• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 27,547 Views, 1,445 Comments

Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper - KingofSquirrelz

Pinkie Pie is leaving you at home for a week so she can go run off to the Crystal Kingdom with her friends. You two lead a very loving romance, tons of sexual exploration. Perfect right? Well no matter what the situation she will not, under any cir

Comments ( 160 )

More and more, I wish for someone to hand him his ass in a fight. Like Iron WIll. That'd be fun.

Edit: I'm talking about Frost, by the way. I hate guys like that.

Oh my word!! IM glad you updated this finally! that also means you're ok now! yay!! :pinkiehappy: :heart:



Where's the pooper poking in this chapter? I am deeply and honestly disappointed that Frost didn't wind up with his wang in a new and interesting place it shouldn't be.

2743608 I guess you will have to keep reading to find out what i do to you :D
2743574 Yah, basically had the back of my neck cut out, im good enough to write

2743641 Next chapter, Promise there will be three.

Extra points if he has sex while carrying the detritus of a burning Sugarcube Corner on his back!

Mother of god that ending asggklfwgelxje

I love you so much, you magnificent bastard. :yay: :pinkiehappy:

“What did you do?” Blinkie said, slightly frantic.

You looked down to her and just raised an eyebrow, “I gave them a stern lecture.”

“B-bu, you’re cut... and your shirt…”

“I give very enthusiastic lectures.”

best lecture ever, also this was a short chapter? what the hell is a long chapter

New chapter?
Fuck yeah not sleeping for a while

2744106 Who needs sleep there are PONIES
2744101 Well given the time it took to write vs. its length. it should be double its length for how long it was to write.
2744003 Thank my Editor too, he was apart of the creation process as well. :pinkiehappy:
2743832 I am glad you liked it ^_^
2743470 Soon ^_^ very soon.

Yikes! Frost weighs eleven tons!?

Damn, he's like a fucking comic book superhero in this world. He practically has super strength!

Protip: do not antagonize someone who can put their fist through a hardwood floor without injury.

2744144 1zacster <<< This guy did the math, if its off blame him :D

25k words... fantastic! :heart:
and after reading it... AMAZING! :raritystarry:

hope you are getting better! it be a shame to see this story end due to sickness.
Keep writing and keep thinking forward! :pinkiehappy:

2744161 :3 There are alot of important hints in this chapter, i hope you caught them all. :D but dont worry. i will continue to write.

maybe it was the duration between this and the previous chapter but this chapter was in a very different writing style than the rest of the story. Its not necessarily bad, just a tad jarring. I can't honestly describe why it feels different, it just does. Still liked it and I'm happy to see you're back, hopefully in better health

2744274 I was hopped up on morphine though most of it. plus there is only a tiny smexy scene. Also i made it a point to not be a show off but then you "leacure" a bar full of griphons. Also you know know how much Frost weighs. I know this one feels weird but tust me it is well worth it when the ending comes.



Glad to see you back.
Glad to see an update.
Glad to see I'm being burned alive after tossing a filly/mare out of a burning buil...wait, what?

A very nice chapter, lots of development, a hell of alot actually. I wasn't even put off by the lack of clop. Sometimes just development (with a bit of service) is pretty good. And this sir, is more than pretty good.

And now, back to The Last of Us.

I really hope he will decline the job as Diamond Tyara slave, and his father really sucks when it come to hard talks? What a dick, I really hope she will get over soon. Oh well Frost will always find a way

I really enjoyed this chapter:pinkiehappy: and am glad that you are recovering. Also loved the ending it was AMAZING. I personally think it was worth the wait and welcome back :twilightsmile:

I love you so much right now. Possibly homo.


2744889 Your going to wish you were! :D
2744862 :3 made me laugh
2744755 meh lets just get Derpy and have a threeway? Sound cool?
2744748 Meh it was worth it if this was 2 weeks ago. I hate making my readers wait. :pinkiesad2:
2744641 It was Diamonds mom who was in charge of the hard talks, :3 leave him be :D Frist will always do what he can with what he is given.
2744574 Its hard to follow up on morgan freeman lol
2744390 Thank you ^_^

So......what, frost gets murdered, and somehow he gets turned into a demon king, and will more than likely go on a spree of destruction and revenge, getting what he wants, but afterwards, he'll just simply collapse, and let out all the sorrow, suffering, sadness, and grief forced upon him by the machinations of a chaotic god, a lowly earth stallion, and other forces..........I can only hope, that this will truly end good for frost......I fear if it ends otherwise

I think Your health is more important to your readers than the fic at that point tho but none the less the wait paid off.

2744903 lol He isnt dead, :3 if you want i can tell you how he survived the propane tank exploitation. :duck: Normally i dont like giving details but im feeling gitty. As for the demon king part, you will have to wait and see :D for the best part in this chapter is what has the least significant.

Looooooooooooong chapter. But so good.

And this has come very far from the title, hm?

2744932 You would think, but it actually leading into the title :pinkiehappy:

That's what I expected, but what I mean is it doesn't revolve around the title like one would think. Remember "The Desperate Trophy Wife"? That story started out with the title applying to it, but morphed into something really weird.

Oh God, oh God, oh God! When is the next chapter coming...? The suspense is killing me, as always.

The ending kinda took me off guard but overall great chapter, I hope you are feeling better now, can't wait until the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Who needs a shit storm when you have fire and brimstone Mr. Frost.:pinkiecrazy:
Glad to see an update again.:twilightsmile:
This made my night.:ajsmug:

Oh dear god I am in love with this story :rainbowkiss:
I want it to end so I can read it over and over and over and etc.
And so the wait for the new chapter begins :pinkiecrazy:

I love the story so far but it could have done without Spike doing Winnoa and Mac doing the cows.

Trying very hard to not be a stick in the mud, but how heavy is Frost as the chapter progresses, as Twi's spell is only weakening until the very end? 11 tons focused into a footstep won't just bring the ground, let alone mud, to the ankles. The force of a footstep applies roughly 4 times the weight applied to it, so almost 100,000 lbs. into the point the size of a foot (well, the heel of the foot with proper stride). That's enough to pierce through most pure metals (and some alloys). Running exerts even more force, 7-1/2 to 9 times based on stride. If Frost had even half his real weight during the mad dash to the hospital, he more than likely wouldn't have made it to the hospital.

omigawdnewchapter, thanks squirrelz.

2745523 ^_^ i do see your point but remember what i said in chapter one that you could always carry your own weight. Also you body is not even how you servive the firy inferno. :) Accuall your real weight almost gets you killed.
But i wouldn't let that happen, there is still so much to go though. :twilightblush:
2745534 Your welcome! For whatever i did.
2745360 Winona and cows need love too.
2745144 Glad to hear. 6.6 now its time for sleep
2745127 Yah, i just cant wait for what is to come.
2745003 Soon its in story boarding atm

2745668 Well yeah, but being able to carry your own weight and the surface you are on being able to support it are not even remotely related. That's like saying an elephant can walk on a glass table because it can walk on a clay plain.
I also didn't say anything about the fire at all:rainbowderp:
I know I'm reading WAY to into this, but 3 days with like 4 hours of sleep and running from infected have left my automatic censor on the "screw working" mode.

2745697Well like granny smith says: "Magic is as magic does." :eeyup:

you've seen the hellsing parody. Michael McDoesn't exist XD

Hope this means your illness is cured. And once again, an AWESOME chapter!!!

I see, and I suppose he can quit where ever he wants, maybe it could help for Tiara to finally, grow up into a nice mare.
By the by, Binkie wake up the moment Frost toss her?

I'm guessing Carrot Cake was trying to frame Frost for SCC destruction, but that won't work! :applejackunsure:

Oh dear. That sounds ominous. Is it going to be very painful? Should I feel bad? Um, maybe have Iron Will only sue him instead?

Kidding aside, it was the Griffon scene that really clinched it for me. I've known guys who acted exactly like Frost did. They managed to walk up to the wrong guy (who was usually far smaller and weaker, because, for all their bravado, they never wanted to get hurt themselves), and sucker punched him. With different guys, on several occasions. None of those "heroes" was someone I'd want to be around.

this is without a doupt, one of the best anon clops on this site:derpytongue2: never stop being awesome.

also demon king?

did this just turn into code geass?(that or Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou. yea that seems more likely) i cant wait to read the next chapter:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

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