• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014


On Hiatus for College.

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In the middle of the Everfree forest, Soarin saves Spitfire from the brink of death after she was attacked by a Manticore. However, their horrifying ordeal is far from over when they realize that they have no clue how to find their way out of the forest. How they find a way to survive in such a hostile environment, while being injured and lost?

Commissioned artwork by: Sightlessbutterfly on Deviantart.com : http://sightlessbutterfly.deviantart.com/

Please check her Deviantart page out, she deserves more views!

Chapters (8)

Set in the Wonderverse, we get to see events as seen and told by the pony who lived through them. From falling in love, working with the Wonderbolts and more. Come see the world of a Wonderbolt Through his Eyes.

Chapters (1)

Spike's got three whole days to himself while Twilight is away at the Crystal Empire. Three whole days to be independent and free to do whatever he wants.

Or he would have, if a female dragon hadn't mistaken him for an abandoned hatchling. Now he's been snatched up and taken to her home to be "properly cared for."

Stuck in a cave with an overly-protective dragon intent on mothering him...maybe he should have just gone with Twilight.

Thanks to QueenCold for letting me use this picture of theirs as cover art!

Chapters (12)

After Princess luna was imprisoned on the moon by her sister, her personal guard the Shadowbolts disappeared and over time were turned into nothing more than folklore or a story to scare misbehaving children.

They were all lies.

The guard had gone into hiding for centuries, biding their time until the their Princess returned. They slowly turned from being Luna’s personal guard to nothing more than an anarchic rebellious group as people slowly forgot what they once were.

But now that the Lunar Princess is back, what will become of them?

Chapters (4)

Takes place directly after Chapter 3 of my "A Different Breed of Changeling" Story.

Talon wasn't the only survivor of the Drakes' destruction of the Hive... But he was the only one to get a free ride to Canterlot - Ember must travel to Equestria on her own, with nothing but a few skills to make her way...

Chapters (29)

Set in Calm Winds' Wonderverse.

Talon, a Changeling from a hive in a drake empire, gets thrust from home when his hive collapses due to unknown forces and through some discordian intervention, gets thrust in a war of 'bolts.

It starts during the griffon drake war in his time line, 20 or so years before Piercing the Heavens, but the majority of it takes place during Piercing the Heavens.

Chapters (24)

Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a fact about alicorn reproduction she never expected.

So do the other princesses.

Editors: Pascoite

Image Credit: Twilight Sparkle Play Doh Eggs from Toy Kingdom (Honest! It surprised me a little too.)
Now on Equestria Daily. Those cruel, cruel people.
And a wonderful reading by Pony and Wolf Productions

Chapters (2)

Everypony gets sick sometimes. A number will try to ignore it. Some fight through it, even when they shouldn't. Others make sure they succumb as quickly as possible, and that everypony around them knows it. One or two might refuse to admit anything's wrong at all. But eventually, everypony will fall ill.

Seven short stories.
Six sick Bearers.
And one dragon.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (7)

As an unstoppable hurricane bears down on Manehatten, Rainbow Dash has to face the unpleasant truth that not all of life's obstacles can be overcome. Sometimes you just have to do your best to get by. And when Dash gets the opportunity to become a Wonderbolt for a day, doing her best takes on a whole new, unexpected, meaning.



Editing provided by: Spabble
If you like this, try: Words Failed Her

Chapters (8)

The Ponies travel to Appleoosa to cheer on Big Mac in a competition of strength. His efforts are both awesome and inspiring, earning him high honors and regards. But when disaster strikes is his strength the answer? A story of knowing your limits, and when to listen to the voice of reason, even if it's very quiet.

Featuring fan art by: Starfirenova (Her dev art page) and fia94

This story has not been fully edited yet, i apologize for anything sloppy.

Chapters (1)