• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014


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You are a Pegasus that is going through possibly the worst day anypony could ever have, and it is punctuated by your death. Unbeknownst to you, you will find kindness and beauty in the one mare who could pull you back from the end of all things. So, without even a cutie mark on your flank, you move forward into the unknown to discover who you are and what it is to be a stallion with literally nothing from your past to help you.

SFG Rating of: [Romantic] / (With an itty bitty 4 letter instance of [Cheeky] )
Aditional tags:(To aide in searches) Nurse Redheart, You, 2nd Person, PTSD, Amnesia.

Cover Art is 'Good Morning Nurse Redheart ' by the immensely talented John Joseco (Used with permission).

All MLP;FIM Characters and settings depicted are © Hasbro, Lauren Faust, etc.
All Fanart, Fanfics, inserts, and excerpts featured in this story are © thier respective owners.

Chapters (18)

Squad Six is an Upper-Tier Elite Squadron of the Wonderbolts. Its members are an odd bunch at best, and at worst like bickering siblings. They are above else loyal to each other and to their fellow Wonderbolts. However, tragedy looms on the horizon for one of them, the ultimate sacrifice that can ever be asked for any of the Mares and Stallions who wear the spandex.

Based in the Wonderverse created by Calm Winds and set in the days leading up to, and during, the second battle against the Shadowbolts.

Cover Art by Penumbra/Bonnama

Chapters (5)

A.K. Yearling, known as Daring-Do in the world of explorers and adventurers, and her friend Leaf Wind are assigned a task by Princess Luna to travel to Saddle Arabia and search for an ancient and presumed destroyed library. What they discover beneath the shifting and sweltering sands may very well redefine the history of Equestria, it might even possibly define its future. One thing's for sure, though, Leaf and Daring's relationship will never be the same.

Takes place around the same time as Witching Hour's story "Steady as She Flies" as well as the end of Calm Wind's story "Flying Sky High"

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies

After hitting a block in her research into her bracelets and the Equusese Empire, Witching Hour turns to her new friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle, for help. Witching Hour and Twilight discover new truths about the empire lost to time and about themselves and the ponies dearest to them.

Twilight and Witching Hour will chase the wind to find their answers, letting it carry them away from Ponyville's Golden Oak Library and to the most unlikely places... But will they be able to handle the tragic truth?

This story takes place at the same time as Touch the Sky.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies

Accepting Captain Spitfire's invitation, Monkey Wrench returns to the Wonderbolts Flight Academy, where she runs into Witching Hour's younger brother, Leaf Wind, again and meets Midnight Storm and Starry Sky.

Grouped together, the young pegasi are told the Wonderbolts' true purpose and put through two weeks of immersion into their routine. Will they fall short of expectations as returning Academy cadets? Or will they rise to the challenge and touch the sky?

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Trick Step makes new friends and generally has a rollicking good time.

This story takes place at the same time as Chase the Wind.

Chapters (8)

It has been twelve years since Twilight Sparkle was shrunk to 1/100 of her original mass to minimize the damage caused by her uncontrollable surges. Twelve years of struggles, challenges and hard work as Princess Celestia’s student, in which the tiny mare found the joy and excitement of facing everyday adventures of a huge world.

One year before Nightmare Moon’s return, Princess Celestia sends her tiny student to learn about pegasus magic from professionals, the Wonderbolts themselves. Much to the princess’s pleasant surprise, Twilight forms strong bonds of friendship during her one month of studies with Soarin' and Spitfire while the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Impressed by Twilight’s talent in magical surgery after the crystal mountain incident, offer her a job as one of the Wonderbolts’ medics.

While Twilight accepts the offer with Celestia’s blessing, provided that it would not last longer than half a year, the other Wonderbolts are not too happy with this idea. Will Twilight manage to win their trust, and what kind of adventures and challenges await her so far away from her home in Canterlot castle? Only time will tell.


This is a sidestory that takes place in "Celestia's Tiny Student" between chapter 20 - "Camping Trip" and chapter 21 - "Birthday Party."

Chapters (26)

There are no new cadets being trained, the big annual Wonderbolts party extravaganza isn't until this weekend, and Spitfire will only be away from the Academy for three days.

Fleetfoot is definitely ready for this responsibility.

Except she's not.

Somepony is totally getting fired.

A just-for-fun exercise in correspondence. Reading on a small screen is not recommended.
Preread by the ever-so-talented Ponky.

Spanish Translation from Spaniard Kiwi!
Featured on Equestria Daily!
Apparently hit the feature box for like twenty minutes!
JohnPerry confirms: is a fic!
You Might Like This--May 2015 Spotlight!
Featured in EFNW's Fanfic Spotlight #34!

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash is more than excited for being the chosen reserve for the Wonderbolts' performance at the Royal Garden opening, but Rarity brings up an awkward conversation about one of the team's stallion that may change Rainbow's way of seeing him. As she comes face to face with the Wonderbolts once again, she does her best to hide the conflicting thoughts.

Soarin's situation haven't been much different, as he has to deal with the insinuations that Spitfire and Fleetfoot have been making about his friendly relationship with the rainbow maned pegasus.

But everything's fine. They can avoid these strange feelings for as long as they want, right?

Unless a new mystery leads Soarin to confront Rainbow Dash against his will, and the both of them start to notice that they care for each other more than they thought.

Set before, during and after “Rarity Investigates!”, so some moments from this episode will be narrated. I think I don't even need to say that this is a SoarinDash story.

I came up with the title with the help of a friend of mine. She doesn't have a fimfiction account, but I feel like I need to thank her, because I had no idea of what I could use as title before she helped me.

This is my first published story. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Thanks to DeltaNutmeg for editing the story!

I hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

I only now realized that there's a song called Storm of Emotions. I swear I didn't know about it!

Chapters (4)

Daring Do. Adventurer, archaeologist, scholar, philanthropist, and all around heroine to the ponies of Equestria. She's faced countless threats and challenges in her years traveling the world, and her efforts have earned her rewards, accolades, and prestige. However, she now finds herself against a new foe, one foul and sinister, so evil and diabolical that even she is powerless to fight against it.

Forced time off.

Banished by her superiors at Canterlot University to the dreary, ho-hum city of Prodigal Point, Daring Do is forced to find a way to cope with deal with her increasing boredom and insatiable curiosity. However, her attempts cause her to stumble upon a mysterious conspiracy, one being carried out by an enigmatic group of ponies with unknown motives. She's soon smack-dab in the middle of the action yet again, and while she's used to such things, she also winds up with a bigger problem that's completely new to her:

Picture by Kyrgyzpopstar.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Broken Mare

While ensuring that the Nightmare has once again been banished to the Moon, Luna is attacked while teleporting back.

A stallion has escaped from the lunar prison. Who is this pony? Is he controlled by the Nightmare? What is he after?

Is Twilight's daughter in danger?

Chapters (6)