• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
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Comments ( 55 )

I know the anime... And I'm worried

Well this seems of rather, dubious, practically, but then Agent Smith never seemed to care overmuch about practicality.

Are the Dazzlings still evil in this story?

If you've seen the anime, you'd know why.

Well, let's see where this story goes. I hope Sunset will be strong and won't run screaming back into the portal.

Agent Smith is a public servant.

She loves to serve the public.

Fava beans and a nice Chanti have no entries in this situation. :pinkiecrazy:

It will be intresting to see how standard the rest of the local Mane 6 are, or which variations used.

Hmm.. I need to rewatch the series, I can only remember 5 of the characters, and thats even before having Spike the Dog. :twilightoops:

I don't think they can be, with an organization dedicated to dealing with people like them. They likely got defeated by whoever's serving as the counterpart to "Doppel" (scare quotes because of supplementary materials all but stating that she's Nyarlathotep, which is also the reason they stand no chance)

An brilliant AU take for Equestria Girls, and Crossover of a familiar anime that has fan service tendencies.

Oh this is gonna be fun. Monster Museme is a fun manga. And this is an absolutely stellar and fun start to the series. I hope our Unicorn turned human can eventually learn to wield magic again

Neece #11 · May 3rd · · ·

Interesting start, a little expository but also does feel somewhat like what a rather unsettled Sunset might write. Will be following this, curious on how explicit you intend to make it, considering the mature and sex tags, and on if Luna is either this world's version or, somehow, Nightmare Moon. Both with interesting repercussions.

You have my Woot!! :twilightsmile:

Onto th next subject; now I am looking forwards to the next installment!
There needs to be another chapter in the making.. :scootangel:

Let's see if I remember what's next, after the lamia (Rares), there's a harpy (Dash/Shy), centaur [possibly non-equine (AJ/Pinkie)], mermaid (Twi), drider (Pinkie/Shy), [think there was one more] ...

Damn, you beat me to it. I was going to do something similar Monster Musume premise. I still might, but I'll give it a read after I get past May 8th.


Pinkie as Suu/Slime?

It was Arachnea the Drider that I couldnt remember.:twilightoops:

Finally! Someone who name-drops the anime! :yay:
As if literally everyone who visited this story even knew what it was crossing EqG with!

Also well done on another engaging story, Chrystal! Gonna follow this one too.

Ah, glad to see the 'no fucking' clause is more or less disregarded. :trollestia:

So if the girls all are the same species as the girls in Monster Musume then I think this is what the rest of the girls will be:
Rarity = Lamia (We know this already)
Rainbow Dash = Harpy
Applejack = Centaur
Fluttershy = Mermaid
Pinkie Pie = Slime
Twilight Sparkle = Arachne
Barb (Female Spike) = Dullahan

Now if the writer was going to go more freelance with the Monstergirl choices this would be my picks:
Rarity = Lamia (We already know)
Rainbow Dash = Pegasus Centaur
Applejack = Minotaur
Fluttershy = Orge
Pinkie Pie = Scylla
Twilight Sparkle = Nine Tailed Fox
Barb (Female Spike)= Kobold (similar to the dog form in EQG)

I am honestly surprised nobody (to my knowledge) has done this before. It's such a no-brainer to me that half the reason I sat on the idea when I first had it was because I thought someone else did it before me.

To my shock... :raritywink:

I think you'll enjoy this fused Agent Luna Smith quite a bit. A little bit of zero-spoiler character details here: She's what I like to call "ambitiously lazy." She would rather spend her days sleeping and her nights gaming, but as an Adult™ that lives in A Society™, needs must, and all that. So what's an ambitiously lazy gamer girl to do? Why, get everyone else to do the grind while she masterminds behind the scenes, ensuring that nobody can get out of dancing to her tune while she plants herself in front of her top-of-the-line gaming rig and pwns the noobs.

I have some ideas I'm workshopping for the Dazzlings, but nothing's really 'stuck' yet. My initial thoughts were something close to EQG canon, but (as 11894505 points out) I.C.E. would put them on (heh) ice before they even got close to Sunset and the MonMane 6 7. I'm leaning toward using some of the manga elements to introduce them after "season one," which would honestly track with parallels to the EQG canon as well.

Re: Sex tag - When one of my earliest stories I ever posted here got delayed by 3 weeks because the mods decided that mentioning sex acts in a non-explicit way (like, "those two people fucked" kind of thing), I decided to tag just about damn near everything with the "Sex" tag just in case, because I'm an adult and even as a teen I was reading books where people talked about doing like they do on the Discovery Channel.

That said, this IS a story based on MonMusu and the "no sex" rule to prevent pregnancy is right out the window (that'd require someone have the AMAB bits, and in this timeline none of the characters have 'em), so will they or won't they? You're just going to have to read so as to collapse the waveform for sure. :trollestia:


Let's see if I remember what's next, after the lamia (Rares), there's a harpy (Dash/Shy), centaur [possibly non-equine (AJ/Pinkie)], mermaid (Twi), drider (Pinkie/Shy), [think there was one more] ...

Pinkie as Suu/Slime?

It was Arachnea the Drider that I couldnt remember.:twilightoops:

I'll give the two of you 3.5/7.

Yes, seven.

  1. Lamia
  2. Centaur
  3. Harpy
  4. Slime
  5. Mermaid
  6. Arachne
  7. Doulahan
  1. Twilight
  2. Pinkie Pie
  3. Rainbow Dash
  4. Rarity
  5. Applejack
  6. Fluttershy
  7. ???

...huh? Who could that last one be...?

And is that a hint or a red herring? :rainbowdetermined2:

I was crying of laughter before I even got to the 1/3 mark! Thank you so much for sharing this! 100/10, perfect presentation, 100% facts, no notes!


Ah, glad to see the 'no fucking' clause is more or less disregarded. :trollestia:

Nah, no need. If someone had a penis in the crew, then it'd make some sense to have that rule, and while I certainly have no problem with one of our beloved horse/monster girls being AMAB or intersex/futanari, that's not where I wanted this iteration of the fic to go. Rules in place to prevent pregnancy when all major biological sex organs for dimorphic reproduction are present? Yeah, that tracks. Rules founded in comp-het purity culture designed to control and manipulate being enforced when there's barely a chance for STIs jumping species let alone pregnancy short of parthogenesis (which doesn't require sex anyway)? Miss me with that shit.

I'm still concerned.


So if the girls all are the same species as the girls in Monster Musume then I think this is what the rest of the girls will be:
Rarity = Lamia (We know this already)
Rainbow Dash = Harpy
Applejack = Centaur
Fluttershy = Mermaid
Pinkie Pie = Slime
Twilight Sparkle = Arachne
Barb (Female Spike) = Dullahan

Now if the writer was going to go more freelance with the Monstergirl choices this would be my picks:
Rarity = Lamia (We already know)
Rainbow Dash = Pegasus Centaur
Applejack = Minotaur
Fluttershy = Orge
Pinkie Pie = Scylla
Twilight Sparkle = Nine Tailed Fox
Barb (Female Spike)= Kobold (similar to the dog form in EQG)

5/7 on your first list, 1/7 on the second...though I like the "Barb/Spike=Polt" angle and my GF will be over the moon if I can work that in somehow. (Polt is her fav.)

An entirely reasonable response. :trollestia:

Thanks. At least something good is happening.

I’m wondering as well if Sunset will ‘pony up’ like the girls did in the series/movies? It will be interesting to explain that when it happens.

For the Dazzling’s could they have have turned into this world’s version of Sirens and have been living in the ocean with others of their kind? Having them eventually joining the exchange program and then having it that they find out Sunset is actually from Equestria like they are?

Hey first I freaking love this anime that you made a fic for second I love the first chapter you've done here and third contrary to every one else saying barb as Lala I'd say Lyra or Trixie would equal a much more fun option and make Barb be Draco that would make the constant interactions that happen between both Mia and Draco much less confusing for Rachnera? Hmm how about chrysalis?

there's barely a chance for STIs jumping species let alone pregnancy

In MonMusu proper, at least, interspecies pregnancy was definitely a thing that most of the characters would be actively aiming for if not for the ban.

There does still need to be a sperm delivery system to supply that half of the diploid, and in Sunset's little monster girl harem, there will be no sperm delivery system...or sperm, for that matter. :rainbowkiss:

Neece #31 · May 4th · · ·

Fair points. I'd just say that if any of the girls is a third as thirsty for Sunny as she got for Rarity I severely doubt hanky panky isn't going to be had. But also as adults it's not like their lives have to be centered around it.

I think it's funnier to imagine that Sunset is likely to be the most creative of them about the usage of unusual anatomy in said activities due to being an unicorn with knowledge and practice in transformation magic and an adult from a world with as much as form variety and possible experience with a lot of those too.
If she somehow gets magic back things might get downright hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

Of course AJ would be a centaur here uwu so... i think that Sunset will feel more "related" to her.

Great first chapter. Added to my tracking list, i really hope you can go on with this.

AJ is a dairy type centaur.

Comment posted by xbox432 deleted May 4th

Either that or the Heavy Centaur would also fit strength wise

I'm kinda hoping the mystery seventh turns out to be this world's Sunset. As far as I know, why we never see her counterpart is never established in canon, and it would be an entertaining attack on her sanity.

The entire reason tentacle porn is so popular in Japan is that it's not legally considered sex without a penis involved and thus circumvents censorship. :twilightsmile:

Oh yeah, and another thing: much like Suu initially, Sunset's (actual) species isn't a signatory to either side of the treaty and thus it doubly doesn't apply to her. And as the personal student of that species' ruler, she could reasonably claim diplomatic immunity for a triple inapplicability. Even if Celestia did find out about how her authority was being (mis)used, I'm not sure she'd even have a problem with it. :trollestia:

Well, that was interesting. now it may be clear why Sunset was not taken to the laboratory for research. although it is not yet clear how Lunagot into this world. If, and this is a very big "if", this is Luna that I'm thinking about and that Celestia probably thought about. It will be funny to see a conversation between Sunset and Smith starting with the words: "I was once the princess of little horses..."
Also, it is slightly sad that Sunset is stuck in the human world with no apparent way to return to Equestria.
Question: does this work preserve the original world order? Like, are the monsters with the names of the ponies we know - this is duplicates from this world, or is there only one creature with a specific name on two different worlds?


Well, that was interesting. now it may be clear why Sunset was not taken to the laboratory for research.

Oh, that's easy. She's more valuable to Agent Smith if Sunset's under the agent's control. Smith has no impetus to study Sunset, but she's got all SORTS of reasons to use her as a convenient tool in her toolkit.

...although it is not yet clear how Lunagot into this world.

Super easy; this is this world's Luna.

Question: does this work preserve the original world order? Like, are the monsters with the names of the ponies we know - this is duplicates from this world, or is there only one creature with a specific name on two different worlds?

Same as Luna; this world's version of those characters.


Oh, that's easy. She's more valuable to Agent Smith if Sunset's under the agent's control. Smith has no impetus to study Sunset, but she's got all SORTS of reasons to use her as a convenient tool in her toolkit.

hopefully she will become more than just a handy tool.


Rarity as Miia just works!

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Interesting, I'll keep an eye on it.

something tells me Sunset is gonna have a hard time trying to keep it together these days. .................... i'll make some popcorn for the fireworks.:trollestia:

So, to guess...

Rarity = Mia (Confirmed)
Rainbow = Papi
Applejack - Cerea
Pinkie = Suu
Fluttershy = Meroune
Twilight = Rachnera (less sure on this one, only thing they really have in common is the colour theme)

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Darcy #48 · May 6th · · ·

i started reading with 0 expectations and i was positively surprised, this was such a good read!

I made a similar prediction and got told 5 of them are correct. I’m thinking it’s the Twilight one that is wrong, though I can’t think of an alternative

Thank you! :twilightsmile:


Mine is an evil laugh!
Nobody's even come CLOSE to guessing the seventh monster girl!

I will say I ran the "Barb == Polt" idea by my GF (who is obsessed with the manga and is my lore editor for this) and she's 100% on board and loving it.

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