• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014


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Rainbow Dash just finished her final battle. No more. As she finds Soarin, friend turns against friend as their love blooms. Many perish, and new life is born, as Equstria is torn apart by war. The two travel to the Arctic north, hiding from their enemies, trying top find the one thing that would stop Equestria from battling. But it may take more than the two lovers to find the magic and bring it home. If they do not find it in time, the lives of pegasi, unicorn, and earth pony alike perish in their hooves.

Chapters (6)

And suddenly she was falling. Her mind was blank with shock, and she watched as the thick clouds of fog succumb her. Her pale blue wings hit against the nearly solid fog clouds. She saw a lightning streak head for the finish line and she knew that she had lost. An image of the turquoise mare in a bright Wonderbolts outfit drained into her mind, another with her in the back, a look of defeat etched on her tired face. Yellow eyes met magenta ones. "You will never be a Wonderbolt." it snapped.

No. Her wings unfurled and beat quickly through the thick air. I will be a Wonderbolt.

I changed the genre because it didn't feel like much of a "slice-of-life"

Cover image: http://kaleidoscopeheavens.deviantart.com/art/Bolt-MLP-384534049

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash is known to be a spunky pegasus mare with a great need for speed, and retains a hard-headed, determined attitude with endless sass, coolness, and awesomeness - all wonderful ingredients to make a brash tomboy. If it weren't for her big brothers, Dash probably wouldn't be half of the great, tough mare she is now.

Wait - you didn't know Dash had brothers? Well, of course, she did! What? Did you think she developed her personality by genetics or something? Nopony can be as awesome as her without a little guidance!

Meet Heat Wave, the twins, Sun Strike and Lightning Strike, and the triplets, Forest Mist, Cold Flurry, and Rolling Thunder - Rainbow Dash's six older brothers who have influenced her so much and taught her more things about life and herself than anypony else. Take a look at her life growing up from birth to marehood as her brothers play their part in raising her, teaching her how to handle herself and watching her grow up into a strong, loyal, empowering mare as she plays as one of the guys.

Adventures will rise, mistakes will be made, and shenanigans are inevitable. But through all the trials and tribulations, these seven siblings will always come together, creating a bond that will last for the rest of their lives.

A story about family. Family is forever, and so are the things that come with it. The love you receive from your family will be with you, and help to shape you no matter what you do or where you go.

Rated T for future chapters

EDIT (11/6/18): Surprise, surprise! The newly edited chapters are being published! You'll notice that some concepts have changed a bit, but most things have stayed the same.Thank you for being so patient with me, and I hope that the wait was worth it. :heart:

Chapters (2)

After the effect of the spell that converted Canterlot into the opposite sex was removed, everypony was supposed to turn back to normal. Unfortunately, Soarin isn't one of those ponies, and the reason may be as unwanted as his new bundle of joy.

Luckily for him, he's not the only one.

Written during the events of Season 3. Future canon will be applied, but keep this in mind when reading the first four chapters.

If you like/dislike, please leave a reason why. It helps me improve the story every time you comment.

Chapters (5)

It seems like only yesterday Spitfire and her older brother Mustang were just little foals playing and flying above the skies of Cloudsdale. She and Mustang were more than just family, they were friends. He was always there for her and helped shape her into the tough pegasus she is today. But now, she must face the most difficult challenge of her life; dealing with the loss of her own brother. Something no pony would ever want to do.

Chapters (4)

Ever wonder what goes on in a drake empire changeling hive before and after its crushed into dust thanks to the madness of a jealous prince who cant take being beat by a changeling well? That is a good question, and the changelings will be happy to tell you in a collection of short stories!

Also included will be how my various changelings become scattered around the world of Equestria!

Cover art drawn up by my go to artist: Foxenawolf

Chapters (13)

The history books say that Commander Hurricane and his lieutenants Lightning Streak and Ice Wing successfully brought the Pegasi nation into a firm alliance with the other races, establishing a new country under the Royals in Equestria. Yet, time tends to forget the darker details of history. Not everypony was happy to see the mighty and miltant Pegasi subdued under the 'beneficial' union with the other races. The ensuing internal struggle would fade into Pegasi myth, a secret long thought laid to rest...

Thousands of years have passed. Equestria has been at peace under the Diarchy of Celestia and Luna. Nopony recalls the forgotten history of the Pegasi. It is all about to change. Storms from the past are on the horizon, an ancient vengeance set to transform Equestria. Only three unsuspecting pegasi stand destined to turn back the storm; to discover the forgotten Legacy of the Pegasi.

Proofread by SeerGun

Chapters (30)

With Rainbow Dash's new position as a Wonderbolt she must protect all of the princesses and Equestria, but when King Sombra returns and takes over the Crystal Empire, and the only way for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor to get the empire back is for somepony to marry King Sombra. Rainbow Dash decides to do it to protect Equestria and Princess Cadence, but Dash has her heart set on a different stallion.

Edited by Those Kids In The Corner

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash gets badly injured during an activity at the academy,apparently so bad that she needs to be supervised for 1 month, her friends being out of the question Rainbow Dash searches for another solution:rainbowdetermined2:

This is my first story so I hope you all like it!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Like Sisters

Sequel to "Technicolor Dreams" and "Like Sisters". Rainbow Dash has adopted Scootaloo as her little sister, getting her out of the horrible orphanage she had been in. However, her efforts to keep Scootaloo with her are far from over. She will have to work very hard to make sure Scootaloo gets everything she needs.

Meanwhile, other events are happening behind the scenes, as Rainbow Dash's actions start a chain of events that could lead all of Equestria to an unknown destiny, as truths of its past are finally revealed...from the lips of the only one to have been there since the very beginning, who is anything but what he seems.


Sequel to "Technicolor Dreams" and "Like Sisters".

Chapters (17)