I stood on top of the cloud where my folks lived and their house was located. Man it has been a long time since I last stepped hoof onto this yard; must’ve been about eight years.
Mustang and I both grew up here with our parents. Our mom was a stay at home mother while our dad worked at the Rainbow Factory as the chief engineer and manager. Mustang and I were the best of friends and we always stood for each other although, Mustang mostly stood up for me. He kept away school bullies, coached me on how to be an excellent flyer and he would baby sit me when mom and dad were away on a date.
I walked up to the front door of my old house and swallowed hard. I was sad and nervous, this house made many memories.
I knocked a couple of times with my hooves. I heard the sounds of hoof clops behind the door before the knob turned and the door opened up with a loud creak followed by the sound of a surprised gasp; my mom.
“Spitfire!” she exclaimed as she wrapped her hooves around me with a hug.
She was wearing a pink apron and judging by the warm aroma that was coming from the kitchen, it appears she was cooking dinner.
“Hey mom,” I sighed back with a weak smile as I returned her hug.
Despite being in her late fifties, my mom still maintained some of her beauty and brightness. She was always a beautiful and kind mare who took great care of us and loved us dearly. Her cutie mark was appropriately a pair of wings with a heart in the middle.
“Oh Spitfire it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” she said after she finally let me go and faced me.
I gave a weak smiled and nodded, “Yeah I know, is dad home?”
My question, however, caused my mom to frown. She turned away and sighed while taking off her glasses.
“Oh Spitfire honey, ever since we got the news, your father hasn’t been the same,” She said with a sad tone and I could tell she was fighting tears. “He is so quiet now and spends most of his time just reading the newspaper.”
I nodded, I wouldn’t be surprised. Mustang was dad’s pride and joy. Not that he didn’t like me, he loved us both very much, but there was a special bond Mustang and dad had. I guess it’s that kind of father and son thing.
I expected him to be hit the hardest.
But mom suddenly got up and returned her smile back at me.
“C’mon in honey,” she greeted me with her smile which was very bright despite her age. “It’s been so long.”
I smiled and nodded with agreement as I walked into my old house where I grew up; the house that helped build me and Mustang.
I decided to stay a bit longer than I planned and helped mom with the cooking and prepping dinner. Even though I was classified as a tom girl in my filly days, I will admit, I loved cooking.
My mom was very quiet as we cooked dinner but I respected that, it was always her way of coping with troubled days. I stared outside the window as I was cleaning some vegetables and looked at our front yard. Mustang and I used to play sports and dare each other to do stupid stunts when we were young. It wasn’t unheard of for one of use to get injured in the process.
I sighed a little as I remembered those great times. I remembered that one time when Mustang tried to do a sonic rainboom and failed miserably (and broke his right wing in the process). Mom and dad were so angry that they vowed to ground him for a very long time if he tried it again and he promised to never do it again.
I set the vegetables on a plate and placed some corn in a pan full of boiling water. Mom was just cleaning some dishes and sighing presumably to herself.
“Is dad still at work?” I asked a trying to break the silence. Even though dad was in his sixties, he still worked at the factory.
Dad had worked at that factory for over thirty-five years supporting mom and his children. He started off as an engineer but he soon managed to get promoted to manager of the factory. He was a very hard working pony and even when he was approaching his late ages he still refused to retire.
“I’ve got plenty of time to rest when I’m dead!” he would say
But despite his workaholic personality, he still found the time to spend time with me and Mustang.
Mom nodded silently without looking at me.
“Oh yes dear….huh.”
I heard her sigh as she set down a plate and began scrubbing it with a sponge.
“Your father’s been spending a lot of time at work ever since he heard about Mustang.” She said with a noticeable tears dripping from the side of her cheek. “And when he is home, he spends most of his time alone and doesn’t talk to me.”
I looked away and acted like I never saw it. Mom was already saddened; I didn’t need her to see me distressed too. I walked up to her and gently patted her shoulder trying to comfort her a little.
“It’s okay mom,” I weakly tried to explain. “Just give him some time. We’re all a little shaken up by this.”
She turned to me and smiled.
“Thank you Spitfire.” She said as she placed the plates on the table: she only set three.
It was around 9:00 when dad finally came home. When I was younger, dad used to come home with high spirits and energy, even on bad days. But dad wasn’t his happy self tonight. Can’t say I blame him.
I tried to cheer him up a bit with a grin and a smile, even if it was a faux one.
“Hey dad! Guess who came to visit!” I cheered to him hoping it would lift his spirits up.
But to my absolute amazement, he just looked at me with his tired sad face.
“Hello Spitfire.” He said back in a low tired voice.
Mom got up and tapped him on his shoulder.
“I’m glad your home honey. Aren’t you happy your daughter is here?” she asked with a look in her face which told me she was trying her very hardest to maintain her complexion.
“Of course I am.” He responded, again, in a low tired voice.
He then looked up at me, “I’m sorry if I sound moody today. It’s just been…rough.”
“You mean Mustang?” I asked and almost immediately regretted bringing up. Oh sweet Celestia I am so stupid!
Dad winced his eyes and rubbed his graying black hair with his hoof. He then turned towards mom.
“I’ll be in the shower.” He said and he immediately dismissed himself trotting up the stairs to the bathroom. I could hear him turn on the shower and see steam coming from the upstairs.
I then turned towards mom and l lowered my head in shame.
“I’m sorry mom!” I tried to apologize but mom just raised a hoof.
“No need to!” she answered back sounding like she was obviously trying to hold back tears. “Despite…recent events, we are a family and Mustang wouldn’t want to see us this way.”
I walked up to her and gave my mom a big hug. She was right, Mustang wouldn’t of wanted us like this.
Mustang may be gone, but we are still a family.
I decided to spend the night at my old place figuring that maybe mom and pop needed me there for a bit. It was still sad though; dad was completely silent during dinner time which was very out of character for him. During dinner he was also being a chatty filly. But tonight, he just sat there and ate his food not saying anything to me or mom.
I guess Mustang’s death hit him harder than I thought.
After dinner, I was tired and decided to hit the sack to sleep. Mom led me to my old room, still preserved from the last time I left it. I’m surprised she kept it so intact many things from my filly years were still there including my Wonderbolts poster.
Normally I sleep fine but tonight was rough. Despite being in a warm bed, I kept tossing and turning all night. I don’t know what came over me, but I did something that surprised even me.
I headed to Mustang’s old room.
Just like my room, Mustang’s room was left completely intact and even though nobody had slept there in years it was well kept and dusted.
His dresser stood next to the bed was topped with his sports trophies and model planes which he used to collect.
On his bookshelf was a collection of of books and encyclopedias mostly about war and wartime technology. An F-86 Sabre model was carefully placed on top of a stack of old Captain Karelia comic books.
On the desk was a model of a P-38 fighter however, it was incomplete and a mess. Its wings were separated and carefully laid next to a tube of glue and a mini screwdriver.
I giggled at that site; Mustang never did finish that one. Darn shame too; the P-38 was his favorite GW2 fighter.
And finally, behind his door was a poster for the Romancian Foreign Legion. It depicted a Legionnaire holding his rifle in a triumphant pose and pointing at the would-be audience. I couldn't read Romancian but Mustang told me that the poster read: "Do you have what it takes to be a Legionnaire!"
A loud yawn escaped my muzzle and feeling tired again. I don't know why but I hunkered down on Mustangs bed.
I don't know how to explain it but sleeping in Mustang's bed mad me feel safe. I felt happy.
I drifted off to sleep and in the first time for several nights, I slept soundly.
This... This made me cry
I honestly don't know what Id do if I lost one or both of my brothers
5206932 Yeah I know.
They're all the family I got left after my mom died back in 08
5206962 Oh i'm so sorry!
It's okay man. Was a long time ago
When you typed GW2, did you mean WW2 or does that stand for great war 2?
5207061 Great War Two. In my mlp/human world, both world wars are referred to as the "great wars". All the nations in my MLP world are fictional however, they are allegories for real life nations.
5207254 If you really want to get technical they are both the same war, just a twenty year or so intermission.
This will go great
5250577 i can't see the video
I have brought a new soundtrack and this inspire me and everyone I know today it brought to my attention, that its not only us in the world, in our galaxy.