This story is a sequel to Steady as She Flies
Accepting Captain Spitfire's invitation, Monkey Wrench returns to the Wonderbolts Flight Academy, where she runs into Witching Hour's younger brother, Leaf Wind, again and meets Midnight Storm and Starry Sky.
Grouped together, the young pegasi are told the Wonderbolts' true purpose and put through two weeks of immersion into their routine. Will they fall short of expectations as returning Academy cadets? Or will they rise to the challenge and touch the sky?
Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Trick Step makes new friends and generally has a rollicking good time.
This story takes place at the same time as Chase the Wind.
Well that was interesting. Give em hell Riptide.
Glad to see you're still around!
*Sits in corner cackling*
I'm always watching... always watching.
Is it bad that I still flinch every time I see Midnight mentioned?
Also, fantastic start.
OH my dear Mr. Hoxworth! You have no idea!
...... Why do I get the feeling we'll have to see her death *AGAIN*?!
Not in this story at least. Enjoy seeing more of her?
...Yes... In the same way I enjoy lemonade despite it aggravating my acid reflux. (with a 2-liter of the stuff sitting right next to me as I type...)
In short, I love it despite the pain it causes me.
You and me and me both...
*Hugs Midnight and Riptide*
Jim Hoxworth: ...OH GOD WHY?!?!?!?!?! *jumps down a hatch weeping*
Hoxton: ...*sigh* Thankfully, I'm made of sterner stuff than him. Still... "Dream of Heaven/Angels are calling your name..." *single tear falls* Rest in Peace, Midnight. Know that you will be avenged.
Oh, she will. Trust me on that.
The Shadowbolts won't know what hit them when Tide is finished
I totally sympathize with you... I'm pretty sure there's some sort of mental masochism involved when it's writers and/or stories...
The town is doomed, doomed I tell you.
Tricks and Sweetie Belle sittin in a tree first comes jelly, then comes ice cream, then comes... what was it again?
You're not exactly be wrong.
And while they're a bit young to be getting involved, I won't deny that I privately have a little paper boat labeled the SS Sweetie Step floating in a pool of fluff.
...oh dear... I sense a disturbance in the Feels... As though millions of voices d'awwwed at once, and were silenced by diabeetus-induced comas...
Its the best little paper ship in the entire world, too.
You have no idea, Jim. I beta read this, and I think it caused me to pass out from the feels! Multiple times! As she wrote it!
I TOTALLY had a few comas myself... There were points when I had proverbially walk away from writing this to let my blood sugar slowly get back down to normal levels.
I'm actually pretty sure that Tricks grabbed it and is using it as his Captain's hat while he leads the SS WitchSpark...
And a mighty captains hat it makes! The SS Witchspark could know no finer Captain.
Dear sweet Celestia, Tricks is too cute.
And, Leaf... Leaf is helpful... in his own way.
Love how they wield Witching Hour like a weapon. Tell us or else!
Leaf is helpful, sure... Helpful like a herd of cats...
Never let Leaf or Monkey know you have a crush on anyone... It will only end in them teasing you mercilessly, or extracting other information you would otherwise prefer to keep to yourself.
And poor Midnight Storm made the terrible mistake of being obvious about his curiosity/interest in someone important to both of them...
I am sure Leaf resembles that remark.
If the tea is that good I want some!
I honestly cannot get over how well you wrote Riptide as well as the rest of Squad Six.
*Sips tea* And, where does Midnight get this tea?
I'll let you know what the blend is as soon as I figure it out.
Well... it certainly helps that I had you reading over my shoulder... And you hand-held me through the last part...
True enough
But you did quite well, hand holding or not. I mean, it's not like you don't do the same thing when I write some of our characters.
You and me both... when she figures it out... I'll have to get some made.
It has been my honor and pleasure to assist the Captain of Squad Twelve
D'awwwwww. Young hearts are a flutter.
Fluttershy, bit creepy with the camera there.
It's true... However, I wanted Witch to get embarrassing foal pics of Tricks... And it was too funny to not do.
Anyway, amazing chapter as always :3
I'm just a humble writer helping out a far more experienced writer. Still, glad to help however I can.
Another awesome chapter, no matter how long it took xD
well dang I thought we hade a cute mark moment here.
this is so not good.
if I am guessing right it looks as if Squad Apple just got thrown right in to the mane story and I am really liking how this is all going down.
I have Trick Step's cutie mark already planned out. It does not involve dancing... But I shamelessly have a small paper boat labeled the SS SweetieStep. Is not a full ship yet because they're still just kids.
Nope! Not good at all!
You wouldn't be wrong about that. How do you think I did tying them in?
You wouldn't be wrong about that. How do you think I did tying them in? love it.
It was my honor to assist you in writing these even if at times I and the others annoyed you to no end!
love it a super good story from word one.
exultant work.
RIGHT?! Super Cute!
[sigh] How did a centuries-old love triangle with a side of friendzoning weave itself into this complicated battle...?
The answer is motivation anhe decisions made by everyone involved.
From the individual to the community, Celestia, Luna, and Discord have screwed things over. Kayn Ost has this agenda, initially involving the Elements of Harmony. The Shadowbolts, his hired mercenaries, attack Ponyville and face the Wonderbolt's lead squad, resulting in the hospitalization of Soarin. For all we know, this could have all ended with Soarin possibly recovering or dying without Celestia implanting Sombra in him! Kayn Ost probably would have dismissed the Shadowbolts for failing or tasked them to strike again, in turn either cutting off or supplying the Shadowbolts with the crystals. Alas, no...
As soon as Celestia implanted Sombra in Soarin, things became complicated. The tides roiled and all previous possibilities were effectively overrided. Kayn Ost set his eyes on Soarin and the Shadowbolts started using the crystals to enhance themselves, becoming dependent and even addicted to the power granted by their benefactor. As for the Wonderbolts, especially Soarin and Rainbow Dash, things changed. Rapid Fire's betrayal, the formation and involvement of the Renegades, casualties, and the entirety of Piercing the Heavens's big picture conflict... Just wow, this all started with a love triangle gone wrong.
Once things were set into motion, there was no turning back. The secrets and lies, however, made this already complicated ordeal worse with the misdirections and suspicion. Lives are at stake for all the parties involved, at least five casualties currently! Look at Squad Apple! Monkey Wrench could have died, and that would be before Piercing the Heavens even started!
Celestia, Luna, and Discord have drafted the innocent and unprepared into a war between the divine powers. When personal matters get involved in any conflict, things usually never get better or worse, just complicated...
At least Celestia is making a solid effort to redeem herself with the little she has, given her circumstance, but Luna and Discord disappoint.
The Wonderverse is ... intriguing.
I love it!
oh, now i remember...
that name "monkey wrench" reminds me of "whirring cogs", who worked at the weather factory, maintaining the equipment.
ps: he's a changeling.
I'm glad you're liking the stories!