• Member Since 8th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago


My Name translates into Sapling River, so don't be surprise what my OC's name is ;) https://www.patreon.com/netapel/



Queen Chrysalis has been defeated, and together with Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek, is trapped inside a statue for the foreseeable millennium.

In order to alleviate her boredom, She asks her prison-mates a hypothetical question.

Surely no arguments would occur as a result of such innocent questioning?

This is my Halloween special, Have fun with this one-shot :)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

this is so freeking funny.

I can totally believe that these three would spend the time in their eternal prison arguing about the idle thoughts that pop into their heads.

HA, this reference takes me back. I didn't expect it coming from an MLP story but I love it. Happy Halloween!

i hope twilight lets cozy glow out one day and reforms her and won't just leave a filly in stone forever because then twilight will be more evil then a hero should be if you know i mean because you better then this twilight

Idk how to feel

It's fxxxing amazing.

Such a shame they will never get access to the Tomar Emeralds.

I fuckin' love just reading the Oney Plays Wiki (Sucks that it's Fandom but Uh)

It's so stupid.

The second the fucking second I saw the title of the chapter, a big dumb grin came to my face and a headache. 10/10 simply a piece of art. God damn it Oney.

Needs color

"...Oh my Lord..."

F awesome. Best fic I read in a long time

I can't believe it you've actually made me feel bad for Tirek he's trapped between those two arguing for all eternity or at the bare minimum a thousand years I'd be surprised if they could stop argument after a thousand years or even notice that they're out of the statue.

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