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A bookshelf just for the tracking of stories that are sequels to other stories.
Completed fics that are 1-2 chapters long only
Completed stories that I haven't had a chance to read yet but look interesting anyway.
Stories that seem interesting that don't yet have enough chapters to bother with or are unfinished.
...spelled the way it SHOULD be!
106 stories
Maybe a story isn't [i]quite[/i] good enough to make my "favorites" list (or maybe it is), but is still really good and makes me feel all WAFFy; if so, it goes on this shelf.
It needs to be about 20% cooler
Stories I like and want updates on, but prefer to read several chapters in one go instead of a chapter at a time.
A list of stories that deserve more attention, updated every Friday
For tracking ALL the things in all my bookshelves