• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2014


The worst crime you can commit against another human being is to make them think.

Legacy of the Four 7 stories
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Total Words: 33,255
Estimated Reading: 2 hours



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Everypony knows Prince Blueblood is spoiled, foppish, and most critically, an ass. Nopony would ever take him to be a serious threat - merely a small obstacle to their plans.

That's by design, but that doesn't mean Blueblood is happy about it.

A side story to my Four Princesses, Four Demons series, which began with Cadance the Unbroken. Readers of that series will notice a few connections, but this story is crafted to be enjoyed independently.

Featured from 7-26 to 7-29, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

Luna suspected something was troubling Twilight, but she didn't realize just how deep the hurt went...or how close she was to losing her.

Art by FidzFox

Featured from 4/5/2021 to 4/8/2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

An audio reading of this story by Rainbow Infinity is available at this link.

Chapters (1)

Luna, Mistress of the Night.
Cadance, Princess of Love.
Celestia, the Lightbringer.
Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Of the Four Princesses, Twilight is the one that ponies know has it easy. Chosen by Celestia, hero several times over, surrounded by friends that would accompany her to the the bitter end. Being a princess was just the cherry on top, right?

Twilight doesn't see it that way.

The third story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series, following up Cadance the Unbroken and Celestia the Indomitable.

Reading the other stories is encouraged, but not required.

Featured from 2-12-2021 to 2-14-2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

Cadance, Princess of Love.
Celestia, the Lightbringer.
Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.
Luna, Mistress of the Night.

Of the Four Princesses, Luna is the one that the Four Demons know the least about. Sure, there was that business about being Nightmare Moon and being banished for a thousand years, but how threatening can the Princess of the Night - a princess that plays second fiddle to her elder sister - really be?

Luna isn't insulted. She prefers her enemies stupid anyway.

The fourth and final story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series, following up Cadance the Unbroken, Celestia the Indomitable, and Twilight the Triumphant.

Reading the other stories is encouraged, but not required.

Featured from 02-17-21 to 02-21-21, peaking at #1. Thanks again, everypony!

Featured on Equestria Daily's 2021 list "25 of the Best Fanfics for Luna Day"

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor will tell you that he suffered no long-term ill effects from his encounter with Queen Chrysalis.

Nor did he experience any lingering problems from his fights with King Sombra or Lord Tirek.

None whatsoever. Absolutely not. Everything in his life is perfect. Happily married to a beautiful mare (who happens to be a princess!), Prince Consort in his own right, a kingdom of his own to help run...there is absolutely nothing wrong at all.

Shining Armor is a liar.

A side story to my Four Princesses, Four Demons series, which began with Cadance the Unbroken. Readers of that series will notice a few connections, but this story is crafted to be enjoyed independently.

Featured from 06/23/21 to 06/26/21, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle, Master of Magic.
Luna, Mistress of the Night.
Cadance, Princess of Love.
Celestia, the Lightbringer.

Of the Four Princesses, Celestia is the one that ponies believe they know the best. After all, they've known her longer than any of the others. That's got to count for something, right?

They couldn't be more wrong.

The follow-up to Cadance the Unbroken, and the second story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series. Reading the prior stories is not required.

Featured from 2-3-2021 to 2-7-2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

Celestia, the Lightbringer.
Luna, Mistress of the Night.
Twilight Sparkle, Master of Magic.
Cadance, Princess of Love.

Of the Four Princesses, Cadance is the one that ponies think they understand the most. After all, what could be so hard about being Princess of Love?

A lot of things, actually.

The first story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series. Sequels are Celestia the Indomitable, Twilight the Triumphant, and Luna the Faithful.

Featured from 1-26-21 to 1-29-21, all thanks to the kind folks of this site, who even pushed it to the #2 spot.

Chapters (1)