This story is a sequel to Tirek's Shadow
Ponyville is set to host the Equestria Pet Show, causing Spike to miss Pee Wee (his brief phoenix pet). However, when the baby dragon comes across a young timberwolf it's love at first sight that brings unexpected challenges. Now he has to convince Twilight he can take care of this rambunctious creature while preparing for their first pet show appearance!
Discord is best teacher!~ Take that Tia!
Wonderful start!
5433343 Thanks! It feels good to plunge back into this type of storyline. I hope you had a nice Christmas.
5433350 Right back at ya~
5433352 ^_^
ooooooooooooooooooh my gooooooooood
aaawesome :D
a sequel <3 <3
5433787 Hah! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much.
.... Well, time to call Murphy and tell him someone's calling him out; again.
5440421 Yeeeup!
One, great as always, and two, why the hiatus?
5455522 Thanks! And I'm taking a brief hiatus to get started on another novel, actually (among a few different writing projects to get the New Year off to a good creative start). There are also a few sections of the tale to think more through first. However, my plan right now is to post more material sometime late next week, or during that weekend. So it really won't be too long. ;3 And I'll still come on to comment on all the great works here in the meantime.
Glad you're back!~
5469273 Aw~ Thank you! It's great to be back, especially earlier than expected. ^_^
good to have you back,yay
5472496 Aw~ Thanks! I was only really gone a weekend, but I missed everyone so much.
Time to keep writing! ^_^
5488498 And here comes another one! ^_^
Always glad to see an update
5489222 you are fast.
I wonder if you can get a speeding-tiket onthis side
5491289 Thanks!
5491313 It becomes harder to resist writing more at a faster pace while nearing the end of a story, but I guess comments could be like speeding tickets (though they're ones received with pleasure).
Discord knows...
haha yes he does xD
5497120 Hah! I'll only say this for now, though: He's Discord.
5498247 Of course xD
5499572 Yay.
a stuffed Timberwolf toy
someone should make one!
5500697 That would be nice, and cute!
the speed with whits you update makes me want to publish chapter 2 of my story
5501193 Ooh! I'd love to read that. ^_^
Like how Twilight, Spike, Owlicious, and Fluttershy team up to restrain and cure Roots without hurting her. The town took some damage that was not intended.
I don't think Discord will be to mad.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
5509027 Thanks! I'm actually hard at work on it right now, and hopefully it will be up by the weekend. ^_^
I did enjoy it
5511472 Wonderful to hear! I think it was simpler and more straightforward than "Tirek's Shadow" but fun to create nonetheless.
if there was a love icon for this i would click it.
how do you fell about Spike shipping story.
5513847 Agreed and seconded.
5515337 That means a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I enjoyd this a lot
5516357 Thanks, again! ;3 And I do have an idea for the next one, after a short break.
Very enjoyable
5549199 Thank you! ^_^
Oh dear, i hope this doesn't turn out to be a "Realising what you wanted, was right in front of you the whole time" kinda things with spike and owlicious. I really want spike to keep Roots.
Oh no, no no no.
Darn it, the ending ruined it for me. Oh well, one more dislike for the barrel i guess.
5602298 I'm sorry to hear that. There were a few different directions I could have taken this story, and this is the one that felt the best to me at the time. May you have many other great reading experiences, though! ^_^
5604143 It was just so incredibly cliche, no offense meant though. I just didn't like it, which i think is what the dislike button is for. The story itself was pretty solid.
5604154 I appreciate it, and take care.
I'm really torn about this story. It was fun and sweet, both Spike's interactions with Roots, and also his interactions with Owlicious. I really enjoy the idea of Discord creating a guard timber-wolf for Fluttershy as well. But this is another example of, "Spike learns in the end he has to give up what he wants to be more mature." Spike gives up his pet phoenix, never gets his gem cake, has to give up his super-hero comics because they are enchanted, etc. It feels like he is always missing out (happens a lot in Spike-centered fanfics as well).
I really wanted to see Spike either find a way to make it work with Roots, or get a different pet from Fluttershy, or even have Twilight get a new pet so Owlicious can be just Spike's pet. But instead, Spike learns he can't have a pet of his own, and gets the honor of taking care of Twilight's pet/other assistant for her when she doesn't need him. Just once I wanted Spike to avoid having to make the noble sacrifice and outright win one.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the story, both the relaxed slice-of-life tone and the way it builds on Discord's relationship as a teacher for Twilight. Thanks for writing!
5765209 Thank you so much for this comment! Soft Shell also mentioned something very similar, and ever since then I've been thinking about how I could have handled the story a bit differently there. So getting to hear several reactions or critiques on that, in particular, is something I'm always grateful to receive as a writer.
In the same line, I truly am thinking about changing the ending a bit--especially since Spike deserves a happier reward and have actually been preparing to write it for a while (I just got a bit distracted by a few personal matters).
Thanks again! ^_^