• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 2,774 Views, 113 Comments

Bolt - InsignificantGryffindor

The two pegasi knew there could only be one. One who could fly with the best. One who could fulfill their dreams. One who could destroy the other's hope. And when hope is crushed, anger arises.

  • ...

The Shadows

She felt rage tear at her very being. Her heart burned with a fiery passion, beating frantically against her chest. Her hooves shook from the force of her own anger, smashing into the fertile earth. Her eyes blazed, her great amber depths livid and furious. She tore at the blue and yellow suit, useless and meaningless now, and left the pieces beside the roots of a gnarled tree.

She had landed in the nearest forest after the trial. After Rainbow Dash had performed the sonic rainboom. After Rainbow Dash won the trial. After she had become a Wonderbolt. After Lightning Dust failed.

Anger pulsed through her once more. She cried out in anguish. She lifted herself in the air, destructively attacking all the clouds that dared opposed her. The rough gray clouds, neglected by a pegasus' caring hoof, tore difficultly underneath the enraged mare's hooves, emitting a loud ripping noise each time hoof met cloud. You failed, a voice screamed in her head. You failed, you failed, you failed. Soon, there was nothing left in the sky above the dank forest.

I failed. She dropped to her knees, anger gone. Tears fell through her half-lidded eyes. She will never be a Wonderbolt. Her weak legs fell beneath her shaking body. Sobs echoed through the dark forest. Small woodland creatures watched the strange mare weep beneath the thick oak trees, then carried on with their business, oblivious to the pain that wrenched the poor mare's heart.


A whisper in her ear disturbed Lightning from her weeping. Her tear-filled eyes darted between the trees, searching for some mythical monster to eat her up. "W-who's there?" she called out, voice cracking. She stood up and wiped the tears from her face and brought her hooves up in a defensive position. "What do you want?"

"Lightning..." came the eerie whisper again. Lightning Dust spun around, looking for the source of the sudden whispers. "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flier of Equestria..."

Lightining's wings drooped. "I suppose your looking for Rainbow Dash, then..."

"No!" A harsh snap surprised her. Three figures emerged from the shadowy depths of the forest. A mare stood out, her light gray body covered in a dark, leathery uniform, resembling a Wonderbolt uniform, but darker. Two stallions stood by her side, with a darker color palette and the same uniform. "You are the greatest flier," the mare said with a sultry voice. "With us, you can be the most famous flier in all of Equestria."

Lightning Dust looked at them in astonishment. "Who are you?"

The mare flashed out her wings, a clammy gray color. Her yellow flight goggles glowed as she proclaimed. "We are the Shadowbolts, the best flyers in the Everfree forest. With you by our side all will know our terror." A malicious grin spread across her face.

The frightened mare blinked, uncertain how to process this. "Why do you want me?"

The gray mare guided her with a wing to a nearby pool. With a gentle shove of the head, she showed the turquoise mare her reflection. She stifled her breath as she looked down at a tired pegasus mare with sad red eyes, tear tracks plainly visible on her dull coat. The once luxurious golden mane now lacked it's previous beauty, and was now a rough and messy nest. This was the face of a tired, failed pony.

"Imagine," the mare continued. "a pony with great confidence. A pony whose skill outmatched those before her. Whose talents could be used against the ones who betrayed her. A pony that could be you."

Lightning let her imagination run wild, thinking of herself, eyes triumphant, strong body, golden hair flowing in the wind. She imagined a hoof rested upon Rainbow Dash's skull, ready to crush the one who had brought her down. She smiled weakly.

The Shadowbolts grinned. The mare rose her voice. "With us, you can be that and more. With us, we can take over Equestria and destroy the weak Wonderbolts! We will be feared! We will be loved! We will be victorious!"

Lightning Dust raised her eyes to the grinning mare. She would never be a Wonderbolt. She would never know the joy of flying alongside her childhood heroes, no. But she will have something else. Something better. She would be a Shadowbolt.

"I'm in."