• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2014


The worst crime you can commit against another human being is to make them think.

Works in Progress 187 stories
  • Works in Progress 187 stories - 27 unread chapters Stories that have not yet been completed
    Created by Fluxxdog
    - October, 2014
Found 166 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 7,758,596
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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As Rarity stepped into her workroom, her sewing machine stashed in the corner and half-finished designs chucked into an overflowing trashcan, she felt her already hollow heart somehow crumble further, still in denial over one simple fact: 

Rarity used to be a designer. A good one and a bad one all at once.

But... she wasn’t a designer anymore. 

And if she wasn’t a designer, then she had no use to anypony. 

And if she had no use to anypony, she was worthless.

And if she was worthless, she was better off dead.

Thank you to Maxima for the cover art, and to Jykinturah and RBDash for seeing the absolute worst parts of me as I went through hell last year yet staying with me as if it was the most natural choice in the world. Thank you as well to my supporters on KoFi and Patreon for having faith in me even when I didn't.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Draconequus Ex Mortis

One year has passed since the day when the Elements of Harmony took the perhaps-slightly-shocking route of killing Discord. Thanks to their quick thinking with body disposal, Twilight and her friends are all but home free - that is, up until Celestia presents them with their counterfeit Discord statue, asking them to change him back to normal.

Chapters (1)

Correction, abuses the living fuck out of them.

Twilight Sparkle is your regular unicorn mage, and one day she stumbles upon what seems to be a cache of energy weapons stored there by some friendly passerby. Definitely did not fall from the sky because of a meteor.

Read: Plot convenience.

And upon discovering them, she knows what she must do.

Take over Equestria so no one else would dare to use them to harm anypony else.

It's not like she could destroy them or anything, right?

The story is complete, two chapters releasing a day. I will not reveal how many chapters there are in total yet.

And by PresentPerfect's advice, I will not write stories like this by multiple stories in a series! It is multiple chapters in one story! WOOOO!

Chapters (7)

At the very ripe age of nineteen Spike is still dealing with his dravyern blood. It made him strong, durable, he even has cool fire breathe and wings. The thing that sucked? He was still short. Due to his blood, he'd age physically differently from all his friends and family. So he was stuck shorter then most, due to this he'd get mistaken for a young teen despite being a legal adult. He even drove a car for god's sake!

The one who seemed to forget this the most was his sister Twilight who deemed that he'd need to be watched while home alone for the week or two she was gone. Despite his best attempts to argue he's stuck at home being watched by one of their mutual friends, Rainbow Dash.

She doesn't seem to mind just chilling for a few weeks, she was getting paid after all. But Spike is fed up with the way he's treated. He's at the end of his fuse when Rainbow Dash expertly starts a flashfire that ends unexpectedly.

Art by me.

Part of the Dravyern Verse that I will slowly build into multiple stories. No two Dravyern Verse stories line up with each other and there will be many differences between them. Constant things: there is magic but life is based heavily on modern-day, people humans with the subspecies being Soulsage[people born with magic], Skyborn[people born with retractable wings, Terrans[strong humans with tougher than average bodies, Alicians[people born with the traits of all three]. Other races represent Griffins[Griffman], Dragons[Dravyerns] and such as well.
Might bump rating later

Chapters (4)

Sweetie Belle's job at the national radio station, Equestria Public Radio, had been a major success. Working her way up from newbie audio technician to host in just a few months, every show she did every weekend was just another joyous radio where she could share her interests with the world. Every weekend night, she would come on and serenade the world with her personal jazzy picks and talk to so many people about whatever interests or idiosyncrasies they had. The only thing was, no one knew it was Sweetie behind the mic. All they knew was Lady Luxury was more than willing to listen to each and every one of her viewers.

Spike was lonely after he came to terms with Rarity's lack of affection. Months and years pining after her and barely a hint of reciprocated affection. While on a year long trip around Equestria, Spike had a lot of time to think and after days and days of soul searching and consideration, he realized the affection he held for Rarity's little sister just bubbling under the surface. A long time friend and companion, he was conflicted, so he called in to his favourite radio show to ask for advice.

A sweet wholesome fic about Radio host Sweetie Belle and Lonely Listener Spike. A web of love and pseudonyms inevitably to be unraveled. Will love withstand the deception?

Rated T for innuendo, crude humor, and mild profanity.

Chapters (9)

Fluttershy and Discord have had a harmonious marriage for over forty years. Even though they have gone through several ups and downs, Fluttershy and Discord remained true to one another. Unfortunately, as with most ponies, Fluttershy's life begins to reach its end. How will Discord get through this painful event? Is their love truly over?

Sometimes, strong relationships can transcend lifetimes.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Final Salvo

The School of Explosions was co-founded by Twilight and Discord, owing to their shared love of explosions. Gathering teachers from all over Equestria, shenanigans will happen as they try to teach creatures the art of explosions.

The chapters are not in chronological order, but I will leave a date before every chapter to try and leave a coherent timeline. Chapters will update whenever I get an idea, so updates will be irregular.

Chapters (3)

Shining and Cadence knew that raising a princess would present challenges above and beyond those of raising a born alicorn. As one might expect of Twilight Sparkle's brother and sister-in-law, they prepared as best they could for many of the problems they might encounter along the way.

Of course, that doesn't mean anypony told Flurry, who feels like this is a bit of an overreaction to her wanting a cookie that happened to belong to somepony else.

Flurry in the cover image courtesy of AleximusPrime, used with permission. Source link to the image can be found by mousing over it.

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer wants to become an alicorn more than anything - it's the entire reason why she's Princess Celestia's student. But she's run out of ways to research it and Princess Celestia has blocked her at every turn.

Fortunately for her, there's a new Princess on the block - Cadance. One who's already ascended. One who knows personally and intimately how she did it.

To get her to talk, Sunset will do anything. Even if it means pretending to like - really like - the Pink Pony Of Passion.

Cover art by daOtterGuy.

Featured 8/28/2021-08/30/2021! (And basically every update date after that.)

Now with a TVTropes page thanks to ZanarNaryon!

Chapters (42)

As it turns out, our planet is the afterlife of a tiny horse world, and my house is super haunted. At least the ghosts are kinda cute, if not a teensy bit annoying.

Cover Art by dstears (slightly edited by me)

Chapters (6)