• Member Since 9th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Inactive. iamsinner on Discord.


Correction, abuses the living fuck out of them.

Twilight Sparkle is your regular unicorn mage, and one day she stumbles upon what seems to be a cache of energy weapons stored there by some friendly passerby. Definitely did not fall from the sky because of a meteor.

Read: Plot convenience.

And upon discovering them, she knows what she must do.

Take over Equestria so no one else would dare to use them to harm anypony else.

It's not like she could destroy them or anything, right?

The story is complete, two chapters releasing a day. I will not reveal how many chapters there are in total yet.

And by PresentPerfect's advice, I will not write stories like this by multiple stories in a series! It is multiple chapters in one story! WOOOO!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 57 )

Dang it Sin, sigh... here we go again.

Brings a new definition to the classic meme of "Boom, headshot!"

Naturally Twilight would decide to take over Equestria. It is clearly the most logical option. And she's doing so in a way that minimizes lives lost while maximizing terror to intimidate the enemy into surrendering. Classic shock and awe.

This is gonna be a blast.

This can only end in disaster. And lasers. And explosions. Looking forward to seeing where the madness leads.

Oh Boy here we go again:rainbowlaugh:

Epic premise, excited to see the destructive shenanigans that await!

I can’t hide this in my tower. Celestia could find it, and then she would scold me for not turning it over to her. And I can’t turn it over to her. She would just lock it in the royal vault, and that stupid Blueblood can get in there. And then if he finds the weapons…

She shuddered at the thought.

Maybe if I strip Blueblood of his royal status? But how? Celestia has always refused…

> has super laser of destruction
> worried about Blueblood getting it

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :pinkiecrazy:

> points laser towards Blueblood

But....who's gonna raise the sun?????

:moustache: Sharks! You got to have frigging SHARKS!


Correction, abuses the living fuck out of them.

Something about this description does not belong under a T rated story. Can you guess which?

I'm allowed to swear in descriptions in a T rated story, just not the title.

...I think. Nobody has yet to inform me otherwise, and there's some good writers advising me on this story.

“You haven’t had your dinner—!” Spike sighed as the unicorn disappeared in a flash of purple light. “Why do I even try?”

Because you're too stupid for your own good, Spike.

She turned the dial of the weapon to adjust it to “Explosions” mode. Laser explosions. Don’t ask how she managed to find out that was an option. She just did. All Twilights are gravitated towards explosions.

Who cares how she figured it out? Explosions make everything better. Even more so when Twilight is the one doing it.


But lasers and explosions make everything better.

Hopefully, he's next.


hmmm interesting start. Not sure if I find it funny. Her killing Celestia... even in a crack fic... I dunno. i"ll see how therestof this goes.

When used correctly, a beam rifle can be very deadly… ask the Jackel snipers… those bastards…

Twilight using a Beam Rifle?
Is it a Crossover or Fusion with Halo?

Did Celestia just explode... twice? :twilightoops:

Twilight's reign of terror is off to a great start so far it seems.

hope there's a halo 1 fuel-rod tucked away in there for the extra spodey-ness

Twilight's going to end up ruling over a cinder, isn't she? That or the lasers' power sources will be exhausted and everything will collapse. Really a question of seeing which one happens first. (Or someone just stabs her in her sleep or something, but now we're drifting into a different genre.)

I have plans.

Plans involving a certain equalist...

She just needs reverse lasers to un-explode things as needed. Easy as Pie.

I half wouldn't be surprised if the real Grogar show ups and be proud of all the fear and terror twilight has spread.

For before her, knelt a representative from every race, ready to pledge their allegiance to the new Empress of Equestria, She With the Deadly Weapons.

That is an awesome title if you ask me 😁.

... Did you have to kill Luna? Black snooty is fine.

For Celestia’s sake, how many species are there in Equestria?

Minatours, Centaurs, hippogriffs (and by extension, seaponies), diamond dogs, the Abyssinians, parrot species from the movie, probably more feel free to reply with any left out :derpytongue2:

:duck: Come back to bed
:moustache: but she has lasers
:raritywink: I have mirrors
:moustache: Why didn't I think of that
:twilightsheepish: Great Idea
:raritystarry: How'd you get in here?
:facehoof: Lasers of course
:pinkiehappy: Wow look at all the new doors!
:flutterrage: Discord get back here you coward!

You can be both well-meaning and dumb as a post. In the main cast of this show alone you also have Rainbow Dash. (Applejack is at least intended to be the sensible one by default).

well that is one way to lose one's head

Oh hey look your profile pic is kumoko

Right you are it's from the 2 time she tries to use detection

Comment posted by Sweetie Bow deleted Feb 9th, 2023

But unicorns already can short lasers from horns

“I got it!” Discord snapped his claws. “The DiscLight!”


But those are magic lazors. Magic shield got those covered. Twi gots tech lazorz. : D


Free me!” the voice whispered. “Cause some chaos!

“Hmm.” Starlight mused. “Will this work?” She caused some chaos.

How nonspecifically helpful! :derpytongue2:

But yeah, Discord won’t let a little thing like evisceration stop him. Starlight… Well, we’ll see.

A good penetration testing team is kind of a form of friendship…

Comment posted by MrHands deleted Mar 31st, 2023

Ok enough is enough. She killed the best princess Luna. It's time for The Imperium of Man to take the weapons away, and her to find out the Celestia and Luna is the Emperor's daughters.

Ah yes, the glorious randomness that is Discord and Trixie working together. Poor Starlight! :trollestia:

The real winner here is the deliverypony. Nothing quite like getting both sides to pay you for your troubles.

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