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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.



[Third Person] Alternating Perspectives [Equisverse Era 2]
Forty Two years after the return of Princess Luna, and twenty five years after the Elements of Harmony were broken, Equestria has entered a new age. The Bearers were forced to adapt, to change, and discover new ways to continue to keep Equestria safe. Thanks to the tools, weapons, and spells the Bearers have come to use over the years, Equestria, once famous for rejecting the majority of the world’s technological advances in favor of magic, has come to embrace the mechanical and the arcane in equal measure.

These changes echoed across Equestria, and traditions began to change as the average pony sought to do their part. Many by taking up arms to protect Equestria themselves as adventurers, wandering heroes, or vigilantes. Being a hero is no longer something a lucky (or unfortunate) few have to do on occasion. It’s a job. One which pays well. One which is extremely dangerous. One which might mean you only have to work one day a month. Or that you only go to work once, if you lucky (or very unlucky).

It’s a job that Orange Sherbert wants. But not for the money. Her grandparents did it before the new age dawned, as did her parents, aunts, uncles, their friends, and even acquaintances. Being a hero is her family’s business, but Sherbert is no hero.

She’s young, inexperienced, unskilled, and immature. But she knows this. She knows it and wants to become someone she feels is worthy of her family’s legacy. Someone who can save any day which needs saving. Someone who can right wrongs, and to destroy that which should not be.

To accomplish her goal, Orange Sherbet has chosen to travel to the country of Neighpone and train in the art of ninjitsu. To acquire skills, discipline, and personal growth all at once. But just what will she have to endure to achieve her goals after entering the ancient doors of Kōmoriakademī, Bat’s Academy.

Featured on Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 5:47:42 AM :yay:
And again on Friday, August 25, 2017 at 9:29:01 AM :yay:
And again on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 9:03:22 AM :yay:
And yet again on Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 6:12:59 AM :yay:

This story begins Series 2 of the Equisverse. Prior cannon is unnecessary.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 579 )

Yeah, I think it may be time to use this again. :raritywink:

Ohhh, a new one! I can barely wait to see how this is going. I looked forward to this and, well, I still do. :pinkiesmile:🈴

8263544 Yeah, it's about time I got back to what I do best. OCs and changebugs. (And Lyra and Co.)

Hmm, a new Meep story, based in that one place I wanted to know about? Colour me intrigued...

I know this is a silly question but where did you get that intro picture.

8263575 I googled "anime dojo" after "vector dojo" and "illustrated dojo" failed to produce anything I thought looked like what I wanted in story, and I remembered that there was an aerial shot of the dojo from Kenechi, the Mightiest Disciple and didn't want to watch the whole series again just to screen grab it. It's not stock though. I did some color alterations and cleaned it up a bit.

So hyped for a new story.

8263619 Not gonna lie, I'm genuinely disappointed that wasn't an hour of silence XD

Any teacher that thinks the student will not try to apply their lessons is a fool. Said students will also attempt to figure out if the lesson have any practical value. How many of us sat in high school and wonder why we learned the various courses

8263685 I still have yet to use geometry... And I made my own furnature. I didn't use geometry. At all. I just knew "This structure will be a rectangle, and support up to 2 tons of load based on the materials and the nature of the joints." I didn't bust out proofs and theroms, or protractors and geometric arangment data. I just made a rectangle out of wood, added legs to it, and then put a deck atop to make a table, then made a second one with shorter legs to make a bed.

Comment posted by Da Fennec deleted Jun 29th, 2017

I don't use it much myself then again I don't use my oh so expensive degree much either :rainbowderp:
Some lessons I couldn't wait to try again others UGH. I took typing to fill a credit and I probably use far more than I ever expected I would

Sherbet, girl, if Ponyville' shenanigans stopped the whole upper echelon of the government would become desperate looking for clues of where's the next apocalipse brewing. You don't mess with that place :twilightoops:

‘I walked through a portal into a Kung-Fu movie universe’


So, barely arrived and already got forbidden from learning because of a school spat and is now going to the not-secret school of diverse marital arts where several masters reside.
Meanwhile, in Ponyville...
"Attention, attention! Who had money on the manga plot beginning two hours into neighpon?"
"What do you mean more specific? Oh. Oooohh. Well then, who had it into between two thirty seven and two forty one? A double, really? Everyone, pay up. So, for the next one, how many ponks of crazy for each teacher? Yes, it's separate from how many they are. No scoots, we're not taking bets on romantic interests yet, no matter how much you want to show the baby pictures."

You have all my attention, :pinkiegasp:ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:
we alredy have a plot device for future conflict, somepony who will (if nothing else) be Sherbers training partner/friend, the wise master taking the fledgling student under his wing, I NEED MORE!!!!:pinkiegasp:

Question: how realistic are the shinobis? In reality they didn't wear all black or carry lots of weapons, they would infiltrate as a normal person for that area, and if they needed a weapon would have to use some random object. Furthermore, They could not win in a fight against, say, a samurai fully kitted out. They had to never be noticed or they were pretty much fucked over. They would just run from a fight most of the time.

Also, OW! My kitten is currently chewing on my face. Why must cat saliva be an irritant?!?

Other than Equestria and Neighpone other countries probably don't have disaster prediction channels. Big difference is Neighpone's deals with the whole country and giant monsters while Equestria's probably deals mainly with Ponyville.
And of course Sherbert takes the idea of a disaster prediction channel as perfectly normal

If you accept me as your master, your training will be in the traditional ways. You will learn the arts exactly as the historical ninja and shinobi did.


A lot of people yelled in this chapter.


Meanwhile, in Ponyville...
"Attention, attention! Who had money on the manga plot beginning two hours into neighpon?"
"What do you mean more specific? Oh. Oooohh. Well then, who had it into between two thirty seven and two forty one? A double, really? Everyone, pay up. So, for the next one, how many ponks of crazy for each teacher? Yes, it's separate from how many they are. No scoots, we're not taking bets on romantic interests yet, no matter how much you want to show the baby pictures."

"Is it too late to place bets? I want to put 500 bits on 'Best friend gets all Tsundere about her after developing a crush."
"We arn't doing romance bets yet she hasn't met anyon eher own age!"
"She met that filly passing out hotell fliers."
"We've been over this, Sherb may like everything but that dosn't mean she likes everyone."
8263834 I figured I'd crank things up a gear for this one, and also go with a more anime inspired storyline than my normal 80s adventure novel inspired ones.
8263905 I'm going for a realistic portrail in terms of all non magical stuff they do. Remember, these are ponies, magical creatures. So they will have some magic unlike hisorical ninja. Yes, Roja was wearing a black suit, but that was a buisness suit :P You may have noticed that I brought up the difference between a ninja and a shinobi in the story, I'm fully aware that James Bond doesn't beat John 114 in fair and open combat.

She already has the hotel girl's phone number.
Aside from the distances not being useful, as Sherbert noted, the distance conveyed was a literal stone's throw away. The numbers, thus, are an embedded message. The number of digits is about right for a phone number - 7 if you drop out the angles, 13 if you do not.

Did she find out what it was her dad was supposed to tell her? She HAD to have at least done that before leaving...


Did she find out what it was her dad was supposed to tell her? She HAD to have at least done that before leaving...

Not to spoil a flashback in chapter 2 but No, she did not learn it. When asked Lily repplied "We'll talk about it when you get back from your trip. I dont want you to have anything distracting you while you're away."


"Is it too late to place bets? I want to put 500 bits on 'Best friend gets all Tsundere about her after developing a crush."
"We arn't doing romance bets yet she hasn't met anyon eher own age!"
"She met that filly passing out hotell fliers."
"We've been over this, Sherb may like everything but that dosn't mean she likes everyone."

"I'll place 50 bits on the student teacher romance!"
"What? we never excluded Sherbert liking older ponies, also if this is an anime plot we have to have the 'notice me senpai' plot."

Thanks for the song. Now I'm imagining pony martial arts while it's playing.

Something tells me Sherbert's gonna get a lot of live practice if the schools are ganging up on students.

Seems like NOT knowing would be more likely to drive her nuts.

Since you're not commenting on the numbers, that means they're likely a plot element. :D


Since you're not commenting on the numbers, that means they're likely a plot element. :D

Quiet you >> :pinkiehappy:

So Shrebie will be faceplanting from wooden poles while a steady stream of tourists watch and take pictures? Hoooooh boy. :rainbowlaugh:

3:30 in the morning? Meep updated? Pft, sleep is for the weak, more Meep!

Also, this:

I made a friend!? Oh, of course! I’d done something that I hadn’t tried before. I should have saved somepony’s life sooner!

This was great. I can also smell the romantic relationship coming from a mile away. That's cool though, I really like this changebug's name.

8274245 Ancient Assyrian had some pritty cool names ^^

It might really be for the weak since if memory serves Meeps location isn't getting much night right now anyways there is a reason its occasionally called the land of the midnight sun. If the population of Neighpone is like that of Japan lots and lots of ponies living in a small area.

When Sherbert named her Principal as Ember I was thinking of the dragon Ember not the Windigo. Well now there is a reason for feeling chilled upon entering the principals office

The next few years we're going to be nice!

Bwahahahahahahahha! She HAD to say that. :rainbowlaugh:

For anyone wondering, this is a Bloodstone
YAY more changebugs! also, that tiny bat is the same one from the legend, or some reincarnation, calling it now.
Also it's a good thing we are not telling the family that Sherbert is involved in a turf war, cuz if parents freak, then fam freaks, if fam freaks aunt's and uncle be rolling up with magic and Mechs to slap a pon.
Well, these first two chapters were a nice setup, and Sherbert jinxed herself, let the shenanigans BEGIN!

I wonder how much Sherbet actually understands of her standing, or if she ever will :pinkiehappy:
"So yeah, I just called Death - she's my godmother, by the way, but not my goddess mother, that'd be momma - and she confirmed midget doctor of not-death is a thing. A frightening thing she wants nothing to do with. And now neither do I."
A true ponyvillian at heart.

Poor changebug. That must have hurt. She's got Sherbet now, though. With all the raging teenage hormones that entails. Have fun!

So, martial arts duels in the street. Whenever and wherever. That's bound to make for dinner interesting shopping trips.

silly-pointless-internet-thing war

We had one of those last year if I'm not mistaken. Good times. We won :pinkiecrazy:

8274595 pu-lease. Scoots might freak, but the rest? They'll take bets. Hell, look at their stories, at all they've faced and done? A little turf war is good, will build character!
That and Sherbet is an actual demigoddess. Sure, she might not have the powers, but those most likely require some thing to awaken. If there's powers to be had, that is.
Not to forget that death is most likely temporary for her, if it happens. Her family certainly has the firepower to force any divine being that disagrees to review their position. Maybe even the sheer authority to do it, if an retired goddess counts for anything.

Sooo, how's it going to be? Day-by-day telling, or are there going to be big time skips? A mix of the two?

Anyway, nice chapter!

8274322 NIght currently dosn';t exist, and will not exist untill late October. I will get to see like 4 sunsets, and then the sun basically wont rise it just peeks over the horizon slightly for a few hours around noon for the rest of winter, and may not come up at all on Christmas depending on orbital mechanics.

Fun fact: Untill I visited my aunt in Idaho at age 13 I thought sunsets were fictional. Just another movie trope.

8274595 8274342 They might be fun in hindsight, but not till then XD

8274652 There will be timeskips, this story will cover 5 years. But since this is the beginning arc, there's a lot to cover in the first 3-4 chapters.

8274631 There's also the fact that her dad could just turn her back on again, and her Uncle could emergancy teleport her body anywhere it was needed to get to. SO failing everything, as long as they know she goes down, she can get back up. (That said, they dont exactly keep a constant vitals monitor on her. Sooo)

8275255 While I've never visited Alaska and hope to someday. I remember that odd little fact but I wasn't sure how far north towards the Arctic Circle you are. Know you get close enough and its basically 6months night 6months day

8264554 If James Bond is meeting John114 in fair ad equal combat he's doing something wrong and not looking for any advantages

Why keep a constant monitor on her vitals when a dumb computer program can do that for them

8275317 ... Is English your first language? If they are not keeping a monitor on her, ie, monitoring, they dont have any programs or people watching her. The biological or technological status of the monitor is irrelevant to the phrase "she is not monitored".

As for the artic, I can walk north for 20 minutes and be there. This is close enough to get the same effect as being in the artic, just with a sligt sliver of sun, and a slight kiss of the horizon.

Something tells me Sherbert is going to regret that last line of the chapter. Call it comedic anticipation.

So, Kasumi will be showing up. Potentially as a love interest, potentially as the future version of present Kasumi in the past.

8284304 The mythical figure and Lily? Quite a bit. The mythical Kazumi wasn't using magic...

“AHAHAHA- OW! OW! Oh bucking… OW!” She whimpered. “Worth it! Made you admit it. Heh heh.”


That bar reminds me of a sit down machine I used when I did martial arts though it had a safety release. Went to far and couldn't walk for two days as the muscle healed.

Loveing the character interaction in this one!

8285882 I'm doing my best to use RL history of Martial Arts in this thing :D

I immediately let out a moan which sounded way too sexual for the simple act of laying on a bed. And yet, it was totally deserved. I’d NEVER felt a more comfy bed in my life!

I swear to god I feel like I'm the only one who likes hard beds. Carpeted floors are optimal.
Though I totally have done the Sexual-moan-while-getting-on-a-bed thing.

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