• Member Since 19th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Sunday

The Computer Pony


Going through my Favorites · 10:23am Apr 21st, 2022

Going through my favorites always tends to depress me. So many amazing stories cancelled, put on hiatus indefinitely... And then there's the fact that this fookin virus has made most people disappear! I hope people are doing alright though. <~<

Report The Computer Pony · 64 views ·
Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Soonish? I have the next chapter typed out, but I've been told it's too 'quick' or sudden.

when you gonna update your story :rainbowhuh:

Thanks for following Man of War! Feel free to comment and be sure to check out my Blogs. Also, be sure to check out the Man of War Group for more!

Brony on!

P.S. In regards to your comment, I have been going through all of the older chapters and editing them. And newer chapters are getting more editing done than when I had started, so hopefully that will make things simpler. And that phrase that you pointed out was supposed to sound weak, but that's me being nit picky. Thanks again for reading!

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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