667 I just toss my gang into a universe (or just a singular idea) I made up or took inspiration from others and have fun with my writing, trying to make at least some sense out of it. That's really why I write this, to have fun.
Also that gem comment, are you referencing Steven Universe or something else?
well uh...
8159429 Now what are you on about?
8159457 Lucy, I'm hooooooooome!
Okay, this is a nice surprise. For once, things are looking up for our hero with the whole superpowers thing...though the ending is a bit of a bittersweet cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what that is about.
Well fine little miss grumpy flank.
> Comma after ‘Well’ and ‘fine’.
“...That would be scary.
> Add an end quote.
I have no recollection of what I'm referencing, only that I'm referencing something
8159996 Now ii just imagined an Equestria where laugh tracks and mysterious audience applausing were facts of life like theheart song stuff. MLP: The Sitcom!
8162365 Don't give me more ideas.
That was my prediction for season 4. The theme song plays. The ponies walk around Ponyville in the Intro. Then it cuts to live-action footage zooming in on a hip looking apartment complex in St. Louis, where a plucky young lawyer named Trisha "Sparkle" Reinhart is trying to make it in the big city. In the episode, she deals with the stresses of work, and her quirky colleagues, not to mention her constant relationship problems, but with the help of her sassy black roommate, she somehow manages to get back to square one every single time.
...then Equestria Girls came out...