• Member Since 20th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 20th, 2020


Hi! I'm a creative writer with a drive to become a better storyteller. :D


Posting of "The Legend of the Gift Horses" by the Royal Canterlot Library · 11:23pm Mar 3rd, 2017

The Royal Canterlot Library featured "The Legend of the Gift Horses" on their website, and in their group here on FimFiction.net! It's so exciting. I love hearing that people enjoy my stories, and right now I'm in the middle of writing a creative novella for a thesis project (which has had many twists and turns of its own). So the news really gave an added boost to my confidence as a storyteller at this critical time.

Thank you, RCL, and everyone else who has enjoyed my tales!

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1,000 Views · 1:28am Jul 9th, 2015

Yay! Tirek's Shadow has reached 1,000 views. :twilightsmile: I just felt like celebrating that a little bit. ^_^

Report LiterarySerenity · 415 views ·

New Avatar Picture and Thank You · 6:25pm Jun 16th, 2015

Whew! Things have gotten so busy in my life lately, preparing for the graduate program in Literature & Writing Studies to begin in the fall and looking around for a place to rent nearby.

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Spike's Pet Revised · 10:00pm Mar 22nd, 2015

Hi, on the great advise of several people here on FimFiction.net, I have made some revisions to my story, Spike's Pet--although this is mostly right at the end and in terms of what happens to Roots.

I hope everyone enjoys the changes! ^_^

Report LiterarySerenity · 346 views ·

"The Legend of the Gift Horses" is on Equestria Daily · 6:49pm Feb 23rd, 2015

Over the weekend, I received the wonderful news that Equestria Daily would feature "The Legend of the Gift Horses," and they just posted it today. It's such an honor, and thank you to everyone who commented and provided feedback. ;3

Report LiterarySerenity · 356 views ·

Celestia's Meeting Revoked · 4:48pm Feb 15th, 2015

Has anyone ever decided to revoke one of their stories? That is what I have done with Celestia's Meeting, which wasn't turning out quite as expected. There were ideas that would have appeared in it, but I think those would be better expressed in other ways through different tales. So another tale will probably follow TOH'S Guardian in that sequence of events.

Report LiterarySerenity · 342 views ·

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! · 3:39pm Feb 14th, 2015

The title says it all: Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everyone!

Report LiterarySerenity · 242 views ·

Prologue Length? · 8:36pm Jan 21st, 2015

Just out of curiosity: What does everyone think is an appropriate length for the prologue to a story? And at what point would it be better to count a longer prologue as the first chapter of a tale instead (in terms of word count, etc.)?


Report LiterarySerenity · 404 views ·

Between Stories · 9:28pm Jan 17th, 2015

Whew! Completing a story feels great, as does preparing to start one. But just out of curiosity, what does everyone like to do after successfully finishing a tale here on FimFiction.net (or in any other instance)? Do you tend to celebrate by sleeping in, watching movies, etc., or get right back to creating something new? ^_^

Report LiterarySerenity · 224 views ·

Spike's Pet Hiatus Ended · 11:52pm Jan 5th, 2015

Whew! What a weekend. During that time, I managed to get a lot more done than expected--including the start of the novel mentioned in the last post, among several other things. Perhaps it's because of all the regular fan fiction writing. But my ideas are flowing easier than before, and it takes far less time to complete different writing projects. I'm still taking my time, but in a burst of inspiration, I was able to write more of "Spike's Pet" and should be able to post more throughout the

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Report LiterarySerenity · 240 views ·