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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.


[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Equisverse Era 1]

In the year 2199, artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where it is no longer practical to have human pilots. This puts Lyra Heartstrings into a forced retirement. Or rather, it puts Lyra from Earth number 7 into retirement. A Lyra born in the extremely distant past before Equestria as human. Lyra 7, an anomaly of the multiverse.

This Lyra is given the chance to pursue the life of adventure she always wanted when her ‘forced retirement moping’ is interrupted by the arrival of an experimental piece of technoarcana capable of opening portals into other dimensions. Unfortunately for Lyra 7, it’s broken, and her tinkering can’t totally fix it. Unable to set her own destination, or fully charge the device and thus unable make more than one portal per charge. Lyra can only wander from universe to random universe in search of the pony (and the proper version of that pony) who made the Vortex Manipulator in order to find her way back home.

Featured on Monday, April 25th, 2016 at 07:06:21 AM UTC. :yay:
And also on Friday, July 22nd, 2016 at 09:02:52 AM UTC. :yay:
And also on Sunday, August 28, 2016, 2016 at 07:37:21 AM UTC. :yay:

For my fan’s convenience: This story takes place in multiple incarnations of the Equisverse. Keeping track of what is and is not cannon to it is futile. All of my stories are canon to this, as this story happens ‘episodically’ in multiple Equestrias. It’s a dimension hopping story. However, this is being done in the more serious tone of Beta, the more “serious” timeline.

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 2102 )

Lyra, humanity's first inter-dimensional adventurer, bounce around the multiverse on a space hopper. You have no idea how much I laughed when a found out that was the method you were using.

7157352 You have no idea how hard I was laughing when I came up with the idea.

*favs, upvotes, uber-favorites*
*THEN reads the chapter*

good story so far. cant wait for the next chapter!:pinkiehappy:

7157424 Shouldn't be to far from now. I generally crank out about 40k words per month.

Yay!! New story!! I've been looking forward to this one ever since you mentioned brainstorming ideas for it, Meeps.

Most people tell me owning a four meter long snake isn't okay to begin with. In my defense, I had no idea that green anacondas got that big.

Take care of the snake, and they apparently are great pets. All that said, though.....Lyra really should have done more homework beforehand. You should always research any unusual or exotic pet before getting it.

No one told me that non-fangy-bitey snakes kinda look like scaled kittens in person. You can’t eat that.

Yeah...constrictors can actually pull off a sort of 'cute'. Used to have a pet California King Snake back when I was in elementary. We had to let her go when we moved, though (she'd been wild in the first place, my brother caught her and brought her home).

Oh and for scaring away Jehovah's Witnesses.

Not nice, Lyra! Those folks mean well, even if they can be a bit pushy.

Ever want to have real fun? Borrow a large snake and sit in a vet waiting room across from the lady with her obviously prized cat. Heh. The fear, I was able to taste it. It was delicious!

I thought we were dealing with a human Lyra here, not a changeling! :derpytongue2:

She unlocks her room’s door, opens it, and then opens my room’s door in search of snuggles. Like I said, she’s smart.

As unreal as this may seem, yeah....some snakes are quite smart and can readily learn things like how to open doors. Cats, goats, rats, and ferrets will all readily learn how to do so, as well (though cats generally don't because lazy balls of floof).

just a few months before the Second Korean war went hot again.

Let's hope this detail doesn't turn prophetic....

I’d always wanted to be an adventurer growing up. Danger, actually doing real things, thrills...

This and travelling are about 2/3rds of why I went into the Navy in the first place, with the education benefits I'm currently using being the other third.

Why the fuck wasn’t wetware good enough here?

Probably to try to keep it a more isolated system. It would be Bad News to have an enemy pilot or AI hack your jet's controls.

“... Right… Um, old person thing. There are at least three goodbyes. We’re inefficient like that,” Gramps chuckled. “Bye for real this time!”

heh He sounds like he probably grew up in the mid-twenty-first century....if so then the old timers here are exceeding a century easily. I like him, and it sounds like there's a genuine familial bond there despite the age and outlook difference.

concealed ballistic shielding!

This is a coffee table!? Good lord, do you often have to use your coffee table as cover in a firefight, Lyra?

My integrated teaching program, Chere.ly, happily informed me.

Hi there, Cheerilee.

My hand stopped halfway to her head, in her mouth, held like she would a ball while playing fetch, was a wide leather cuff, slightly scorched, with a raised portion covered by a flap of more also slightly scratched leather.

heh Starting to wonder a bit if their pets don't have any augmentation. That's a level of problem solving you don't usually see.

This was surprising due to the fact that the smell of scorched electronics filled the air the second I’d opened the cover up. Anything that smelled like that should not be on. At least, not anything civilian in design. The flying fuck was this thing?

Something built with redundant circuitry apparently. The crafter did not want the thing to be unusable if there was ever a single point of failure, apparently. (And I seem to remember something like this vanishing in the last story...)

“Huh… Why magnets?” I wondered out loud.

For ease of maintenance with hooves, of course!

My meter could easily handle reading the power going to my jet from its micro fusion plant. I’d appropriated it along with a few other things upon my ‘retirement’. It wasn’t a shitty meter.

So this little wrist-mounted doohicky is putting out more power than your jet's microfusion reactor. Leads to some interesting conclusions, don't it, Lyra?

Well, return it to it’s owner of course. Same plan as before I learned about it’s origins, only I’d get to shake hands, or equivalent appendages, with an alien! That would kick ass. I would be the human who made first contact! I could upload my memory engrams of the whole thing to the public net and boom! All of humanity would know about it next time they woke up.

heh If only first contact was ever that simple. Great idea, though.

I’m sure the science behind the device was genius and elegant, but the hardware was engineer friendly.

And this is where the idea that a bored engineer is a terrifying thing comes from.

Die horribly, or become a legend...

When you put it that way, it's not much of a choice....now is it?

Was this an X-Com type situation?

heh And finally we get a hint of the typical 'the aliens are coming to conquer Earth!' rhetoric. Thankfully it seems to be more of a side-caution here and not the initial assumption. I seriously doubt Earth would be worth conquering as anything more than a new place to sell products. Most resources are much more readily obtained in other parts of the galaxy, and I'm fairly certain that finding a planet that is suitable for terraforming and doing so would be less costly than attacking another planet.

Or have Earth on a no visit list for some reason.

This one honestly makes more sense. Keep the backwater planet on a 'no visit' list for any number of reasons, or perhaps until we get into extrasolar space on our own.

As I wrestled the suit out of the locker to get my gun from the bottom, a thought occurred to me. I was considering going to an alien planet. Was there air? I didn’t know!

Plant life outside of a city’s dome that wasn’t a super hardy scrub brush… A rare thing for me.

Ah....glance that she's kind of into a dystopian future there. Hopefully they're working on fixing that. And Lyra has her first look at a new, completely alien world!

A mother fucking 300 foot tall alligator-turtle kaiju with a white hot flaming shell working it’s way out of the god damn sea at most ten miles away from where I was standing!
“Shiiiiit!” I lamented in terror, eyes almost popping out my my skull!

Welcome to Neighpone, Lyra! Land of the kaiju, apparently!

So, so good. Cannot wait for the next chapter!

7157437 :pinkiegasp: no fair! it takes me forever just to finish one chapter. I'm ganna steal some of them words.:pinkiecrazy:

7157490 dude, I am unemployed. unfortunately, its called school:pinkiesad2:

7157498 I'm just regular employed, which is why chapters come out so late in the evening usually. :trollestia:


Lyra really should have done more homework beforehand. You should always research any unusual or exotic pet before getting it.

It's (a) Lyra, and an exotic lifeform. THere's a rule there...

We had to let her go when we moved, though

:c noooo....

Not nice, Lyra! Those folks mean well, even if they can be a bit pushy.

Yeah, they are seriously the only religion that actualy WILL go away when told "no thanks".

As unreal as this may seem, yeah....some snakes are quite smart and can readily learn things like how to open doors

My cat could and would open locked bathroom style doors by vibrating the door until it popped free from the latch. It was amazing.

This and travelling are about 2/3rds of why I went into the Navy in the first place

For the other third, there's MasterCard.

Probably to try to keep it a more isolated system.

Yup. That kept it a closed system. The jet had zero wifi, everything going out was the pilot's wetware. It was one perk of that system.

He sounds like he probably grew up in the mid-twenty-first century....if so then the old timers here are exceeding a century easily.

He did. Future meds are pretty certain to keep someone born after 2005 alive for a few centuries. Most biologists agree that the first human to live a thousand years will be born before 2200. The old guy may not be gene engineered, but he does have a few artificially cloned replacement organs...

This is a coffee table!? Good lord, do you often have to use your coffee table as cover in a firefight, Lyra?

Ten times. Theft via drone is a thing, and some of those drones will shoot at you or explode if detected. It was very common until the cops started installing milimeter wave radar to detect drone flights and see which ones were not authorized.

Hi there, Cheerilee.

<Hello unknown user.>

Starting to wonder a bit if their pets don't have any augmentation.

Some do, other's don't.

The crafter did not want the thing to be unusable if there was ever a single point of failure, apparently

If your teleport device fails mid use, you'd realy prefer it to not fail COMPLETELY.

For ease of maintenance with hooves, of course!

Pritty sure the real reason is Sky had four magnets laying arround, and wanted to get rid of them. SO he built a teleporter device to use them in.

If only first contact was ever that simple.

Mabey it will be this time :D No. No it will not.

When you put it that way, it's not much of a choice....now is it?

"Cake or death?" "Uh... Death. No! No wait, cake."

I seriously doubt Earth would be worth conquering as anything more than a new place to sell products.

Well, in X-Com, what the aliens are after is human genetic material for use in curing the etherieals of a degenerative illness. SO that's pritty realistic IMO.

Keep the backwater planet on a 'no visit' list for any number of reasons,

"My lord!" "What?" "This planet has all ready fallen to the felines!" "HYPERSPACE! NOW! BEFORE THEIR ARMADA DECLOAKS!"

glance that she's kind of into a dystopian future there. Hopefully they're working on fixing that.

Dystopian via nessessity. In her Earth's timeline, a geo engineering project met to correct global warming via removing carbon from the oceans went very very very wrong and basically dumped almost all of the trapped Co2 into the air. Things are slowly being fixed, but life is impossible in most places which are not isolated biospheres (some natural ones exist, like in mountain vallies). It should be fixed within 300 years though. Teraforming tech exists and was deployed.

Welcome to Neighpone, Lyra! Land of the kaiju, apparently!

Well yeah. It's pony Japan. Japan + Magic + Science = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zhJljblPcY
Japan + Magic + science + my AU's ponies = http://orig12.deviantart.net/9e03/f/2013/175/3/9/nuclear_mane_by_oblomos-d6af391.jpg


If your teleport device fails mid use, you'd realy prefer it to not fail COMPLETELY.

Yeah....one-way teleportal tends to be bad.

Well, in X-Com, what the aliens are after is human genetic material for use in curing the etherieals of a degenerative illness. SO that's pritty realistic IMO.

Well sure, that reason is one of few that would be a good reason to go to a life-bearing planet with a sentient species. Conquering a planet for the sake of conquering it....really isn't cost effective.

Japan + Magic + science + my AU's ponies =

Equals Pony-Pacific-Rim!

7157693 Sort of like if Dr. Who and Sliders had a kid, and that kid was Rick and Morty.

Great start to the new story!

“... Right… Um, old person thing. There are at least three goodbyes. We’re inefficient like that,” Gramps chuckled. “Bye for real this time!”

Yep now this sounds familiar. Even in our day, with my father he will say goodbye and then think of something else to talk about. Then again and again sometimes. :derpytongue2:
Aaaaaand I forgot what else I was going to say. :P ANYWAY can hardly wait for the next chapter! Keep up the good work. ^,^

I'm sure I will, you have never disappointed me. ^,^

The good news: Sky's personal teleporter now teleports itself!
The bad news: Sky's personal teleporter only teleports itself! :rainbowlaugh:

Here we go again! :pinkiehappy:

I'm loving the immersive AR being an ubiquitous thing. The AR fashion industry must be pretty wild. :raritywink:


I'm loving the immersive AR being an ubiquitous thing. The AR fashion industry must be pretty wild. :raritywink:

If Rarity existed in that time piriod, she wouldn't sew. She'd actually be modeling, animating, and preforming other 3d sculpting tasks, and selling the models to people. Most clothing is very plane looking nanomaterial jumpsuits (resorse scarcity), the AR systems let people set their 'clothing', so other people see you in say, a leather jacket, kacki cargo pants, and boots. Or if you want to be more interesting, anything at all.

Why hello there super pipboy when did you get here? Awww. You already have an owner? Nuts. You don't look quite as, well, durable as some of your elder brethren. Be careful out there.

7157943 I am so glad that Fallout has eclipsed Dr. Who in terms of what people think of when they think "wrist computer" ^>^.

Well as often as I tell myself I am going to sit down and watch those series' I never actually seem to get around to it. :twilightsheepish: But if a quick Google search is any indication I don't think that a wrist watch for a computer makes too much sense without a decent holoprojection or just plain being bigger than a wrist watch. Some things are better once they have been miniaturized but in my opinion you can only make something so small before it causes more problems than it solves. So yeah. While a tad retro looking (or a lot really) the general size of the pipboys we see from the games seems just about right to me. Small enough to carry around yet big enough to be easily manipulated. The fact that you don't have to squint or smash your face into it to understand what's on the screen is a plus too.

7157989 Quite true... but there is one actual watch that makes prefect sence as a portable computer. This one Because it makes this happen upon voice command. When your watch's only app is "Summon Big", I think it beast all the other wrist computers.

A watch, who's only application is to summon a giant robot on voice command... I can get behind that. :ajsmug: Now to quit distracting myself talking to you and distract myself by actually reading the story you have oh so kindly written. :twilightsmile:

7158034 And not just any Giant Robot, but Big motherfucking O.

Guess what? Featured.

Anyway. Storywise, Sliders that don't want to go home and actually have the tech to open the portal themselves. Also, kaiju, mecha, magic, and a relatively large snake. Sounds like a good time. :pinkiehappy:

That cover art is somehow giving me nostalgia.
I think Meep is putting illegal addictive drugs into his stories.
That is the only explanation.

Lyra gonna Lyra. Awn Bonnie snake. I'm calling it, sneks in the future. Not thinking too much right now. Need moar soon.

Fuck. I was wondering which gender Meep was. I had a 50/50 chance and I fucked up.

LYra was already borked when she started using devices that can move you without working navigation never end well

Even just finding one of those old 84 inch, curved for some reason, things was an actual quest!

well, it is when it's 84 inches:rainbowlaugh:

Every. Single. Time. Sitting there. For at least a minute. With that fucking ringing sound echoing through my brain!

funny cuz it's tru :P

<Hi! Are you my pilot? Are we going to go flying now?> she said in her happy, eager, loving voice.

:pinkiegasp: it's a flying bolo jet ai thing!

Early twenty first century manufacturing was the literal worst,”

fucking cash grabbing money stealing companies

“Nothing. Oh! My house did pick up a high level of radon after the explosion! Hope that helps you out,” I informed quickly.

pfft, just a little radiation, no biggie

A mother fucking 300 foot tall alligator-turtle kaiju with a white hot flaming shell working it’s way out of the god damn sea at most ten miles away from where I was standing!

godzilla drank powerthirst?


ha! cheerily, she teaches XD

There were simply too many feels and awesome in one chapter for words to describe!!!!!
Well we know where the VM came from, I laughed so hard at the laser etching XD
I'm actually supersized that she didn't think about Bonbon II before using the VM, if she was planning to use the thing you would think she would consider her pet before leaving, but I guess it was a "do-this-now-before-we-loose-our-nerve" moment.
Question though, are we going to meet a Bonbon in each dimension now? Cuz if we are that is going to be bloody hard to keep track of! Also I hope we find out what happened to the "orignal" Bonbon from Earth 7.

I love your world-building. Not only in this story - in all of them.

<Error. The Neural Net is not currently reachable,>

And somehow her implants start malfunctioning and she has to use some sort of dialogue system like Mass Effect for translation :rainbowlaugh:

To be fair, Roger's watch is also a voice and video communicator, fires I microfiber grappling hook, can remote control his car and its weapons systems, and oh yeah, summon motherfucking Big O!

7159384 it's alternate timeline human anomaly Lyra. There will be a few other lyras before this is over. Including but not limited to Beta Lyra, Alpha Lyra, Canon Lyra, this human Lyra (Lyra-7), and possibly more...

7158283 Actually, they are designer drugs that are technically legal as they are not specifically illegal yet.

7159384 It's *A* Lyra. This is a Multiverse Hopping story. Constants and Variables.

7159151 As a fighter pilot, Lyra was frequently out of range of the network. As such she has a lot of utilities stored locally. DNA makes for a great hard disk with insane amounts of storage (No, seriously, we're realy doing that right now IRL).


Question though, are we going to meet a Bonbon in each dimension now? Cuz if we are that is going to be bloody hard to keep track of!

Which is why I dont plan on her ever meeting more than three of any specific person... Besides key characters.

Also I hope we find out what happened to the "orignal" Bonbon from Earth 7.

Someone actually already figured it out. All the biggest clues are in the first chapter.

7159382 It's an amulet of "Summon Bigger Fish" all other uses are unimportant.

7158702 I have no idea why you think that, but I find myself wishing to know.

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