• Member Since 20th May, 2019
  • offline last seen May 4th, 2022


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  • 215 weeks
    Small problem

    I'm writing this on my phone right now, but my computer is in the repair shop. As a result my new story will have to be pushed back a little. I give my sincerest apologies. Thank you for sticking with me.

    0 comments · 436 views
  • 220 weeks
    Extra! Extra! Read All about It! Canterlot Research Center Destroyed in Terrorist Bombing!

    The Canterlot Research Center, the front line of new magic and technology lead by Star Swirl the bearded was targeted for a terrorist bombing. Six figures were seen at the site one hour before the bombing. An artist rendition has been created of the six masked figures. The Princesses ask that all citizens report any sightings of these individuals. May Faust guide and protect you.

    The masked villains

    1 comments · 420 views
  • 220 weeks
    $+4+U$ R3P0R+

    +H3 H19H V4|U3 +4R93+, PR1NC3 $H1N1N9 4RM0UR H4$ B33N 4$$4$$1N4+3D. 1 4M H34D1N9 B4C|< +0 B4$3 4$ \/\/3 $P34|< +0 PR3P4R3 F0R +H3 N3X+ P|4N. 1 $H0U|D 4|$0 R3P0R+ +H4+ +H3 +0\/\/N 0F P0NYV1||3 H4$ 4 $M4|| 9R0UP 0F $UPP0R+$ F0R 0UR +34M.

    $19H1N9 0FF, 4C3

    1 comments · 383 views
  • 220 weeks
    Hgzgfh Ivklig

    Gsv gzitvg szh yvvm zhhzhhrmzgvw. Gsv gzitvg szh nliv ylwbtfziwh gszm dszg dzh ivkligvw ivhfogrmt rm z hnzoo nvhh. Nb nzhp dzh pmlxpvw luu zmw hlnvlmv hzd nv vmgvi gsv kligzo yzxp gl yzhv. R szev ml ivzhlm gl yvorvev gszg rg droo xlnv yzxp gl yrgv fh rm gsv zhh ozgvi. Zh lu mld R zn dliprmt lm rgvnh dv mvvw uli lfi tilfk kilqvxg. Fmgro gsvm R'oo yv zg gsv ivzwb.

    Hrtmrmt luu, Qzxp

    2 comments · 382 views
  • 221 weeks
    Forensics Report

    During investigation ten deceased were found scattered around the large living space. Three of the victims were mutilated beyond recognition. Found on site was a special made joker playing card, a custom made mask, and a red cloth with a bell sown into the thread. The current hypothesis is that after the mask was knocked off the suspect mutilated the victims in anger. While the cloth and playing card our of no use the mask was deemed to be made of toxic material. Composed of iron and silver the

    Read More

    0 comments · 458 views

Small problem · 3:53am Jun 6th, 2020

I'm writing this on my phone right now, but my computer is in the repair shop. As a result my new story will have to be pushed back a little. I give my sincerest apologies. Thank you for sticking with me.

Report Kronos11111 · 436 views ·
Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

Read most of all your works love what you doing I hope you get that computer problem fix

TThere's a Pony In My House!
The new aliens have made themselves at home. My home.
WhispersInTheDark · 4.8k words  ·  266  9 · 4.4k views

Thanks for the Favorite!

Thank you but I already know about it

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/461556/monster-of-equus hey just a heads up found this story that's almost exactly like yours (Galand of Truth)

I left it behind. When I took everything down it came with. I never could write it again however so I didn't submit it again

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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