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Sweet, loving, and somehow still managing to be innocent. This is wonderful.
1156775I agree with you mr. its pretty good yet still in the mood of the other fic.....I LOVE IT!
Perfect. Solid goddamn gold.
Sweet and touchingly innocent despite it's obviously intimate content.
Fantastic as per usual, DawnFade.
Damn, have you got some serious writing talent. 
1156775 Too true.
I still found it quite funny, but I seem to find humour in everything I read.
how come octi don't return the favour?
fanastic regagdless of that anyways!
more story than sex, where the sex only serves to further the story. That was fantastic.
Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.
1156914 Give her time..
Only one way to show how I feel about this chapter

3 down, more to go?
great chapter!
Going to bed. Huh? 1 update. Read. Whats this? Link? Scratchtavia clop? *gaze longingly at pillow*
... fuck sleep, acquire fanfic.
A very sweet little scene, captured the innocence of Octavia and the love between the two of them. Very well made.
it's like, th' most innocent sex scene i've ever seen.
Fancy meeting you here.
So good. This was a great addition to it counterpart.
And that guy ^^^^ would now goodness of the mature kind.
1157423 well well well, if it isn't my arch nemisis: Issac McDangleboomer the 3rd. We meet again.

That isn't my name and you know it!
PREPARE TO BE VANQUISHED!*somehow manages to use Royal Canterlot Voice*
Going beyond the explicitness of an average shipping fic, but not solely designed to arouse the reader like an average clopfiction. A fine balance, Sir. I raise my thumb to you!
1156945 i agree in my story thats exactly what i tried to do
All I have to say is...
It is awkward... in a good way. It actually is well-written.
There aren't many writers who do this right.
Good to talk to another one.
Giving this a downvote because it's not real clop or romantic sex unless it's got a neg.
I'll switch it to an upvote later, if anyone else gives it a thumbs down.
EDIT: And the best part? I completely forgot to hit the thumbs down button.
1157569 i can never be vanquished Mr. Doc Rogan of the Thermanthos Society, you'll never stop my pan to pollute the cities water supplies. Never!! (manicical laugh)
Yes, I can.
I will just cut off the water supply temporarily so the poison can be removed. It is a very easy thing to stop.
1157632 Who said i was using poison. I'm polluting the water with werewolves wearing top-hats and they have a little vendetta with you, Prof. T. Mcwilliam Goosenberry!
But, I just so happen to be wielding the one thing that instills utter respect Top-hat-wearing werewolves. The Cane-sword of Blaringelt. WATCH AS THEY TURN AGAINST YOU!
1157671 ah, but that only works with the siberain breed of top hatted werewolves. these are canadian breed! bigger, faster and stronger than the siberian ones and they will only listen to the words of a full blooded canadian like myself!
1157363I'm with you there on that one buddy
Ah, but, by a technicality, I count as an honorary Canadian. Thus, I get an exemption to the full-blooded clause, and they would fight for me as if I was their own.
Do you wish to start a civil war among werewolves?
If so, you are mad, man!
1157707 Agent Gravedigger a la pooeinter, that was my plan all along!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This is only the second time I've seen clop used in service to the plot, not the other way around... and the first time it was the original author doings so (the other being Fallout Equestria chapter 10.5, which Kkat approved and referenced later on but did not himself write). ALL MY STARS! TAKE THEM!
... and here's wondering how Vinyl is going to get around to teaching Octavia how to reciprocate
They all just turned against you, now that they found out.
im going to hell for reading this
Maybe we'll have adjoining cells and we can chat about this awesome while we're there. XD
Also, the pause at the start with "W-what do I do?" "I have no idea." Made me lol. Had to divert my roommate's attention elsewhere to keep going. XD
This is so sweet. It reminds me of the first time I was in bed with someone. Just laying there, completely insecure and so, so afraid of doing something wrong.
And now I have finished chapter 16. Great way to end it, so innocent and yet so good. You are one heck off a writing and can not wait for the next chapter.
Also this is how clop should be written, incorporated into the story so well.
Love juice? Really?
Not bad for a romantic sex scene. Can't wait for the next chapter!
1157793 Your right, they did just turn against you.
I think we are about to derail this comment section.
SEAL of approval

But seriously, this was awkward but funny
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. yeah I would think so. XD
That. was an epic chapter of epicness. WINTACULAR
>University Nights
yesyesyeseysyesyesyesyesyesyes it finnaly happend omg im sohappyrightnow omgoshomgoshomgoooosh this fanfic is so good

. this fanfic is like bacon,with that im saying make more and never stop PLEASEEEEE
1158448 couldn't find an octavia one