• Member Since 10th Mar, 2018
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Equestrian Defender

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian way!


Cover Art by skydragon90 Check him out, he's got good artwork.
Edit: Sweet! Featured on 11/16/2019!
2nd Edit: Let the Trope-ing begin! We got a TV-Tropes page!
Thanks again to SuperSonicHeroes. You are awesome, my friend!

Twilight Sparkle is a seemingly normal Unicorn. Sure she's the Element of Magic, leader of the Bearers of Harmony (affectionally called the Main 6) and has been the personal student of Princess Celestia since she was 10, but other than that she's just a normal Unicorn.

But that's all about to change.

It started off when she dreamed of a strange place full of stained glass and dark, shadowy creatures, and a voice telling her that she would be the light that would save this world.

And then the dark storm came, and the shadowy creatures from her dreams became a lot more real.

Fortunately, that was the moment she unlocked her own power: a weapon of light called a Keyblade.

Unfortunately she ends up being separated from her friends, and her world exploded. Quite literally.

And then she awakes to meet a duck who's a sorcerer, a dog who's the captain of their knights, and a mouse who also wields a Keyblade and happens to be the King of the "World" she was on.

Oh, and she's now a human.

So all in all, normal for Twilight has just gone out the window.

After getting a crash course in Heartless, Nobodies, Keyblades (which includes the adventures of their one friend Sora) and the ongoing fight between the Light and the Dark, Twilight sets out to find her friends and hopefully find a way to restore Equestria. And maybe make some new friends along the way.

But in the shadows, sinister forces conspire against her, and she may find out that her greatest enemy is the one she'd never suspect.

Will Twilight Sparkle prevail? Or will her Heart fall to the darkness?

The only way to find out is to read the tale of Twilight's Awakening.

Okay, so a bit of spoilery stuff to get out of the way quick:

-This story starts during Magical Mystery Cure, but immediately goes AU when they cast Starswirl's Unfinished Spell. You'll see what I mean.
-Kingdom Hearts-wise, the story takes place during the events of Dream Drop Distance. Mostly because I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 3 yet, so I can't write about anything that happened in that.
-Certain worlds that Twilight visits in this story will have their stories diverge from canon after she appears. But I don't think anyone will notice since that's already happened in the actual Kingdom Hearts games. I'm looking at you, Aladdin and Hercules.
-Some of the worlds that appear will be from Disney franchises that haven't appeared yet, but there will also be some worlds that aren't from Disney properties. I'd tell you which ones, but that would just be spoiling the surprise. :twilightsmile:

Hope you guys enjoy the story!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 253 )

Nice start, I really like it.

Let me guess. Ruby Rose and Steven Universe are making appearances in this story. By the way, I don't watch either of those shows or play Kingdom Hearts, so I'm hoping this story doesn't get too confusing for me. Then again, I managed to navigate a Yugioh crossover pretty well despite only seeing the show in passing and never having played the card game. :twilightsheepish:

nice work looking forward to the next chapter :twilightsmile:

Wow, that was... INCREDIBLE! You captured the feeling of the game perfectly. Twilight going through the “tutorial” section and all her inner thoughts during it felt how she would feel in that situation.

I recognize those characters from the stain glass. I love both of their shows, so if their worlds end up being visited then I can’t wait to see what happens.

The three questions part was interesting, but I was a bit surprised when Twilight answered she wasn’t sure what she wanted out of life, mainly because that wasn’t an answer from the game and her previous two answers were. But that is a good thing because it shows this isn’t an exact copy of the origin, as similar as they are there a differences because Twilight doesn’t replace Sora entirely.

That Darside Alicorn fight was impressive too. I can’t wait to see more of this.

I've never played Kingdom Hearts before, so I don't know how close this is to the game. But it looks good anyway.

Comment posted by Equestrian Defender deleted Nov 16th, 2019

This is a very good start. Definitely helped when I listened to Destati while reading this, but it’s really solid. I see Remnant will be a world, as well as Beach City (wasn’t sure, had to look up what Steven looked like as I didn’t watch it). Seeing as how this takes place during Dream Drop, maybe Yen Sid could send Kairi with Twi for training?

Thank you. I just hope the next chapters are just as good, if not better.
Yes and yes.
Don't worry, I'll try to make this story as easy to follow as a Kingdom Hearts game can be. Which can occasionally be a chore in itself, but I digress.
But if you want to know what Kingdom Hearts is about, try looking up playthroughs and walkthroughs on Youtube. Trust me, there's plenty to find.
Thank you. I hopefully will have it out soon.
Thank you. I try my best to get into these characters heads when I write them.
Oh, they will. And I hope I do them justice when I get to them.
Glad to see you approve. And I am looking forward to writing more of this.
Thank you.
Try looking up walkthroughs on Youtube. There's plenty.
Thank you. That music definitely brings back some good memories.
Honestly I didn't think about that. But maybe I might have a few chapters where she tags along with the group. Not sure yet, but thanks for the suggestion.

Love this. Question. Are you going to with the Standard Key Blades for Twilight or are you going to fan made ones.. OR A Mix of both.

Fan-made ones. More than likely designed by me. As for what they are, how she gets them, and what they look like; I can't tell you without going into spoiler territory. I will say that the Keyblade Twilight's holding in the cover art (this one, to be exact: https://www.deviantart.com/skydragon90/art/Kingdom-Hearts-Spellstar-513726268) is hers. It's the first one she gets, similar to the Kingdom Key that Sora gets at the start of the first Kingdom Hearts game. Unlike the Kingdom Key though, it's not the weakest Keyblade you get in the game. And that's all I'm saying for now. If you wanna find out more, stay tuned and keep reading.

Also, love your profile pic and your username.

What, is it like the BBS Trio's keyblades, that power up in the middle of the story?

Not quite. But like I said, I can't say more without hitting spoiler territory. Sorry.:twilightsheepish:

I will keep reading. This is interesting. Also thanks for the compliment on my username and Profile.

Damn, I have a feeling this story will be epic, nice alterations. Can't wait to see what you have in store. On a side note, will Twilight meet Sora? I honestly picturing them standing together with their friends against the enemy and say together "My Friends Are My Power!" Or "Friendship Is Magic!" Right now.

Glad to hear and you're welcome. :pinkiehappy:
I will say she'll meet Sora and a few other characters at the start of her journey, right before Sora and Riku go off on their Mark of Mastery exam (AKA the events of Dream Drop Distance). She gets the game's lore as well as a bit of training in how to use her Keyblade in her Human Form.

I can't wait for more... But I will lol.

But that's probably not going to be until about Chapter 4 or 6. So please be patient.

So, full confession. I know very little about Kingdom Hearts. I know something about it, mostly it's a Disney crossover video game. Now having said that, I was able to follow along very well with this. So full points there. I'm looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen.

One small typo, though.

Sadly she didn't miss the dark energy erupting out in a shockwave, which knocker her away and sent her skidding towards the edge.

Should be 'knocked'.

Thanks for finding that.
Honestly, if you want to know more about Kingdom Hearts there's walk-throughs on YouTube and several Wikis online. Be careful though, because Square Enix (the people who made the game) did kinda make following the lore a pain in the ass.

Twilight Sparkle is a seemingly normal Unicorn. Sure she's the Element of Magic, leader of the Bearers of Harmony (affectionally called the Main 6) and has been the personal student of Princess Celestia since she was 10, but other than that she's just a normal Unicorn.

This seems a bit hypocritical to me, but I'm pretty sure this was intentional. ...Right?

Cover art alone and i’m Already worried. That outfit has way too many Xs on it.

I actually notice that about a lot of Square Enix characters ranging from Kingdom Hearts to Final Fantasy.

Don't worry though, she's not going to be a target for Xehanort. There's actually a different Big Bad she'll be facing. One you might not expect.

As someone who's played Bravely Default, I consider myself highly resilient to twists.

never trust a fairy

I haven't played Bravely Default, but I accept your challenge nonetheless.
To quote Rarity: "It. Is. ON!"

Will this story shows that darkness is important as light? Because Equestria is a world of only light

Well, I do plan to show that darkness isn't always evil and light isn't always good, and that it mostly amounts to the choice of whoever's using them.
And that even the brightest of stars can dim and go dark.
Does that count?

Yes and sometimes the believers are light, are blind to the see the truth in the shadows

Good... good... I can’t wait to see more of your work. Take your time typing your words.

Well his keeps getting more and more interesting. The heartless have arrived already, and that is never good for any world. I wonder what Celestia is hiding? I am sure she has her reasons, she seems to know a lot and plans things accordingly as we have seen her do several times in the series, but I have a bad feeling that lying to Twilight might just make things worse in the long run. On a side note, it is cool that Twilight has shadowed Celestia so much she can spot small tics like that to spot when she is lying. Then there is Discord too. If he knows what is happening and is scared too, then you know it is bad. Would Discord be able to abandon the world in a worst case scenario to escape its destruction and go to a different world like Traverse Town or Radiant Garden or something?

Also, Twilight bumping into Flash was nice. Interesting that Flash seems to have a brother here. Is it an OC or the background character First Base?

On your notes at the end. I completely understand what you mean, and I am not one of those people to ship Twilight and Spike either. Though I have no problems with them having a loving brother and sister relationship, I personally always prefer them having more of a mother and son relationship, mainly because Twilight hatched Spike. But it has been said that they can fit both, so I am good with whatever. Also, although I see the Mane 6 as adults I have no problem with them being teens here. AUs exist like that, plus your reasons work too.

Glad to hear you found those KH games. I hope you have fun with them. I actually finally finished my KH 2.8 game a few days ago so I can finally jump into KH 3 myself, and I can tell this is going to be worth the wait. So take as much time as you need with your stories.

I hope you like KH3. I love that game, its one of my favorites of the decade. Its so good.

nice work on the chapter looking forward to the next one:twilightsmile:

Rainbow Dash is probably 17 as of Season 3, since that's the earliest she could have applied for ROTC.

"And I will finally have fulfilled my promise."

This line brought forth an evil laugh from me. There aren't too many who can do that. Congratulations.


I wonder what Celestia is hiding? I am sure she has her reasons, she seems to know a lot and plans things accordingly as we have seen her do several times in the series, but I have a bad feeling that lying to Twilight might just make things worse in the long run.

I don't wanna spoil too much, but I will say that Celestia lying to Twilight definitely isn't going to help what happens.

On a side note, it is cool that Twilight has shadowed Celestia so much she can spot small tics like that to spot when she is lying.

Well to be fair it is Twilight we're talking about.

Then there is Discord too. If he knows what is happening and is scared too, then you know it is bad. Would Discord be able to abandon the world in a worst case scenario to escape its destruction and go to a different world like Traverse Town or Radiant Garden or something?

Not spoiling that, but rest assured we will be seeing him eventually.

Also, Twilight bumping into Flash was nice. Interesting that Flash seems to have a brother here. Is it an OC or the background character First Base?

I'm going to go with First Base, since pretty much everyone else who uses this idea does too. Side note, he prefers to just be called Base.

On your notes at the end. I completely understand what you mean, and I am not one of those people to ship Twilight and Spike either. Though I have no problems with them having a loving brother and sister relationship, I personally always prefer them having more of a mother and son relationship, mainly because Twilight hatched Spike. But it has been said that they can fit both, so I am good with whatever.

I personally see them as an older sister and little brother kind of relationship, only the older sister has to fill in the role of mama bear because the parents aren't there. Trust me, we'll be seeing some examples of this later on.

Also, although I see the Mane 6 as adults I have no problem with them being teens here. AUs exist like that, plus your reasons work too.

Thank you.

Haven't played it yet, because I'm planning on replaying all the games first. Starting with Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix. Gotta admit the HD graphics look pretty good, though their is a bit of Uncanny Valley with some of the faces. Might be because we're jumping from PS2 all the way to PS4, but it's not too bad.

Thank you.
BTW, just took a look at your profile pic. Nice hat.

Possibly, but we don't know for sure. Not only because we don't get a set in stone age, but also because we don't know how the Equestrian Military System works.
Still, that would explain why she has her arrogant streaks. The young do tend to think they're invincible, speaking from experience.

Thank you.
Trust me, we'll get the backstory behind that statement at a later date. And it's gonna be a doozy.

To be fair, its an update to a 2002 game.

I know. But like I said, it's a minor nitpick. The game is still awesome.

It was a pegasus stallion with a light orange coat and a cobalt blue mane and tail that matched his eyes. She noticed that he was wearing golden Royal Guard armor indicating that he was a member of the Day Guard. On his flanks were his cutie mark, a blue shield emblazoned with a yellow lightning bolt.

Oh, heck yes! My FlashLight-loving heart is thanking you a thousand times. :pinkiehappy:

Oh, crud, what does Celestia know and why is she hiding it? More importantly what insane plan is she trying to manipulate Twilight to being part of?! :twilightoops:

Also, yes, those pancakes you described sound delicious. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome!
I could tell you, but that would spoil the surprise.
I really need to make them someday.

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