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Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

Profile of Retired Writer, Lapis-Lazuli, and his editor, Stitch / Inky. Thanks for the memories, FiMFiction.


Comments ( 141 )

A sexy, romantic One-Shot inspired by the #FimFiction chat room. This one goes out to you guys.

You flatterer you. :twilightblush:

But I somehow feel I do not belong to the ones you meant. :raritydespair:

Original, sexy and fucking amazing overall. 1000/10. Faved, liked, loved. :heart:

Kawa #3 · Apr 18th, 2013 · · 1 ·

Please chekhov your guns at the door.

You. I like you.

2446985 Thanks so much for the compliment! I really appreciate it. :D

You are very welcome! Here, I'll be following you for more good fics :twilightsmile:

You should throw an AU tag on it to ward off the people bitching about how those two are not related in any possible way.

2447760 Given that there's no offical canon one way or another, meh.

But sure. Why not.

Wellll, if you put it that way then theoretically the canon is that they haven't even been in the same room together.

But my policy is not to judge. If you say that they're sisters, then why not.
Fanon > Canon.

2447796 I Suppose it's worth the tag, given that peoples headcanons say otherwise. I just really didn't think of it.

Interesting: check
Good pacing: check
Good characterization: check
Interesting idea: Double check
Leaves audience wanting more: check
Decent word count: triple check

Thank you to those who've read, faved and liked! Spread the word and keep new readers coming in! :rainbowlaugh:

Absolutely amazing writing.


I have to say your timing is perfect. I found myself thinking (hmm. i just realised, i actualy have yet to read a single story with vinyl and octi in it. I should look for one.) then poof, your story shows up. im rather happy with this and like the idea of the two as sisters. I rather enjoyed what i read and have faved it. ^_^

god damn that was awesome
please never ever stop writing

During the club scene.

that was just...stup-azing!!!

no dictionary word can describe this so I had to delve into my headtionary and bring out stup-azing for it....because that's what it is...stupendously amazing:moustache:

Words fail to describe how excellent this story is.

This one goes in my above favorites category.

I'd love to read a sequel to this... it may have been partially clop but this had the tone that I've been looking for in the terms of romance with it. It is really awesome in my books! Thumbs up times 9000.:pinkiehappy:

gonna have to replace my mouse from hitting the fave button so hard....

Not very original in the actual content of the story. It's the same as hundreds of other fics about them, besides the incest part. Good writing, but PLEASE do something more original next time. :pinkiehappy:

loved it :D

if only 22k words werent such a roadblock

2457547 You mean to having lots of readers? Yeah, I agree, but whatever. Some people liked it, read it, and that's good enough for me.

Besides, I learned a lot writing this thing.

2459249 As to what Rarity gave Tavi - well now, that would be spoiling things. (Hint: Im gonna write a sequel to this.)

Also, my main language is English actually. I just have very weird English.

sure, its totally worth your time. but you could easily split it into chapters...you already have those small breaks^^

2459711 Sadly, it's already submitted as a one-shot. Can't really change that.

Maybe for the sequel.

that would be highly appreciated :twilightsmile:

seriously great story words can't praise this enough keep writing ill be watching

This story was certainly interesting. I commend you on a well done fic. :moustache:

Nice story. Good word count. I'm a sucker for long stories :twilightsmile:

Noticed a small error though. Near the end just before Vinyl plays the piano, it says:
"Octavia gently squeezed her sister's shoulder, lifting her hooves up to take off the DJ's shades and set them down on the keys."

and later : "Vinyl couldn't restrain her smile in return, her shades lost somewhere along the way. "
But made no mention of putting them back on. Just a small thing I noticed.

Good story. Looking forward to sequel.

Well, I'm not into the whole thing where Vinyl and Tavi are sisters, and I do notice a lot of bronies are jumping on that bandwagon, but whatever, it was OctaScratch clop so I can't argue.

very nice! love the whole sister thing!

Heh. Bistro named Pommes Frites. In Equestria, that actually makes sense! I mean really, if you don't know the 'between the lines' part of that name, you end up with "apple fries".

Always love seeing other languages I know (some of) included, even if it really is nothing worth mentioning.

2463347 Hooray! Someone got it!

Also : I enjoyed naming the head chef "Allez Cuisine" too much.

2463366 I just got to that part, and it's equally amusing. :twilightsmile:

Hoh, shit. This was amazing. Not just incest smut, actual romance and story. You, sir, are amazing. :moustache::twilightsmile:

Longest, most story driven bit of one-shot clop I've ever read. You get a like, a follow, and a mustache. :moustache:

Daammnnn, this made for an absolutely wonderful read! There was D'awww, there was emotion, and there was good clop!

One thing bugged me though, why didn't Vinyl stay in contact with Octavia? From my understanding she had moved out from the parents before Vinyl ran away.

Besides that small issue, which could just be me being stupid, this was wonderful, and the first time I've ever seen or thought of them as sisters.

Edit: I was going to follow you but I just couldn't when I saw that you had 69 followers, I just can't do it.

Intriguing, captivating and breathtakingly moving..... Bravo, simply bravo. :twilightsmile:

2472543 Vinyl was on the run for a very long time - almost 8 years. Speaking as someone who has known a few runaways in his time, it can be very hard to keep track of things like addresses and such. Especially when you have cut all contact off from the primary caretakers of the person you are trying to contact.

Hope that helps explain things!

Oh and my followers number has increased quite a bit, if you haven't done it yet. :pinkiehappy:

It's... Nice.
But the eye descriptions for Vinyl's eyes almost nearly killed it for me.
Petty, I know. But I suggest you keep the description of Vinyl's eyes as nonexistent.
Who can complain when nobody knows the eye color?

Found out the pawn shop owner never sold the darn thing. He's been using it himself, keeping it in his shop. Said he knew I'd be back one day for it and kept it tuned. He wanted it to be there when I came, the crazy old coot." there was some heavy emotion in Vinyl's voice. Some old pain that Octavia could not simply stand there and let be.

I wanna hear that story....

It was pretty good. Somehow a lot longer than I thought it would be - I would've expected to get through 8-9k words easily, but it took a ridiculously long time :derpyderp1: Meh, that's just me, though. I found a couple lines that I really enjoyed - for instance, Octavia's thoughts on techno. I think some of the scenes could stand to be a little bit longer, but it was still good.

Grammar-wise, I noticed a problem that was consistent enough to bring up. When you end dialogue, your use of punctuation and the subsequent capitalization of the next letter is somewhat off. Just remember that all the normal rules are still in place - if you end a sentence, you use a period and capitalize the next letter. If you don't end a sentence, you use a comma and don't capitalize the next letter. The only time when that's different is with exclamation points and question marks, where if you don't end the sentence, you still use them, you just don't capitalize the next letter. So just keep that in mind :twilightsmile:


Rarity Micro-series comic. Released after you said that.


Hey, don't diss the comics. I know Andy.


Alright... guess you don't want to know about the pony who may, in fact, be a prostitute.

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