• Member Since 10th Mar, 2018
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Equestrian Defender

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian way!


What had started out as a relatively normal day for Twilight Sparkle quickly became the day that everything changed for all life on the planet Equus-G4.

For it was on that day the Galactic Empire arrived, with only one single purpose.


Despite the best efforts of Princess Celestia and the Royal Guard, Canterlot fell, unable to stand against the technological superiority of the Empire.

Princess Celestia herself, the Light of Hope for Equestria, fell to the hands of the Sith Lord, Darth Vader, her public execution broadcast across the kingdom.

But it was also the day that 10 year old Twilight tapped into a mysterious power, one that nobody on Equestria had ever seen or heard of before.

The Force.

After spending five years hiding from the Imperial Forces, surviving by stealing from their convoys, she finally scrapes together enough credits to buy passage from a smuggler to another planet.

There she meets Sunset Shimmer, a fellow Equestrian who reveals herself to be a Jedi Knight and a survivor of Order 66.

And together, they set off on an adventure that will help change the galaxy forever.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader discovers another Equestrian who's Force Sensitive. One whose anger makes her a perfect candidate for the Inquisitors.

And perhaps, something more...

Before the five year timeskip, this story starts roughly 10 years Before the Battle of Yavin, or 10 BBY.
AKA, ten years before Episode IV: A New Hope and nine years after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Death Tag is for the aforementioned death of Princess Celestia, and many members of the Royal Guard that forgot to wear their Plot Armor.
Gore Tag is for dismemberment and decapitations via Lightsabers, Vibroblades,
and a few other creative tools.
I don't think I need to explain the Violence and Profanity Tags. This IS Star Wars after all.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 68 )

Is writen well please keep up! I like!

As a fan of Star Wars, I say this is off to a good start. The opening narration to mirror the introduction crawls was a nice touch.

I think it is obvious that Darth Vader is sensing Nightmare Moon and King Sombra through the Dark Side. It will be interesting if they appear later, but what’s more interesting to me right now is based on the description and the character tags I think I know who Vader’s new Inquisitor is going to be.

I look forward to the next chapter when we get to see the Sith Lord take on the Princess of the the Sun.

I will try my best, as always.
Also, thanks for the watch.

Thank you. I honestly thought people were gonna say I'm trying too hard.
Please don't spoil it for everyone else.
I'm only hoping I can make that fight as awesome as possible!

Thank you.

I will watch your story with great interest.

Intriguing, and well written.

i would of done this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g77WN6obk4 I wonder if the death star will make a apperance

Will sunset be like Kana or Obi-wan?

Well, this certainly looks promising and it seems to have my favorite bookhorse human as the protag and that's always a plus in my book. If Snake Staff won't update Empire and Rebellion then this might actually end up being a good substitute, not to downplay your work. It's just that I don't find very many really good Star Wars crossover fics (I'm not really a huge Star Wars fan as a whole but I like the concept of the Jedi and Sith) that catch my attention.

With a lot of stories in the Star Wars universe set after Revenge of the Sith and before A New Hope, where does this one take place with Rebels, Rouge One, Jedi Fallen Order, and the Force Unleashed? Sorry it’s just too many to know which to connect and such.

Violence, death, and gore are three of my favorite things. I think Ima read this.

Not for a couple years. After the five year time skip there will still be 10 years before the events of A New Hope, which means the first of the three planet-busting 8-balls will only be about half-finished. I will spoil this though and say that Twilight and her friends will be there, but for what capacity I won't say.

Kana? Do you mean Kanan?
More like Anakin if he never fell to the Dark Side, but a bit more levelheaded and nowhere near as cocky or arrogant.

But they need more than just heroes. They need full on Rebels. :raritywink:

Well, as of this chapter it's been 5 years since RotS. Then we have a 5year time skip, bumping it up to 10 years after RotS and 10 years before A New Hope.
According to Wookiepedia, Rebels takes place 5 years before A New Hope, so IF there's a sequel to this story, you can bet the crew of the Ghost is gonna team up with our main cast.
Fallen Order is roughly 5 years after RotS as well, and since we don't know if they're still alive by the time of A New Hope there's plenty of potential for a crossover.
Rogue One occurs roughly the day before A New Hope, so it's canon. But Twilight and her friends won't be involved in the events of that movie. They'll hear about it, but they'll be too far away to fly there and help.
The Force Unleashed... is not canon. I like the 2 games personally, but I can't justify having Starkiller in my story. I honestly think he's too OP for this story, since he was capable of using the Force to pull down a Star Destroyer AND fight Darth Vader and the Emperor consecutively. AND HE BEAT THEM. He actually beat Darth Vader TWICE. Something no Jedi in the canon lore has been able to do. Hell, if Starkiller was here they wouldn't need Luke, that's how powerful he is.
So, no. He's not going to be here in my story.

Wait till the next chapter. Death via blasters, stomping via Imperial walkers, and Darth Vader.

What? You thought Celestia would be the only one he fought against? :ajsmug: Oh you're so adorable.

I wanna see everyone die, I want to see their flood the land just to stain the heavens above. I want to see them cry in agony as their souls are ripped apart to shred. I want to see them, burn. As the worlds, they tried to protect blow up in flames and turn into ashes. I want to drink smoothie cause this quarantine is such a damn b@stard. I want the dark side to win. I want rebels who fought with honor and hope, to die and be the symbol of those who try to mess with the empire!

- .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / .- -. / .. -. ... ..- .-.. - / - --- / - .... . / .-.. .. ...- .. -. --.

So far so good. I really like how it's going so far.

As they got closer to the mountain she soon saw large groups of ponies moving to what looked like large metal elevators. When she asked where they were going her father replied "Shelters. Thick metal bunkers that will protect us until the fighting's over."

I thought Equestrians were humanoid in this AU.

Beyond the groups of civilian ponies she saw several members of the Royal Guard running towards the City Gates, all armed with spears, crossbows, or swords. Remembering her brother, she looked at her parents and asked "Is Shining going to be okay?"

See above.

As for my guesses, Luna and King Sombra.

By the way, is the magic in Equestria related to the Force or something else entirely? If the former, then that means an entire third of the kingdom's population is Force-sensitive.

Thank you.

Thanks for pointing out those mistakes.
Yes it is them, and I have plans for them down the line.
Their magic is Force-related, but with the exception of Equestrians like Twilight and Sunset (and another female character who will appear later) most of them aren't strong enough with it to be a Jedi/Sith/Inquisitor/insert Force using warrior here. And to be honest, Equus-G4 is so remote and so far out of the way that most of the Empire consider it to be "in the backwoods of the galaxy". As such they have no idea what a Jedi or a Sith is. Hell, they've never even seen a lightsaber until Darth Vader wipes out multiple Royal Guardsmen and executes Princess Celestia.

Hold on. If their planet is as far as you say it is and isn't technologically advanced enough to have spaceships, and Sunset is from said planet, then how was she able to leave and train in the ways of the Jedi? :applejackunsure: Wait. Let me guess. You'll touch on her backstory later down the line.


I see what you did there!:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

And why am I so scared by it?

I wonder if this is quite the line you're looking for.
Good enough description and anyone would be scared by it. Common sense.
I think her reasoning should be more like "Where did it come from" or "What's it doing here?"

"They would be wise not to underestimate our opponents." He still remembered seeing Clone Troopers and Battle Droids killed and destroyed by far more primitive and savage inhabitants during the Clone Wars. "What have we observed about the inhabitants of this kingdom?"

That's not even getting into the Ewoks!

"They won't have it," Celestia immediately stated. "If they want this kingdom, they'll have to take it from our cold, dead hands." Looking to Shining she said "Initiate Emergency Protocol C7."

Shouldn't that be 'hooves'?

"On that we agree." Hardening his gaze he said "This could very well be the end of Equestria."

I think more depth is needed here.
I mean, picture yourself staring at the body of influence that could destroy your home and civilisation at a single stroke.
The characters need to be less formal about it.

The moment she got inside of the house the city alarms started going off, along with the voice of a Royal Guard coming on the loudspeakers and saying that "Emergency Protocol C7" was now in effect, not that she knew what that was.

Is C7 another joke or reference?

"We kinda figured that when you called him an Emperor."

Oh, he's a cheeky one.:twilightsheepish:

Captain Stone Wall sighed. "And so it begins..."

Interesting so far.
I generally get a bit peeved when the Equestrian military is portrayed as soft. I know in the show they don't do well but but in a world where magic, flight and earth pony strength exists, the idea that they never make use of this in wartime always strikes me as illogical.
Still, I understand that this is down to inexperience and it seems the potential will be realised later on.
Even so, I hope they put up a good fight even if it is a losing battle.
Vader seems pretty well made. Good that he doesn't just charge willy-nilly.
I look forward to what happens next.
Keep it up.

Finally, someone gets it.

Shouldn't that be 'hooves'?

Did you miss the "Human" Tag? All of the inhabitants of Equestria in this are Humans, with several other species like Griffons, Hippogriffs,
Yaks and Changelings taking on more humanoid appearances. Dragons will also get their biology changed a bit, but nothing too drastic.

Is C7 another joke or reference?

C7 is code for Code 7, which is a full city lockdown with raised shields and all of the civilians making their way to the bunkers, as we saw. It's basically the equivalent of shouting "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" but less likely to cause mass panic.
And thank you. I hope you like what happens next.

Sorry. I get confused.:twilightblush:
I struggle with crossovers at the best of times and when they involve Equestria Girls, I'm hard-pressed to keep up.

Fair enough.

By the way, when I said inexperience, I meant the Equestrian military are inexperienced.
Hope it didn't sound disparaging.

Great job with this! It looks like the Royal Guard are having a very tough time. Their magic is impressive but against the full force of a sci-fi galactic empire it does stand much of a chance, especially given their track record in canon.

His reply came from a Pegasus guard. "All the cannons are either completely trashed beyond repair. And..." He sighed. "Red Shirt wasn't able to get away from his cannon in time. Neither was Ol' Hickory."

I know this is a serious battle, but I can't help but chuckle at this joke. I believe there is an old joke online: "Stormtroopers vs Red Shirts. The Stormtrooper shoots and misses but the Red Shirt dies anyway." And unfortunately these Stormtroopers aren't missing the broadside of a barn like usual (yet).

It was a happy surprise to see Flash's mom in this, especially since she will apparently be important later. If Celestia's last action as a princess turns out to have been promoting her to lieutenant then it will have been a very smart choice.

I kinda agree with your claim on "not all queens are evil", but apparently from what I heard Hasbro thought otherwise. They were originally going to make Celestia a Queen but thought with all the evil Queens in Disney it would give the wrong idea to kids, so they made her a princess instead. I have seen some people try to correct this and make other princesses gain the title of Queen in the future.

I also think the way they mentioned the Crystal Heart was interesting, and the way they said it was going to be the future of Equestria. Normally that kinda importance falls on the Elements of Harmony, though they haven't been found yet so they probably don't count here. The way it was spoke about though makes it sound like a pony rather than an artifact, almost like it refers to Twilight or Cadance. Guess I'll just have to wait and see if I'm right or way off.

I looks forward to the next chapter. Celestia vs Darth Vader. If she's going down, she's going down fighting.

The only explanation I can give for why MLP doesn't have weapons is because it's a "girls' show." Maybe parents are more wary about their daughters being exposed to violence than they are with their sons. I'm not saying that it's fair, but I guess it's understandable to a degree. I don't know if it's just social conditioning or if girls are inherently less wired for violence.

I don't know about other girls, but I personally don't see the appeal of weapons or violence in general. I'm not opposed to it being used, but I do notice that I have an admittedly subjective threshold for when violence in a work of fiction starts feeling gratuitous.

His reply came from a Pegasus guard. "All the cannons are either completely trashed beyond repair. And..." He sighed. "Red Shirt wasn't able to get away from his cannon in time. Neither was Ol' Hickory."

I can't tell if I'm supposed to be sad or annoyed. :ajbemused:

[5]: :ajsmug: I have absolutely no regrets making those jokes.


If I had to guess, I think the Crystal Heart is referring to Cadence.

Okay. I do like that you're being fair and analytic in Equestria's weaknesses. Kudos for that.
Magic exhaustion and temporary runes.
You've done your research! :raritywink:

At that each of the cannons fired, unleashing a volley of large purple magic blasts towards the enemy. One of them slammed right into the "head" of the AT-AT, two of them nailed one AT-ST each, and the rest landed among the troops.

Okay, this is cool!
Your battles get a big ol' thumbs-up from me!

-only for it to immediately turn back to face the defensive wall, with many of the Guards imagining it was glaring at them. (The pilots inside definitely were.) That was kind of a spirit breaker, seeing as how it tanked a high-powered magic blast straight to the "face" and all it did was scratch the paint.

His reply came from a Pegasus guard. "All the cannons are either completely trashed beyond repair. And..." He sighed. "Red Shirt wasn't able to get away from his cannon in time. Neither was Ol' Hickory."

I leave my wordly possessions to my brothers, Dead Meat and Worm Food.
I don't get the Ol' Hickory reference though.

Didn't hurt that they were also known for having one of the highest body counts of ANY Stormtrooper legion in the entirety of the Galactic Empire's five years.

Join the 501st! Learn How To Shoot Straight! Sign Up Today!

So far, I am loving this.
My suggestion is more attention to detail. Really build up the scene and scenery.
But the fluidity of the action is great and the dialogue is very decent.
I know it's early days but here's hoping we see other Imperial characters like Veers, Yularen, the Inquisition and, of course, the magnificent blue bastard we all know and love.

My latest chapter of Alone In The Galaxy also had Vader speaking in bold font. :twilightblush:


Their magic is impressive but against the full force of a sci-fi galactic empire it does stand much of a chance, especially given their track record in canon.

Probably doesn't help that in this story's universe, Equestria has been in a time of peace with its neighbors. The most action these members of the Royal Guard have gotten are either in driving off monsters/killing dangerous rogue monsters, or protecting trade caravans from bandits. They have never been in a true war, at least not compared to the Galactic Empire. While they may not be the Clone Troopers who served in the Clone Wars, most of the Stormtroopers onboard that Star Destroyer have some experience being in firefights with enemy militia. Though honestly if I ever make it to the Battle of Endor, trying to find a way to justify the Ewoks being able to take them down is going to be a challenge. Since not only do they not have magic, but they are also pretty much GLORIFIED TEDDY BEARS. Saying they have the 'homefield advantage' only goes so far, when the home team is only about a meter tall.

It was a happy surprise to see Flash's mom in this, especially since she will apparently be important later. If Celestia's last action as a princess turns out to have been promoting her to lieutenant then it will have been a very smart choice.

She won't become important until much later in the story, possibly the sequel. Though I will spoil that Flash Sentry will also become important and will appear a lot sooner. Trust me.

I kinda agree with your claim on "not all queens are evil", but apparently from what I heard Hasbro thought otherwise. They were originally going to make Celestia a Queen but thought with all the evil Queens in Disney it would give the wrong idea to kids, so they made her a princess instead. I have seen some people try to correct this and make other princesses gain the title of Queen in the future.

Finally! Someone who understands.

I also think the way they mentioned the Crystal Heart was interesting, and the way they said it was going to be the future of Equestria. Normally that kinda importance falls on the Elements of Harmony, though they haven't been found yet so they probably don't count here. The way it was spoke about though makes it sound like a pony rather than an artifact, almost like it refers to Twilight or Cadance. Guess I'll just have to wait and see if I'm right or way off.

It's not Twilight, I can tell you that. I'll give you a hint. In the show, which Pony has a Cutie Mark that is a literal crystal heart?

If by "gratuitous" you mean "violent for the sake of violent," you don't need to worry about that. Most of the violence in Star Wars is balanced by good story and character development. Any violence serves a purpose, it's not just there because the writers felt like it.

Funny. Apparently you missed this joke.

He clenched his fist. "Damn it. And Ol' Hickory was two days away from retirement with full benefits."[5]


I don't get the Ol' Hickory reference though.

Ol' Hickory was just a name I picked. The REAL reference/joke was this.

He clenched his fist. "Damn it. And Ol' Hickory was two days away from retirement with full benefits."[5]

The dreaded Two Days From Retirement trope strikes again.

I know it's early days but here's hoping we see other Imperial characters like Veers, Yularen, the Inquisition and, of course, the magnificent blue bastard we all know and love.

Not sure about Veers and Yularen, but the Inquisitors and Purge Troopers will be making some appearances.
As for "the magnificent blue bastard" AKA Grand Admiral Thrawn, I do have plans for him. And I have plans for Twilight to do her best to come up with her own plans to counter his plans, some of which succeed.
Also, "magnificent blue bastard?"

I did get the killed before retirement joke. That's what the second :ajbemused: was for.

I just realized something else. Friendship is Magic is rated TV-Y. I'm assuming that Transformers and GI: JOE were rated TV-Y7. Maybe the show writers couldn't add anything more intense than that glorified slap-fight at the end of season 5 without needing to bump up the rating.

Thrawn is fun to write. Trust me on that.
Hope you enjoy the rest of Alone In The Galaxy and keep up the good work.

Darth Vader should take Spike as his Apprentice with Starkiller

I tried my best to make it seem like Celestia could at least put up a decent fight against Darth Vader and not just be a total pushover (looking at you, A Canterlot Wedding) but I'm still not sure if I'm satisfied with it.

Considering she actually managed to do quite a bit of damage at the end, hold her own for an amount of time, and cause DARTH VADER to freak out, I'd say you managed it.

Wow, that was epic. You did a great job showing how utterly terrifying Darth Vader is, even to someone like Celestia. That being said, even if Celestia couldn’t win, and even if she is weaker than her canon counterpart, she still put up one hell of a fight. Vader actually acknowledged her power a few moments in the fight, and when she went all out it seemed like he was panicking for a moment, like he believed for a moment he could lose.

The name of Celestia’s sword, Starsaber, is that supposed to be named after the Starsaber from Transformers, or is it just a coincidence they share the same name?

I don’t think I have ever seen a fan work before where Celestia dropped the F bomb before, so that was a first for me. A bit shocking but then again she did just lose her hand so it is an appropriate reaction.


Shit that’s actually accurate. I can only imagine that is the scariest thing Celestia could have heard at that particular moment.

Celestia struggled to her feet, barely able to stand as she gripped the Starsaber. "How? How are you still standing?"

Sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind!

Okay, I have ONE huge question and a smaller related question. If Equestrian magic gave ponies the ability to regenerate limbs out of magic, then how come ponies in wheelchairs and ponies with artificial limbs (aka Kerfuffle) exist in the show's canon? Is that an ability you created to be exclusive to this story and only to high-level magic users? :applejackunsure:

The im not left handed line was my favorite part. I've seen that line used a few times in different stories,and movies/web videos, and it is always followed up by the characters going up two levels in badness. Always a fun ride.

"I am not left-handed."

The Princess Bride, nice.

the Last of the Alicorns

What about Luna and Cadence? I can understand Twilight if this is pre-ascension.
I mean, if there's a more complex tale to it, that's fair.
I do love the description of her armour and weapons though.
Myself, I called her sword the 'Dextrous Blade'.
And Luna's the 'Sinistrous Blade'. Both forged from either side of their mother's 'Equis Blade'.

I see you've certainly done your research into lightsaber techniques.

And with one swift motion, he cut off Celestia's left hand, eliciting a scream of pain from her as her severed hand fell to the ground, still holding her sword.

I'm sensing a pattern here.

And to Vader's amazement the light around her arm traveled down to her stump, before transforming into a flesh and blood hand, good as new (minus the gauntlet, bracer, and the chain mail.) He felt slightly jealous of her power, especially considering his own artificial limbs.

"I am not left-handed."

Eventually the two attacks of equal power exploded with the force of a massive bomb, enveloping the entire area in a blinding light.

I'm getting serious Asura's Wrath vibes here.

As he rose shakily to his feet he looked at Celestia; and she could see nothing but pure, unadulterated fury in his glowing yellow eyes.

Now ya' done it.

So far finding this pretty damn cool!
Those captured nobility mentioned. Would Fancypants and Fleur-de-Lis be among them?
They're my favourite.
I reckon if Fancypants needs to die, he'd go out like Ardsley Wooster from Girl Genius, here.

Already got plans for Spike. And being Vader's secret apprentice is not one of them.
Thank you.

The name of Celestia’s sword, Starsaber, is that supposed to be named after the Starsaber from Transformers, or is it just a coincidence they share the same name?

It's a Transformers Prime reference.
And it's cool. Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is the best!
I created that ability for this story, and rather than a high level magic ability it's strictly for Alicorns only.
Too bad it wasn't enough to beat Vader.
I really have to watch the full movie sometime.
Thank you.

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