• Member Since 28th Feb, 2015


Nothing to see here citizen, move along.

Favourites 1855 stories
  • Favourites 1855 stories Why are you here? Why are any of us here? Just to suffer!?
    Created by Haloboy11721
    - February, 2015
Found 1,027 stories in 160ms

Total Words: 56,056,826
Estimated Reading: 22 weeks


  • Favourites 1855 stories Why are you here? Why are any of us here? Just to suffer!?


  • Featured 23743 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Twilight receives an offer to research one of the longest-standing magical mysteries of the world—an abyss defying all magic. It's a huge responsibility, but Twilight is confident that she'll be able to understand the strange anomaly that had everypony before her shamefully concede and return with empty hooves.

How she'd wish to have been wrong.

Proofread by Equimorto.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has always been an excellent student. Knew everything about any subject. But there was one she didn't really study on. Motherhood. And that is put to the test when she finds a baby Changeling...and has to hide it from her friends, the Princesses, and everypony else!

Note: The contents of this story happen before Starlight Glimmer started her revenge plan on Twilight as well as before Thorax appeared

Chapters (6)

There are things older than princesses, than castles, than names, and than time. Some of them live in remote corners of the world, shuttered away in an inaccessible crevasse. Some take refuge below the sea, in cities older than minds can comprehend. Some sift among the stars and dance maddeningly against the backdrop of the crawling chaos.

Twilight Sparkle met one such thing in a small cottage outside of Canterlot.

Now, two hundred seventy-three years after the fact, she vividly recalls how that meeting went.

Cover art adapted from an Unsplash image.

Chapters (3)

Broken promises, lost tickets, and a looming storm threaten Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's perfect plan for Nightmare Night, but that doesn't stop them from picking on the one filly having a worse night than them: Scootaloo.

My entry for Diamond Refinery #3. Be sure to check out the ever-awesome Yukito's silly little story as well.

Edited by Mager Blutooth and Telaros

Chapters (1)

It’s Thursday! Time for Equestria's most popular weekly talk show, Cozy's Glowpinions! The host isn't exactly sane, but she sure loves to be heard. Princess Twilight says that thanks to these broadcasted self-therapy sessions, Cozy is on the cusp of a real redemptive breakthrough.

She's been saying that for nearly 40 episodes.

We're live on-air in five...four...three...two...

(Teen rating for an infrequent gag of Cozy casually cussing on air.)

:pinkiegasp:Now with a critical review!:pinkiegasp:

Co-authored by my good friend Str8aura, whose solo works you should totally check out. Are you a fan of my Snippet Series but wish it had more than fifty additional stories in its anthology? Your wish has been granted.

Chapters (2)

For many long years, Twilight Sparkle worked to try to reform Cozy Glow. She'd be released from her stone prison periodically for a new reformation attempt, and she'd inevitably end up trying to conquer Equestria again. Being turned into a statue became a regular habit for her over the years. There were always more chances to conquer Equestria, always another attempt to reform her, and she wasn't aware of the passage of time each period she was committed to her prison.

Until one day, she was released again—only to find no one was there.

Cover Art by Shaslan

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: The Draconic Sister - Reboot

Spike & Smolder are fully in love with each other, but their adventures have only just begun. Ember; the new Dragon Lord; has been coming down to Ponyville a lot recently for whatever reason. And that's not the only concern; during the changeling incident, Wildson Mandoli had sent the energy being known as Zanth flying and things are on high alert in case the thing born from White Flame's anguish and pain from his past returns. And that's still not all; more clues get unearthed from Canterlot's Parish District that further prove that the Parish District is really White Flame's old hometown. Between Ember's vists to Ponyville, Zanth still at large, and the continued investigation of the Parish District, there are mysteries abound as Spike & Smolder as well as the elements of harmony continue their adventures.

The sequel is here! While this story not only is the proper sequel to My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot but is also technically the sequel to A Draconic Hearth's Warming however that story won't be relevant for the first few chapters. You'll know when the one-shot becomes relevant because then Spike & Smolder will have wedding rings on, rather then them talking as if they are only engaged. Also, it's very recommended that you know everything from the prequel before you even touch this story. Thankfully, there's no planned gore this time, only death. So story will stick to being teen rated this time.

Though I use the term "death" very loosely. Can you call it death if what you plan to kill off isn't even alive in the first place? I'm still adding the tag just to be safe though.

Chapters (10)

Simply put: Filthy Rich hears about his wife Spoiled Rich's outrageous behaviour during the events of Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, and goes to confront her about it. Expect fireworks. And a broken glass or two, if you listen hard enough.

Dialogue only, as befits an entry for The Dialogue Only Contest . The clue's in the name. Enjoy!

Featured from from May 30th to June 1st 2024. Guess people like domestic bliss...

Chapters (1)

Blending earth pony and human magic results in a curious mix. While it still makes people stronger and tougher than the norm, the more subtle magics focus less on the bounty of the earth and more on what can be made from it, including semiconductors. No one who understood magic was surprised to see a technological leap come from an earth-aspected person.

Precisely who and precisely how, that drew a bit more attention. Still, who better to tell computers what to do?

Set in the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (1)

Willow and Shield led a rather normal life, nothing out of the ordinary. Until one night, strange sounds wake them out of their slumber. What are they to do with the young foal they have found?

Featured July 2019! (Found out recently)

Art by -
Ambris Art (Cover)
Pridark (Grieving Together)

Please forgive my inconsistency with the childrens vernacular. I feed on feedback so please leave comments, good or bad.

Violence and death tags are there to warn but violence does not play a major role in story nor do they have anything to do with one another. :fluttershysad:

Chapters (20)