This story is a sequel to Draconequus Ex Mortis
One year has passed since the day when the Elements of Harmony took the perhaps-slightly-shocking route of killing Discord. Thanks to their quick thinking with body disposal, Twilight and her friends are all but home free - that is, up until Celestia presents them with their counterfeit Discord statue, asking them to change him back to normal.
How that should have gone.
(auto-translation ahead)
Cool fan fiction. I really liked the way things went.
Also, I liked this dark club. A kind of mixture of a critical lack of funding and the fact that they really succeed.
Hehehe, woke up, got to read a wonderfully silly & fun story, what a great way to start the day
Thank you very much, DrOcsid!
Well that was an amusing crackfic.
I thought for sure the twist was going to be that the Elements actually did resurrect him, and he was just trolling them the whole time.
An entertaining fic for sure, I liked it, now I wish someone make an animation of this and the previous fic XD.
I like how this random story is still cohessive and well written, unlike other random stories that just devolves because random.
I was expecting Discord to be behind this. I was expecting the ritual to be a dud. I was expecting Discord to be in on the dead joke angle.
This story subverted my expectations. Great sequel, Wordsmith!
absolutely brilliant
The sequel we never knew we needed. Excellent read!
Not gonna lie. I'd like the see more of Plushcord and his new existance. I imagine it could be quite entertaining. especially if he meets the CMC and legitly befriends em.
As to Celestia being the blackmailer. I can only say CALLED IT!
D.O.O.P. gives me serious league of super evil vibes
Or maybe L.O.S.E.R.S.
Huh. So not only have you extended a funny 'What If?' scenario in a way that's both entertaining and doesn't undercut the original, since Discord's still the butt of the joke (something I very much approve of), but you also provided a far, far, far more satisfying and believable context for why a being like him would or could reform. Not that outdoing the canonical events in that regard is particularly difficult, but still, this is very well done.
Admittedly, I found Celestia's reasoning for bringing him back pretty specious, but again, compared how things went in the show, it wasn't even in the same league of stupid. Plus, it was just a cover story anyway, so not a problem. And, well, if the girls were thinking rationally, it'd all be kind of unnecessary since it was the elements that killed him in the first place and they had no real control over what they did to him, so it's really no different if the elements had blown him up in stone. But, hey, understandable why they wouldn't be thinking rationally - first the panic, then the sunk cost fallacy of keeping the lie going.
I liked the original and this one was okay, personally I didn't really need a sequel and this was, okay? I kinda felt like it was dragging the joke a bit by having a second story just alone and this kinda felt like an extended cut. Disord is alive and he's now beans. The only stake was the main six and then Celestia was silly and didn't really care about him dying even though that was the stake of the whole journey. I know this is just a silly fic which I love, just only the original though. If this gets another sequel I will definitely not be interested enough to read it.
B e a n s
Is this guy trying to resurrect Discord of Twitter?
Discord Smith lives!
Ah, man. I don't think there's been a thing you've done I haven't absolutely loved. Glad to see you're still writing, even while making absolutely amazing SFM's.