Duke's broom sloshed through the muck, making him cringe in disgust. Why is that nopony ever thinks of cleaning up after themselves when the show is done? After sweeping up another soda bottle and putting it in the trash, the old gray earth pony sighed.
A world class janitor, this pony has been sweeping up filthy pacifiers and empty beer cans for thirty years. Sometimes, if he was lucky, he would find a glimmering necklace amongst the muck and sell it to the jeweler. He never once put one in the lost and found. If these ponies ever appreciated what he did for them, then maybe...
The cold night was chilling the old stallion to the bone. The arena was empty, the only sign of life was himself, a gray speck amongst rows and rows of navy blue seats. The arena was roughly one hundred fifty yards, perfect for events such as concerts or stunt flying. Duke never saw a stunt flying show himself, but the Wonderbolts often came to Fillydelphia to do a show here. After seeing what their fans do to the arena during their air shows, he wasn't very fond of them.
Finally, after sweeping up the last of the paper plates, Duke left the hollow arena and entered the dark food court that lined the arena. Slipping past a couple of greasy fast food places, he entered his own small office, also known as a janitorial closet. He plopped the broom down in a random corner before grabbing his coat. He pushed past the door, cursing as he hit his hoof on the corner, and proceeded into the food court once more. Then, something shifted.
He didn't quite know what it was. A shadow crouched stealthily underneath a Phoenix Fire Nuggets cart, then slipped away quickly as the old stallion turned his gaze towards it. He narrowed his cold brown eyes, searching for some unknown assailant. "Who's there?" his raspy voice echoed off the great pillars of the arena. Nothing stirred, and silence screeched in Duke's ears. He shrugged, trotting down the steel staircase. Damn security not doing their damn jobs...
Then, several things happened at once. A figure emerged from the inky blackness and lashed out, tackling the old stallion. His hoof striked the side of Duke's jaw, causing him to cry out in pain. He toppled over, clutching his jaw, whimpering. "Pathetic old stallion," chuckled the figure, before landing a swift kick to his ribs. Duke grunted in pain before looking up at the figure. He was a big stallion, with broad gray wings that extended over his back. He wore a black and violet suit that covered the entirety of his body. His cold, calculating red eyes glinted beneath his yellow lenses. "Who are you?" he rasped.
The stallion smiled grimly, revealing a scar that carved over his lips. "Something terrible." He aimed a kick to his face, knocking out Duke, and calmly stepped over him. He entered the food court, grabbing a soft pretzel and devouring it whole, wiping the grease off his face when he was finished. He looked up at the dark night sky and saw a flash of bright purple. He watched the purple blue until it disappeared, soon a lilac mare appeared, her pretty face set in a determined expression. The stallion acknowledged her with a less than charming smile. "Did you get the stuff?"
The mare nodded, and with a velvet wing she opened her saddlebag, that was filled with gas bottles. "I'm assuming you got rid of the guards?" she asked, a soft eyebrow raised.
The stallion nodded and laughed heartily. "You shoulda seen them, Velvet. They fell faster than a stack of dominos. Hell, I'm pretty sure I killed one." He laughed harder.
Velvet Cloud hit the side of his arm, though it didn't hurt that much. "Try to keep low will you, Ember? We're trying to keep the Shadowbolts on the down-low for now."
Ember Skies blinked, unimpressed. "Yeah, because what we're about to do is so on the down-low."
The lilac mare narrowed her periwinkle eyes. "I'm serious, Ember. Nightshade will have both our flanks if we reveal ourselves to the public right now!"
The gray stallion smoothed back his teal hair. "Yeah, yeah, yeah don't worry... none of them really saw me. Except for the last guy, but I think I hit hard enough for him to get amnesia. Yeah, that would be nice."
Velvet rolled her eyes impatiently. "Come on, let's get going. Lightning Dust should be there with the supplies."
Sure enough, when the two entered the open arena, the turquoise mare stood in the middle of field. They bolted down to her, where she shifted restlessly. Her mouth was muffled by a bag, and her eyes nervously darted around. She spat the bag out on the ground when she saw them approach. "A-are you sure we should do this?"
Ember laughed. "Relax, Lightning Dust, I'm an explosives expert. Nopony will ever see the bombs. Well, that is, until the next air show." he laughed cruelly.
Lightning Dust, however, seemed to grow more nervous. "Won't ponies d-" she was unable to finish her sentence.
His eyes glinted mischieviously as he grinned an impish grin. "Yup."
Anger boiled inside Ember as he stared at the young mare. "Do you really think they deserve to live? So they can laugh at us because we didn't make it? Because that's what they DO unless we stop their constant, annoying laughter. And there's only one way." he didn't mean for it to come out as a scream, but it happened, and it terrified Lightning Dust.
Lightning Dust gaped at him for a brief moment before clearing her throat. "I'll do it. I'm tired of being underappreciated in this world. If this is what it takes, so be it." her voice was clear, and her golden eyes glowed with hatred.
Velvet dropped her saddle bags, causing the gas to slosh around in the bottles. "Let's get to work then."
By the time they finished, gas was poured in a certain design around the field. Velvet had grabbed a blowtorch and lit the gas, watching the field go up in brilliant flames. Ember had returned from placing the bombs, his eyes alight with delight at the prospect of blowing this place up. Their faces were illuminated by the cruel red light that charred the ground of the arena that so many had watched their beloved Wonderbolts perform. They lifted off, side by side, never looking back. They disappeared into the darkness of the night, leaving only the fires that they lit from their hooves. The message would be clear.
Breaking into the darkness was only one light. It would soon invoke fear into every heart in Equestria. It's message would be repeated in whispers for ages to come. It was the light to remember. The light that nopony would forget.
Interesting! I like this chapter.
2696202 Thanks!
AT one point a Shadowbolt said "life" instead of laugh.
2697320 That would be the good ol' autocorrect. :) Uno momento por favor! On second thought, could tell me where that typo is, please?
2697896 I hope that was a positive comment!
2697901 it was xD
2697909 In that case, thank you!
Keep up the good work.
2697822 Hmmm. 'tell' or quote?
2699533 A quote would be nice, thanks.
2699586 Oh my, how embarrassing. It seems no matter how many times I reread the chapter, this happens. Whatever, it's all fixed now.
2699622 Okay!
2727307 Thank you c:
This story. This god dang story. This is a good god dang story.
2732467 Haha thanks!
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Isn't that the Shadow Bolt leader in Calm Wind's stories?