New year's eve · 5:41pm Dec 31st, 2017
Happy New Year, everypony!🍾
Let's make 2018 ponytastic!
(Careful with fireworks💣)
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.Without them, humanity cannot survive..." -Dalai Lama-
Happy New Year, everypony!🍾
Let's make 2018 ponytastic!
(Careful with fireworks💣)
creationist Christian
(Get educated)
Likes weird, special beer's
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Still like it here!
Still have to finish my story
Nice quote in your bio! I'm here to thank you for sticking around on Fimmy. I was just looking through some old blog comments and saw you were still active.
Ranting on People's Thoughts on Sony Pictures Regarding The Emoji Movie
Heintje - Mama + A Mother's Tears in STEREO
Here we have a 45 (that I don't really have, but that I felt like putting up both sides of nonetheless) of a famous Dutch singer who made it big in Germany. Here, I go into detail of how MGM Records' Mike Curb attempted (and pretty much failed) to also have him make it big in the US.