Where did Spikes egg come from? Why did Celestia have his egg in the first place? Why was she using it in a test to find a pony she would eventually groom into a Princess?
In shock over the loss of the Golden oaks library and believing his friends are gone, Spike has something trigger within his little dragon body that he had never felt before....or had he?
Cover Art by the lovely Minerea
hmm...so Spike is THAT spike, and Tirek is THAT Tirek....
...did he get wings when he grew? or is he a subterranean lava swimming dragon?
I all ready love were this story is going
so...evil tree of harmony and princesses...
7043781 Depends on your perspective on matters :3
7043781 the ponies and their weed make the virus that is humanity look beneficial to the planet
They couldn't beat, The Dragon Lord, so they de-aged him. Seems believable. Please continue.
The caribou are to good for the ponies
This is nice, reminds me a bit of Dark Schneider. Steady updates are always good too.
The shocking truth is revealed next time on.....
7045643 ... The Young and The Equestrian *cue Soap Opera Theme*
The messed up thing is, all of this sounds about right, with the show. Think I would have preferred death over slavery. The Tree of Harmony, is pretty fucked up.
It's another way to look at the story of, Spike's, past. Please continue!
I think I may have to stop reading this, it really starting to feel like a, Spike abuse story. But the worst part is that it can be believable when you think about his life and how a has to live and compare that to a pony/foal, and it makes me sad and angry.
Not disliking/down voting the story, just give you a heads up that I may stop reading.
You keep writing though. I'm still curious about where this is going.
7046011 That's fair. This story is intended to flesh out his backstory and where he came from, and I intend to make it as believable as possible. I love Spike as a character, and I really wish they would flesh him out in the show. He has all this potential and I want to explore that here. In other words, its not written with the idea of it being a Spike Abuse story, but I can see where you feel that way.
Zieg Hail!
Zieg Hail!
Zieg Hail!
Unfiltered view of reality is a BITCH, ain't it? ESPECIALLY when you've never known anything different but the lie
Is it me or does the Tree of Harmony reminds me of Zanza from Xenoblade Chronicles a bit?
7047396 A combination of Hitler and Scar off of The Lion King and he'd still be the good and moral guy
7046983 Funny you should mention that

Here's a quote about the upcoming season 6 in regards to the "other races that get along without cutie marks"
Don't look if you don't want spoilers.
"During the Toy Fair 2016 closed door press event, a new season 6 animatic with a griffon named Gabby was revealed. It was strongly hinted that griffons could get cutie marks, and the episode revolves around that."
The Tree of Harmony had directed Rainbow and Pinkie to go there and convert the locals to their line of thinking...perhaps enough to where it could establish its control over them via cutie marks. If they start behaving more "harmoniously" after getting them you know which head canon to look for now
Set them free Spike.
Set them free.
7047499 JESUS!

And this is why I kept reading! The shit is about to get really REAL!
Great job! Awaiting the next chapter!
7047400 Zanza destroyed an entire universe for science and you say he's still more moral than the tree of harmony?
So he is basicly Natsu and erza put togther
7048529 No matter what is broken it can be fixed, rebult or restarted from scratch. That is how life moves forward. that is choas at it core it is change, creation and destruction. but choas by it self only last a moment. That is why order is needed so the creation may stick around for a while. But if thier is only order it will become stagnant and never grow, never prosper. Which is why true the tree is evil. Not beacuse is destroy what oppses it but makes it so nothing changes destroying nature it self. It is not nature it is order. Absolute order.
No matter what is broken it can be fixed, rebult or restarted from scratch. That is how life moves forward. that is choas at it core it is change, creation and destruction. but choas by it self only last a moment. That is why order is needed so the creation may stick around for a while. But if thier is only order it will become stagnant and never grow, never prosper. Which is why true the tree is evil. Not beacuse is destroy what oppses it but makes it so nothing changes destroying nature it self. It is not nature it is order. Absolute order.
Yeah for totalitarian regimes! And yeah for the people who topple them!
Is this going to have factors from Tirek's origin from the comics.
If I was Spike I try to add the power of the that book, eat the alicorn amulet, and find then eat Sombra's horn.
7043794 I think the invading forces are normally the evil ones and if that tree wasn't white and beautiful you'd think a tree wanting your kin dead pretty evil.
I just got what you meant about the Cutie Marks, it's a comment on how in the previous generations the Cutie Marks didn't mean a thing.
7047499 I like your thinking. But the only reason they don't like it is because it has control over them. It doesn't matter if it make their life 1000 times better as long as they don't become bad. If they can't become bad then it's evil. Even if they'd never do it anyway.
This is so good!
7057408 Daww thanks
What I expect when Spike wakes up:
What will actually happen: I don't know, but it's certainly not my expectation up there.
7057454 Is that that Homestuck thing I've heard people talk about? I've never really looked up anything on it.
7057408 So, so good!
7056089 Paradise and Peace sounds like such great things on paper, but its the cost of those comforts that makes you wonder if its really worth it. When that peace is coming from an altruistic deity like the Tree, it could make even the friendliness of Equestria feel oppressive and foreboding.
Its a really fun concept to employ with a show about pastel colored ponies let me tell ya
i can't wait to imagine the looks on their faces when Spike/past him is proven right...
7057489 Yes, and it has only gotten worse.
The idea that the Nightmare form is the tree's "punishment" for dissension is creepy as all hell. I like how unsettling you're making it.
I wanna see a physical manifestation of tree in the final chapter so spike and company(whoever that is) fight agaisnt it to give everyone the so called freedom. The plot is so amazing. The possibilities this story have!! OMG I love Spike by the way! Keep it up
Not to mention the Mane 6 will be shamed, blamed, and excommunicated because of Spike.
Does SERIOUSLY adds up about the tree and the Windegos.
Dude I think you might just surpass Never Broken With this fic.
The question here is will the Tree us Glimmer or will Twilight fine a way to use it for her own freedom.
Also am surprise that Twilight isn't having issues over the fact that it was throw powers of the elements.
Hey tia, BOOM BITCH!
Great story really creative