• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 2,775 Views, 113 Comments

Bolt - InsignificantGryffindor

The two pegasi knew there could only be one. One who could fly with the best. One who could fulfill their dreams. One who could destroy the other's hope. And when hope is crushed, anger arises.

  • ...

The Celebration

The sun filtered in the small hospital room, its golden rays hitting a sleeping pegasi's eyes directly. She stirred and rolled over, trying to avoid waking up. Stupid sun...

"Is she awake?"

She ruffled the covers with her hooves, groaning.

"Pinkie Pie, stand back."

She threw the sheets over her head, desperately trying to sleep again.

"Oh, guys! I think she's awake!"

The covers were abruptly thrown off. Her eyes flew open, falling on a pink mare whose face was a mere inch away. She jumped and yelled in surprise, hitting her head on the bed frame. She rubbed her temples. Pinkie... She groaned inwardly.

The excited mare lept up from where she was standing. She hopped around the room, giggling excitingly. "She's awake!"

Rainbow Dash sighed and sat up. Her wing was erect, bandaged heavily and still slightly aching. Her foreleg was in a heavy cast, and hurt every time she lightly grazed a surface. She cringed, hoping her injuries were worth it. Her mind flitted with images depicting her as a Wonderbolt, and her heart rose.

Her letter hadn't arrived yet.

A circle of friends surrounded her bed, soft smiles on their faces as they watched Pinkie bounce around the room excitedly. Rainbow watched as the joyful mare stayed still long enough to slightly vibrate over the ground, and turned to a yellow mare beside her. "Fluttershy, what's going on?" She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Her turquoise eyes widened with shock. "You mean you don't know?" She turned nervously to Rarity, hiding under her rosy mane. Rarity rolled her sapphire eyes at the pegasi's shyness and gave Rainbow Dash a hesitant look.

"I thought they might've told you by now, darling!" She raised an ivory hoof to anxiously play with her violet mane. "I don't know if it's my place to tell you..."

Rainbow Dash looked irritably at her friends. "What is it?"

Applejack coughed. "What they mean to tell ya is..." She looked away, avoiding Rainbow Dash's gaze.

Twilight sighed. "Well, while you were unconscious-"

"A letter arrived!" Pinkie Pie interjected, voice a little more high-pitched than usual.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. Could it be?

Twilight gave Pinkie an exasperated look. "We didn't read it but-"

"We looked at the sender and stuff!" Pinkie giggled.

Twilight bit her lip. "Yes, and if I might say," she gave Pinkie a stern look before levitating a folded letter from her saddle bag. "It looked fairly important."

Rainbow Dash looked with bated breath as the letter was hovered over to her. She gently picked the letter up, eyes skimming over the emblem that embellished the sky blue letter. A golden bolt glimmered on its surface. She sat for a few minutes staring at the letter, letting each crease and fold sink into her mind.

She opened the letter slowly, as to not damage the paper, and lifted the letter out. She unfolded, eyes quickly scanning over the letters.

Rainbow Dash stopped reading. She felt her breath come back in short gasps. Her eyes filled with tears and she dropped the letter. She felt her limbs go numb, her eyes bulging as tears dropped from her face. Her head fell in her hooves as she sobbed. Her friends watched in despair as they continued to watch their distraught friend break down. Rarity hurriedly came over to Rainbow Dash and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder. "There, there darling. You can always continue to work for the weather team, I'm sure-"

"Are you kidding?" The five mares looked at the rainbow pegasus in shock. She lifted her face from her hooves, revealing a watery grin. She wiped the tears off quickly, her cheeks turning red. Her tears were not that of sad tears. They were tears of joy. "I got in!" she cried out, laughs erupting from her. "I finally got in!"

A moment later the blue pegasus was surrounded by her friends. All were chanting their congratulations, tears also filling their eyes. Fluttershy had pushed her hair back, her canary yellow face bright with excitement for her old friend. Rarity was wiping her eyes with a cloth, lips quivering. Applejack was cheering loudly, taking her Stetson off and throwing it into the air. Twilight had her mouth agape, but she slowly smiled gleefully, sparks emitting from her lilac horn. Pinkie Pie was now literally bouncing from walls at light speed, until she finally settled down to bouncing in one spot beside the bed. "Hey! You know what this calls for?"


"A party!"

The mares stood in Sugarcube Corner, babbling on, clutching bubbly drinks. Music played loudly due to a certain white unicorn at the turntable, dancing while she scratched the records. A brown stallion with an hourglass cutie mark danced unabashedly, his hooves horribly out of synch with the music. Rainbow Dash stood in the center, occasionally being congratulated by a guest or being squeed at by Pinkie Pie. A broad grin donned her young face, drinking generous amounts of the bubbly drinks the Cakes provided. She leaned against a crutch as she swayed to a loud beat played by Vinyl Scratch.

A purple earth pony waved her hooves wildly at Rainbow Dash. She thrusted her drink into the air in Dash's name, watching sadly as some of the drink sloshed out of her cup. Others joined, their loud voices mingling with the music, deafening the blue mare. When they were done, Rainbow laughed heartily. "I told you guys-" she hiccuped loudly, turning to her friends. "I'm the best flyer in 'Questria!" She burped.

Applejack waved her hoof in front of her muzzle. "Certainly have the stinkiest burps, that's for sure."

Rainbow Dash whinnied audibly. A red blush creeped across her cheeks. "Sorry."

Pinkie Pie laughed, falling over on her back. "I don't think-" she giggled. "I have ever seen Rainbow like this!"

Rainbow Dash blinked slowly, struggling to balance on her crutch. "Neither 'ave I." she murmured, before she waddled away.


"Soarin'! Look over here!"

Another light flashed in front of his eyes. Celestia, he hated paparazzi. He flew past the huddled hordes of pegasi, their cameras making sure not to miss one inch of him. He lifted his goggles off his eyes as soon he pushed through the crowd that gathered around him. The smile that was left to impress the press fell off his face, to be replaced with a tired grimace. He was inside the locker room of the Wonderbolts, quickly disposing the suit that clung to his body.

It was right after an air show. A particularly draining one. Soarin' was bent out of shape, so tired his wings drooped heavily, but he knew just the solution to his problem. An apple pie so good that it melts inside your mouth, warming the tongue with its gold fluids. And he knew just where to get one.

He zoomed quickly to his locker, perked up at the thought of delicious apple pie. The locker swung open, a flight suit and goggles landing within seconds in it. The pale azure stallion sighed as he slammed the locker behind him, heading for the office nestled in the corner of the large room. He opened the door, unsurprised to see a yellow pegasus mare leaning over a hefty amount of paperwork.

"Come on, Spitfire. Live a little! You never do anything besides work." he groaned.

Spitfire had always been focused on keeping the Wonderbolts intact, never letting one flier slip. She was a strict captain, but she did her job well. The other fliers respected her, including himself. Sometimes, when she was feeling particularly cheerful, she was laid back and fun. But, truly, she was more focused on her work than she was on her friends. She didn't lift her eyes from her work. "Can't. Maybe you remember we're getting a new member? Weren't you the one observing her? Weren't you the one who suggested her?"

He sighed. "Yes."

Her stern orange eyes met his. "Then I am not going to stop working. New members means more money and press. Therefore, more paperwork."

He looked over the desk. She quickly tried to shuffle it away in her desk, but he was too quick. He grabbed the papers and quickly read them.



He raised an eyebrow at Spitfire. "Work, huh?"

Spitfire flinched, a heavy red blush blanketing her face. "If you don't tell the rest of the team... I... I'll do anything you want!"

Soarin' smiled. He loved it when Spitfire begged for her life. "I want to get some pie from Ponyville."

Spitfire glared at him while shoving the explicit content in her desk. "You can't do that! We have practice tomorrow!"

"Hey Rapidfi-"

She shoved a hoof in his mouth. "Fine! Just don't tell anyone you're going out! I don't want the whole team asking for a day off."

He grinned, walking out the door of the office. Totally rocking the airshow? Check. He closed the door and left Spitfire to her business. He lifted off, leaving the locker room and the gaggle of photographers behind in a dark blue flash. Get Spitfire to let me get some apple pie? Check! He flew out of Canterlot, hearing fans cry out behind him, but ignoring them. Now to get me some of that delicious apple pie. His tiredness forgotten, he sped towards the little town of Ponyville.

Soarin' landed on the soft fertile ground. The big farm before him looked empty. The windows were devoid of any light, further convincing him that everypony that lived inside was probably out. He turned away from the farm, disappointed. He followed the path that lead to the small town, yearning just for a small taste of that heavenly apple pie. The road soon hardened to stone, making his hooves clack audibly. Old houses rose from the ground, their dusty wooden frames creaking in the light breeze. No lights in those either. Where is everypony?

He traveled on, his hooves lightly tapping the street as he searched for a sign of the sweet apple pie. Finally, he heard loud, booming sounds coming from a distant building. He moved towards the sound, surprised to see ponies passing by, giggling and laughing jovially. They ignored him and treaded away, apparently too dazed to notice he was a Wonderbolt.

Soarin' passed the crowd of houses and shops, to be met with a particularly lively pink shop. Lights beamed from every orifice, and loud music met his ears, making him flinch. Ponies spilled in and out of the shop, sloppy grins on their red faces. Loud cheers were barely heard above the bashing music, arousing curiosity in the pale blue stallion.

Ponies of many colors pushed past him as he entered the noisy shop. The high pitched snickering of mares and the boisterous laughs of stallions increased when he entered. Cheering sounded once more when the white unicorn at the turntable played another head-ache inducing song. A bright white banner hung on the wall.


He noticed a pale blue mare hanging at the end of the crowd. She smiled weakly at the ponies who passed her, giving her friendly grins, but the smile disappeared once they turned their heads. She watched as they walked away, a longing look in her violet eyes. The mares went on to converse with another group, one of them laughing as one of the stallions fell on his face as he slipped. Rainbow Dash's lip twitched up into a smile for a mere second, but faded into a slight frown before walking out of the crowded shop. He frowned in confusion, but let it slip. Obviously he wasn't going to get pie, so he flew away, casting a glance at the saddened pegasus mare that soon disappeared behind a thick layer of clouds.

Rainbow Dash stood outside the beaming cake shop, slowly treading away with her crutch under her foreleg. She began to flutter off the ground, despite the heavy bandages that covered the delicate azure wing. She hovered above the earth, bumbling over the ground, groaning as her wing had to uphold the heavy cast. She gently guided her body towards the night sky, soon careening into a slight breeze that carried her slowly towards her destination. She melded into Luna's dark night, her pale blue coat lost in the ebony abyss, a wavering flight pattern. The winds carried above the trees and pulled her into the soft clouds, where she landed amongst the largest of the clouds. She softly touched her now aching wing, suddenly wishing she hadn't done this. Nevertheless, the mare took off from the cloud, heading slightly North. Finally, she touched down on the front porch of a large cloud home. She warily took in her surroundings, feeling if she looked away, the beautiful home would float away.

Silently, she opened the door, its creaks filling the empty house. She recognized the broken door stop that hung loosely from the door, reminding her fondly of her laziness that prevented her from ever fixing it. Toppling over the hat rack, she moved down the hall, eyes flickering over the pictures that depicted her family and friends. The blue wall had a small chip. She had tried to do a trick in a small, compressed space, she remembered, a smile donning her face.

She stumbled inside the messy kitchen, hiccuping softly. She had yet to clean the mess that she and Fluttershy made trying to make soufflés for Rarity's birthday. She remembered that day two weeks ago, the soufflé had blown up in her face, making Fluttershy giggle uncontrollably. She passed the kitchen and went into the living room, where she plopped onto the soft cloud couch.

With a sudden jolt, she realized she would have to move away. She cast a reluctant gaze at her cloud home, nostalgia sweeping over her. She didn't want to leave.

Her heart tore in two. She didn't want to abandon her friends alone when they might need her. What if danger arose, and she wasn't there to help them? How would the Elements of Harmony survive if she just left to become a Wonderbolt? How could she leave the only ponies who liked her enough to call her "friend"?

But she couldn't just not become a Wonderbolt! All her life she wanted to be a Wonderbolt, ever since her first air show. The thrill of flying with her idols... Doing air tricks with the best flyers... The feeling of freedom as wind sliced her mane... No, she had to become a Wonderbolt.

But... I don't know want to go...

She thought of her friends, of how they always supported her, no matter how many times she messed up. They stood by her side as she worked to become one of the elite fliers of Equestria. They cheered her on at the Young Fliers Competition, and they personally sent a care package to her when she was in the Academy. Rainbow Dash sat still for a while, eyes staring at nothing, until she came to a conclusion. This was it. She was leaving home.

Author's Note:

The reason why I added Soarin's POV was to introduce his character and what he was like.

Anyways, I liked this chapter, and I sure hope you do, too/