• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 13,729 Views, 1,104 Comments

Cubic Zirconia - arcum42

Diamond Tiara has always enjoyed picking on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But one day, she finds she's gone too far, and everything for her comes tumbling down. But help may come from the most unexpected of places...

  • ...

Easy Does It

Bleah, yet another morning waking up in the clubhouse. At least this time Scootaloo had woken her up on time.

Of course, today it was important to get up, since today she was going to have to go to school, and she needed to get ready. Sweetie Belle could show up at any time, and they'd be heading over to Sweet Apple Acres. She had agreed to push Apple Bloom around in that wheelchair of hers, after all.

While pushing Apple Bloom around would usually be the start of a rather good day, it was all way too much exercise this early in the morning. There wasn't much she could do about it, though.

And she had to go to school, too, where everypony wanted to kill her, or at least inflict some measure of bodily harm on her. Of course, that was true of most places and ponies, these days.

Well, okay, maybe Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo didn't want to kill her.

A mental image of Sweetie Belle's horn pointing directly at her throat popped into her mind.

Okay, Scootaloo didn't want to kill her, at least. Probably, anyways. She was more likely to try to embarrass her to death.

Getting up, everything felt all achy and bruisy, making her wince. She felt like she could use a good long soak in a bathtub, preferably with some bath salts and bubbles and things. Or even a shower would help.

No showers for her this morning, though, or breakfast in bed. At least her injured hoof was feeling better, and her throat wasn't feeling quite as bad.

She splashed a little water on her face, since that was likely to be the best she could get right now, and combed her mane, while watching Scootaloo do a whole bunch of wing exercises across the treehouse.

She was persistent, Diamond would give her that.

It still felt weird knowing that Scootaloo mostly couldn't fly because of what her parents did to her. That wasn't what parents were supposed to do! Parents were supposed to… well, she wasn't really sure what they were supposed to do, but that wasn't it.

To be totally honest, parents weren't really something she was that familiar with. She was used to butlers and maids that she could boss around. The total lack of both around here was pretty irritating, and Scootaloo didn't exactly count.

Admittedly, it'd be fun to try to get Scootaloo to fill in and dress up as a maid, though she was sure it wouldn't last more than a minute. Scootaloo didn't really have the attitude right to be a butler, either, though a top hat, tuxedo, and monocle wouldn't look bad on her.

She still wasn't totally sure where she stood with Scootaloo. Everypony usually had their places, and she didn't quite fit. Scootaloo wasn't hired help, and was pretty unlikely to do anything Diamond said, unless it was something she already wanted to do.

Friends was kind of a murky category for her, mostly occupied with Silvy, and it wasn't one she was really ready to deal with at the moment, though she might have to soon.

Then something occurred to her.

How about roommates? They were roommates, sort of, and she'd read things with roommates in them before, even if she'd never had one of her own.

Roommates had possibilities. Maybe that would do for now. Scootaloo could be the wacky comic roommate that she went on adventures with or something.

"Good morning, Scoots!" the cheery voice of somepony that clearly thought mornings were a good thing called out. "Good morning, Diamond!"

Sure enough, Sweetie Belle was standing in the doorway, grinning as if she thought everypony else should be just as happy as her right now, which seemed likely. Diamond would have loved to have just closed the door right in her face right now and gone back to sleep, but she probably ought to get her things and get going.

"Morning, Mr. Flufflepants!" Sweetie Belle continued cheerily.

Dazzle opened one eye from where he was sleeping, yawned, and pretended to go back to sleep. Lazy cat.

"That's Dazzle," Diamond corrected. She pulled her saddlebags onto her back. Grabbing a scarf from them, she carefully wrapped it around her neck, trying to make it where it wouldn't come loose easily. The bruises there were rather noticeable otherwise.

"Dazzle? Did he like the cat food I brought him?"

"He's a cat, and it was cat food. It was fine," Diamond stated, then, for politeness's sake, followed up with "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" Sweetie Belle beamed, seemingly satisfied with her ability as a cat food provider. "Ready, Scoots?"

"Just … a … minute…" Scootaloo finished a wing pushup, spit on her hoof, and ran it through her mane, disgustingly enough. "Ready."

Scootaloo grabbed her own saddlebags, and the three of them headed out. Diamond was pretty sure that on a normal day, she'd still have been lying in bed eating breakfast, if she was even awake. Still, there wasn't much she could do about it.

Come to think of it, maybe she should have grabbed breakfast first, or brought a lunch. She hadn't actually done anything about her missing schoolbooks, either. Today was really going to suck.

Not that that had ever been in question, really.

Still, she could at least have something ready. As Diamond passed one of the countless apple trees, she quickly snagged a few apples and stashed them in her bags. At least that way she'd have something, even if she was getting a bit sick of apples.

Of course, she could buy lunch, but that was a rather common thing to do. It might raise questions, too, since she never bought lunch at school. She either brought it, or somepony brought it to her, usually Grey.

There was always just taking somepony else's lunch, of course, but she was already in enough trouble as it was. No, it'd be apples today. She did need to save money, after all, since she wasn't sure when she could get more.

Come to think of it, her allowance was normally due in a day or two. Grey had given her last week's allowance because Daddy hadn't told him not to. If Daddy still hadn't, he might still give her this week’s, if she asked. He was kinda funny like that sometimes.

She actually knew the perfect time to check. Every week, Daddy always went out for some business thing at the same time. She could just head there and wait after school that day, and stop by after he left.

Grey might not be willing to give her her allowance, but he might, and she wasn't going to count it as gone until she tried. He might be willing to get her her schoolbooks, too. It wasn't like Daddy would have any use for them.

She continued trudging down the path following Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, presumably towards the farm. They were chattering along to each other, not really paying much attention. She supposed this was part of their normal routine. Not the part about picking up Apple Bloom in a wheelchair, of course, but meeting up before school and walking there together.

This wasn't really that unfamiliar, since she normally met up with Silvy before school herself. It was just a different place and different company, even if that company was mostly ignoring her right now.

And this wasn't that long of a walk. She could see Sweet Apple Acres now, in fact.

Diamond had assumed that they were going to need to go over to the farmhouse, knock, and get Apple Bloom, but she was already out in front of it in her wheelchair.

In fact, the whole Apple family seemed to be out there. She wasn't sure them standing out there waiting for her was a good thing, since they had wanted to kill her not that long ago. Maybe they'd changed their minds?

It did seem to her like you could probably hide a body for a long time on Sweet Apple Acres if you really wanted to. Who knew what was in all those barrels, or the compost and fertilizer they used for the farm?

Still, she wasn't being rushed with pitchforks, and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle didn't seem alarmed, not that they'd really have any reason to be. It was best to assume they were friendly.

Or they were all in on it together, and she'd never be seen again.

She did think Scoots would have a problem with that, though, and Granny Smith could easily have killed her in her sleep the other day. She'd been really nice instead, so it was probably okay. And she did have witnesses.

And, of course, if it wasn't okay, it was already too late, since they could see her now.

"Good morning, girls!" Granny Smith waved at them cheerily.

Big Macintosh pointed his hoof at her, looking rather more puzzled than hostile today. "What's she doing here?"

"She's here to be my servant today!" Apple Bloom piped up surprisingly cheerfully from her wheelchair. "Aren't you?"

Sure she was.

She could blow up and get mad, but that was probably what Apple Bloom wanted. In any case, two could play at that game. Apple Bloom wanted a maid, she'd get a maid.

Diamond walked up to Apple Bloom's chair at an even pace, not letting her irritation show.

"Of course, Miss Apple Bloom, ma'am!" Diamond did an exaggerated half-curtsey by Apple Bloom's feet. "Whatever you wish, ma'am."

"Diamond's just here to push Apple Bloom's wheelchair to and from school," Scootaloo blurted out hastily, seeming flustered.

"Well, that's mighty fine of you. Just today, was it?" Granny Smith asked.

"Until she's out of the wheelchair, actually," Diamond said, dropping the servant act. She really hoped that didn't turn out to be forever.

"I suppose we'll all have to get used to seeing you around here, then, won't we?" Granny Smith stated, eying the rest of the Apples. She was good at it, too. No one could eye other ponies like Granny Smith could.

One thing was clear, looking at the rest of them, too. Even if Applejack ran things normally, whatever Granny Smith said, went. The fact that she seemed to somehow like Diamond was extremely lucky for her.

"Now, suppose you let me see that there bad hoof of yours."

Startled, Diamond unwrapped the bandages from her hoof and held it out to Granny, without even really thinking about it.

"That doesn't look so bad, now," Granny Smith said, looking it over. "Be careful with it, and try not to trod on it too much, but I expect it'll be better by tomorrow."

"Oh? That's good," Diamond said awkwardly. "Now, we really did need to get going, er, school and all?"

"You modern fillies, always rushing around everywhere," Granny Smith said. She pulled out four paper bags, leading Diamond to vaguely wonder why she'd already had one ready for her. "Make sure to take some breakfast with you, at least."

Breakfast! Diamond snatched the paper bags away and dumped them in the wheelchair on Apple Bloom's lap.

"Hey!" Apple Bloom yelped, and tried to glare at Diamond, but clearly needed some lessons on the subject from Granny Smith.

"Now git along, y'all," Granny waved them away. "I'm sure you'll have more time for chit-chat after getting some of that highfalutin learnin' of yours."

Diamond waved awkwardly to them, and grabbed ahold of the wheelchair while the others said their goodbyes. After they had walked down the road a short way, Apple Bloom spoke up again.

"You'll at least go along with the whole servant thing at school, won'tcha?"

This again. "I did say I'd do anything you asked if Scootaloo agreed, but— "

"I know, but listen!" Apple Bloom said. "I've got a plan!"

"You planned to make Diamond your servant?" Scootaloo said, coming closer. "This I gotta hear."

"Look. Y'all said that the ponies at school were treating Diamond real bad 'cause she hurt me, right?"

"They did attack me, but I'm not sure what that has to do— "

"So, here's what we do. We let on that your family's makin' you wait all hoof an' hoof on me till I'm better, and that if they do anything to you, I won't have any help. Then nopony'll bother you, right?"

This did not sound fun. She didn't have much to lose, though, and it might work.

"I don't know. You sure you aren't just doing this because you want me to do a bunch of embarrassing stuff in front of everypony?"

It was what she'd have done, after all.

"Well —" Apple Bloom said slowly. "I might hafta do that a few times, 'cause everypony will expect me to. I'll keep it small, though, and you can act all grudging and sulky and surly about it. It'd be pretty weird if you didn't, actually."

It seemed like she was stuck with this. She sighed.

"You share your textbooks and lunch with me while I help you with them, don't push me too far, and we'll see how it goes, I suppose."

"Apple fritters!" Sweetie Belle said suddenly, startling Diamond.

"Apple fritters?" She repeated, not totally sure what was going on.

"Apple fritters!" Sweetie Belle said again, passing one of the paper bags from Apple Bloom's lap over. Diamond stopped pushing and opened it. Looking inside, sure enough, there was an apple fritter. She shoved it in her mouth and tossed the empty bag aside.

Gulping the fritter down, which did taste absolutely delicious, she started pushing again. "You are going to share your textbooks, right?"

"Um, I guess," Apple Bloom said, sounding a little confused. "What I can do is I'll make you sit next to me, pull it out, and flip pages for me, and you'll be close enough to read it. What's wrong with yours, though?"

"I don't have them," Diamond said, simply. "I think they are still in my room."

They might as well be on the moon.

"Oh. Well, this oughta work. We'll play it by ear."

Given they were pretty much at school, and other ponies were already starting to give them confused looks, they didn't really have time to change plans anyways. It was time for a big dramatic entrance.

"Coming through!" Apple Bloom bellowed, as they approached the schoolhouse. Foals scrambled away as she wheeled the wheelchair towards the schoolhouse… steps?

Right. Great. Probably should've thought this bit out more.

"Okay, you two, get on the other side. We'll have to lift it up, I think," she said.

Oof. This thing was heavy.

Fortunately, there weren't many steps, and with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo helping, she managed to maneuver the wheelchair past them and into the doorway. Anypony that wasn't paying attention before this certainly would be now, though. Shouldn't there have been some other way in?

"Okay. Diamond! That's my desk right there!" Apple Bloom pointed over to it. "Get rid of the chair and just pull me in there. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Diamond mock-snapped to attention, shoved the chair to one side, and pulled the wheelchair in as close as it could get to the desk without risking knocking her leg against it.

"That desk is now yours," Apple Bloom said, pointing at the next desk over. "Shove it next to mine, and stay right next to me, so you're there when I need you. And I will be needing you."

There was already a bag on that desk, but Diamond wasn't going to let that ruin their momentum. She tossed the bag onto another desk, then shoved this one over next to Apple Bloom's.

She sat down, trying not to collapse into it and show how tired she was. She never got this much exercise, and it had been a pretty exhausting week.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sat down in desks near them, trying to act as if all of this was normal and happened all the time.

Everyone was looking at them and talking to each other. She wasn't sure she was happy about her own role in all this, but there was something to be said for being the center of attention, at least.

As the seats filled up around them, everypony was talking, and she was pretty sure most of it was about them.

Miss Cheerilee watched from the front of the classroom. Once the school bell rang and everypony was in their seats, she cleared her throat.

"Let's settle down everypony, now." She looked the class over, and the talking came to a stop.

"Now, everypony, as I'm sure you are aware, Apple Bloom is out of the hospital now, and is rejoining us a bit early today. Why don't you all give her a warm welcome?"

At that, the other foals gave her a round of applause, both because it seemed to be expected, and possibly because of the spectacle Diamond and Apple Bloom had made coming in.

Miss Cheerilee cut off the applause after a moment.

"Now, since she's still recovering, I'd like everypony to help her out as much as you can, though this does not extend to doing her homework for her, or anything similar." A colt who had started to raise one hoof lowered it. "Apple Bloom, did you want to say a few words?"

Apple Bloom leaned forward. "First off, Miss Cheerilee, we really had a hard time getting over those stairs. It's gonna be really tough if we hafta do that every day."

Miss Cheerilee squeezed her eyes closed for a moment. "Facilities was already notified and should be getting a ramp ready. We weren't expecting you back for a day or two, but I'll have them hurry. Anything else you wanted to say?"

"Right." Apple Bloom looked around the classroom. "First off, I wanted to thank everypony that came and visited me in the hospital. That place was driving me stir-crazy, and your visits helped."

"As you can see," she gestured downwards, "I'm still stuck in this wheelchair, and I will be for at least a couple of months. I am gonna need help, and since Diamond was the one that got me stuck here in the first place, she's gonna be wheeling it around for me and acting as my hooves for everything I need done until I'm all healed up. So you might all want to get used to seeing us together for a while."

"Thank you, Apple Bloom," Miss Cheerilee said. "Before I start, Diamond, can I see you for a moment?"

Oh, right, missing class. She grabbed the note she'd written and signed in Daddy's name, hoping it was enough, and walked up to the front of the class slowly, feeling all eyes on her.

"Um, I've got a note for the days I missed here— " she started.

"Don't worry about it, Diamond. Your butler stopped by while you were out."

Grey had come by? Her heart skipped a beat. Did Miss Cheerilee know?

Oblivious to the look of panic that crossed Diamond's face, she continued. "He let me know you weren't feeling well and wouldn't be in. I've heard what happened, in any case, and I've talked to everypony involved. It won't happen again."

It shouldn't have happened in the first place!

"Um, Miss Cheerilee, where were you at the time?" she ventured.

Cheerilee sighed. "I'm sorry, Diamond. There was supposed to be someone watching outside. I was in the classroom picking out a new editor for the Foal Free Press. It seems we just can't keep anypony in the position."

You shouldn't have taken it away from me, then!, Diamond thought. She was tempted to volunteer to take it back over, but she doubted it would be accepted, and she was pretty sure she couldn't do that on top of everything else even if it was.

At least it didn't sound like Grey had told on her. What had he been doing here?

"Was there anything else?" she asked, hoping there wasn't.

"That should be it," she said, cheerfully. "It's good to see you helping out Apple Bloom like this."

"It wasn't really my decision on that. Daddy was pretty angry."

"It's still a good opportunity for the two of you to spend some time together. Maybe you'll even be friends by the end of this!"

Friends? Diamond thought, as she walked back to her desk. Fat chance of that! Maybe we won't kill each other, at least.

"Now, class, if you'll take out your Algebra book, and turn to page 274 —-"

"Diamond, my book?"

She reached into Apple Bloom's bag, and hunted around for the textbook in question. Flipping to the correct page, she placed it on Apple Bloom's desk, and leaned over so she could see it properly.

This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

Sorry about how long I went between chapters, guys, and I'm afraid I can't really promise the next chapter will be any time soon, either. I really need to get back into writing on a regular basis.

If you read the chapter I shared a while ago, it's the same actions and things happening, but a lot of the actual wording is different, since I retyped things out based on the original.

This isn't particularly proofread by anyone other than me, either. Still, I did want to get something out before the year ended. Hope everyone enjoys it.

Comments ( 48 )

Another oldie but goldie fanfic that has gotten a New Years update :pinkiehappy:
Happy New Year, lets hope its a good one :twilightsmile:

Hey ... update ... *yay* :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

It's lives!

Well now Diamond Tiara has the long slog of going back to school. I bet by the end yes Diamond will be friends with Apple Bloom and she will have used this as a major learning experience.

Fat chance of that! Maybe we won't kill each other, at least.

My what a rosy outlook Diamond Tiara has. :trollestia: Doom and gloom much?

I'm loving this fic. I hope karma comes down onto Filthy at some point for not properly parenting Diamond, and then disowning her the way he did and leaving her homeless... He should have issued a terse punishment rather than throw his child onto the streets as if she'd know what to do to survive. She broke someone's legs, yes, but she's still too young to be out on her own. To Tartarus with your public image, Filthy Rich, get it dealt with properly. :facehoof:

Speaking of Tartarus, I'm pretty sure that's where his reputation is going to be when everyone finds out about what he did. :trollestia:

That said, the direction it's going in so far is a nice redemption arc for Diamond. I'm glad to see that it's updated :pinkiehappy:
Happy New Years!

Thanks. I hope so too.

It's undead! Hopefully. It wouldn't surprise me if the next update was the same timeframe as this one, but I hope not. I'm not kidding about needing to get back in the habit of writing...


To be fair, both of them have nearly killed each other recently.

Yeah, back to the grind of school.

At the very least, we can hope they'll appreciate each other more, and not be at odds with each other. If that happens, I think we can count it as a victory.

And if nothing else, Diamond's less likely to want to get on Apple Bloom's side for Scootaloo's sake at this point, though that has limits...


glad you're enjoying it!

If nothing else, one of the more recent chapters should give you a bit of an idea as far as Filthy Rich is concerned. I'm not totally sure how satisfied people will be with the ultimate resolution of things, but I'll be happy, at least.

Pride feels like a bit of a theme here to me: Filthy Rich's pride, Diamond Tiara's pride, Scootaloo's pride...


Wooo! Thanks for the update!

Still just as great as it was a year ago.

I had thought this was a dead story and here we get a update and a good one too.

Ah, it's back!

"for a long time one Sweet Apple Acres"
"for a long time on Sweet Apple Acres"?

"for the time of you to spend some"
"for the two of you to spend some"?

"Hope everyone enjoys it."
I think I did, yes; thanks, and good luck.

For not being proofread by anyone else it's pretty damn good! Love that it's still around, though I'll have to reread it all quick to remember what's going on. You write nicely though so it shouldn't be a problem. Take your time, And a happy New Year to You!


No problem.

I appreciate that. And yeah, I could see where the story would look dead, but it's mostly resting. I've thought about writing more and updating a lot more than I actually have, and various other things have rather taken up my time.

Both fixed, thanks!

I did have two or three people leave a few comments in the previous draft that I shared. On this draft, I literally had that draft on one side of my screen and rewrote the whole thing on the other side, so no proofreading on the rewrite, though. But I don't usually end up with that many things that need fixing when I do have proofreaders, anyways. Quite a number of the early chapters didn't have proofreaders, until Luminary and Elric volunteered.

Of course, the first chapter really did need that rewrite that I did on it a few years ago, and I would change things on a number of the early chapters if I was going back to them...

Thanks, and a happy new year to you as well.


You're welcome!

Ah, yes, and happy new year. :)

The updates live! :yay:

Now if only JWI and MFAB would update... :scootangel:


JWI, I have part of the next chapter laying around, at 3.2K, last modified in May. I also have a pretty good idea of the rest of the story. I've been thinking about finishing that chapter and posting it, and I would like to finish JWI at some point. Just looking at what I have written there makes me want to play with it...

MFAB... 3.5K of the next chapter is written, but last modified in 2014. I mainly needed to write the fight scene, but the idea distorted from the original plan, and I'm no longer totally sure where it's going, Not to mention I was majorly stalling out on the fight scene. So you might say that one's a little less alive than JWI, though I could potentially go back to it.

Which is a shame. Silver Spoon is a great villain in chapter two, with her attempts to subvert Twist and Apple Bloom, and I rather like this one colt Diamond is using as a footstool...


I'm really relieved this story isn't dead yet. I love this story but I didn't want to bother you with constant "When is the next chapter coming?" bits since it wouldn't make it quicker and only annoy you. I also want to wish you a good and successful 2018 :twilightsmile:

Nice to see this again, great job with it. Poor Tiara, though. To get a filly to that point of thinking, you can’t help but feel for her.

Happy New Year, by the way. Hope you had an awesome time on the holidays.

"Now git along, y'all,"Granny waved them away.
> Need a space after the end quote.

"Okay, you two, get on the other side. We'll have to lift it up, I think," she said.

Okay ... you use she a lot for Diamond Tiara, which is a bit awkward to read when written in first person. Is this supposed to be Diamond Tiara or Apple Bloom?

The mix of Third and First Person was awkward to read when it came to dialog. Or when it happened right after dialog. With She being used instead of I. Since that implies the person who spoke last ... don't know if I guessed who did what right. But it was still a good chapter, and I look forward to the next one.

great chapter i really was surprised it was updated and i have to say i was REALLY excited :D
keep up the good work!

Having just discovered this story, I've finished reading through what there is so far. I like it, but would like to address a couple criticisms I have. Note that these may be things others have already pointed out, so apologies for redundancy, and in any case it's just my opinion.

- I feel it took too long for you to finally start implying, let alone showing, why Filthy went so far in his punishment for Diamond. I nearly stopped reading the story after just the first chapter because it felt so unrealistic. Though I'm glad I stuck with it.

- The fact that Diamond hasn't asked for help is becoming more and more unrealistic. She (admittedly unwillingly) asked the Crusaders of all ponies for help, so why has she not asked literally anypony else? She could at least explain her situation to Applejack or Cheerilee or someone else she's on roughly neutral terms with (Pinkie knows, but she didn't exactly tell her, and Diamond then promptly shut down her attempts to help). I get the whole "she's stubborn and prideful" thing, but when it comes to that, suspension of disbelief has a hard time extending to "still not asking for help after being homeless for almost a week".

- The addition of Dazzle the cat doesn't really feel necessary, but maybe you have plans for him later, so I'll leave it at that.

All in all, this story is quite enjoyable, but those nitpicks are bugging me. Point 2 in particular I really hope gets some sort of resolution soon. I never liked pre-redemption Diamond one bit, but maaaan this story makes me feel for her. Looking forward to future chapters no matter how long they take!


I'd say just tinker with what you have if you don't remember where you were coming from. I'd definitely love a somewhat Sailor Moon-esque type fic that actually went somewhere and used the CMC in whatever way. :pinkiehappy:

JWI definitely needs to get back into the playing field, though. Not many stories out there like it, and none actually do it like you do.

Happy new years

Well, this is actually supposed to be third person limited, sticking strictly to Diamond's point of view, other than the Scootaloo chapter and the scene with Grey. It will occasionally have Diamond's thoughts in italics, and may have I for Diamond in there.

That should have been Diamond, and I'll take a closer look at that spot.



Originally that reveal would have taken even longer, and it was planned since very early. If I were rewriting, I might have moved it earlier, and probably would have combined some things and had less chapters to get to this point, honestly, but then, I started this story back in 2013...

Part of the trouble is that Diamond has gotten just enough help to feel like she doesn't need to ask for it. Also, stubborn pride is a bit of a Rich family trait, at least in this story. Not to mention that she's had a lot going on. It was a pretty packed week.

Still, in a few chapters, whether she should tell someone will be rather less of a question. You could say I'm wrapping up things to move into act two.

And yes, Dazzle was not entirely necessary and just walked in there straight from Magerblutooth's comics...


I do have a short summary of what happens and would happen in MFAB. Trouble is it's what would happen if it were a one-shot, basically. That and fight scenes really are a big weakness of mine.

And yeah, JWI should. Though right now, with a total of two paragraphs written of the next chapter of CZ, I should probably put in some effort there. Of course, I surprised myself by finding that I had something like 700 words of the chapter after the next one written...


Here's hoping that by the next update I won't have to stop to think of what all the major plot points were.:derpytongue2:

I can sympathize. For the next chapter, I have to think about what all the plot points were last time Diamond was at school.

I remember in general, but I'm going to have to go back and look to see who I had doing certain things...

(Admittedly, that's minor plot points, not major, but still...)


Actually throughout the chapter it was kind of confusing when you hit dialog. You use "She" alot, but it's both when you are using Diamond Tiara's POV, and in dialog where you bring up other characters. Rather than using names. Gives it a mix of Perspectives that while interesting to read, when added to dialog makes it confusing (do I use Diamond Tiara for the dialog or the last named pony before the dialog took place).

Finally got around to reading this chapter.

I don't have much to say except that I'm looking forward to Diamond and Apple Bloom's weird new relationship and inevitable friendship. :pinkiehappy:

It's one of these ideas that I'm not really sure Apple Bloom's thought out that well herself...


Nice to see this story back. So let me tell some of my thoughts on it.

Seems like things are looking up for Diamond. Her first day at school was fine so far, at least she wasn't chased by a mob with pitchforks and none of her other fears have come true (yet).

Let me call it now, Grany Smith is a frigging witch. Like a kind forest witch or something along the lines. The very moment Diamond needs some breakfast Grany shows up with some apple fritters. This is some sort of supernatural intuition. So I say it has something to do with witchcraft (or earth pony magic). Either way, I really like her character and it was nice to see her again. Even though she doesn't do a lot in the scene she still feels like a peacemaker, who makes the whole family be more reasonable and restrained.

Also a small question about the scene in which Diamond keeps on imagining Scootaloo in a maid's or butler's outfit. Is it my inflamed mind playing tricks on me or did you start to lowkey ship Diamond and Scootaloo?

Finally, more updates. I look forward to the next chapter

Finally caught up on this story, after re-reading it. I hope you can update it soon!

Why was this cancelled?

So, is there any news on the state of this story? It's been quite a while since we've heard anything about it.

The status is basically that I haven't managed to write anything on it in a long time. I'm at the point where I feel like if I don't manage to continue it, I should at least close it off properly, so I've been considering marking it as canceled and writing one final chapter in the form of a diary entry detailing most of would have happened in the chapters following this one. It wouldn't be as good as if I completed things, but it'd be a lot better then leaving it hanging with no ending at all..


This is such a well-written narrative, but I believe I have said that before. :moustache:

Hope you're doing okay!

I could swear Granny Smith found out DT had been disowned at some point. Am I just imagining things, or was there another chunk of story at some point?

Either way, I've really found my love for how you create these stories again. Keep at it, will you?

Can't say for sure, but not deliberately, in any case.

Granny Smith never found out Diamond was disowned, but she is very observant, and is pretty sure something is wrong, and some of that should be coming across.

I really need to reread this story again myself, since it's been long enough, though a lot of it I just remember, if you know what I mean. I do feel like I'd probably screw up some of the details, and I think I was in a bit of a tricky spot to continue from.

I'm also having trouble remembering what I haven't already written in the story.



With a bit of thought, I came up with a reason why Scoots's backstory was familiar: there's a story that took your groundwork and expanded what had been established. Can't exactly pinpoint it, though I seem to remember it crediting you. Granny Smith is an anomaly in that regard, however, because there really aren't many stories out there like this one.

I can see how you would need a refresher quite well, honestly. Just in my second pass of this story, I thought 'isn't this the one where DT pushes Apple Bloom around in her wheelchair?' and I was right. I could swear there was more interaction there, but still. I'd help out, but I have no idea where the story goes from here.

So, I read this, like, twice and love it, from a couple years ago, but why did you stop? Is it because she was redeemed in the show?
I mean, this story is so great!

Movie Critic Roger Ebert once did a review of the anime "My Neighbor Totoro". In this review, he gave a brief breakdown on the cultural/artistic differences between Eastern and Western animation/storytelling. In Western Stories, particularly those for younger audiences such as MLP adults are often broken down to three main "camps" if you will: Villains (Spoiled Rich), Incompetent/foolish (Miss Cheerilee), or altogether not available (Applebloom/Scootaloo's parents). It was actually a rather insightful read and while I don't think I'll ever quite "get" a lot of the anime hype, I can better appreciate the overall art form.

As to AJ's overprotective streak, I believe it could have been an endearing quality had it not been played so over the top for laughs. She's the closest thing AB has to a mother figure after all. But like so many things in the show, later episodes had a tendency to overdo/flanderize character quirks to a point that they are no longer meaningful/sincere.

As to the inconsistencies between episodes, From what I understand, the show didn't have a consistent "writer's department" especially in later seasons and so new writers may or may not have had a solid foundation in the stories prior to theirs. Actually, I've heard several people suggest that FiM was never meant to have 9 seasons at all and was originally set to have a 3 season "block" which would have ended with Twilight getting her wings and that being that.

Finally re-read this. Oh, I hope one day you can finish. :duck:

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