• Member Since 9th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


And the monkey flips the switch...

Editing Jobs

- HiE - A Hollow in Equestria by: Charlie_K (Chapters: 1 - 88)
- Transcendence by: JMB Fictional Writing (Chapters: 1 - 42)
- Lioness of Stormwind by: Vahn (Chapters: All)
- Lioness of Stormwind: War of Kings by: Vahn (Chapters: 1 - 6)
- Justice Itself by: Autocharth (Chapters: All)
- Treacherous Mists by: Autocharth (Chapters: 1 - 4)
- Casting Shadows: Like Moths to the Flame by: Dr. ForgotenFables (Chapters: 1 - 36) & (Chapters: 1 - 7)



Everfree Northwest · 11:08pm Jun 5th, 2015

Well this is gonna be my first blog post... this is just as awkward as I thought it'd be.

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BIO and other random stuff

Likes: Reading, Travelling, Running, and Fishing Dislikes: Grimdark, Bullies, Tomatoes, and Heights

Fav Genres: Action, Adventure, Romance, and Crossovers (Yes that is a genre.)

A little info about my self: I enjoy editing, yeah it's fun for me, and as of now have helped out with seven stories which you can see below. My favorite stories to read, review, and edit tend to lean towards the action/adventure genre, and a little romance doesn't hurt. Funnily enough, I prefer reading crossovers rather than fics detailing only a single fandom. Maybe I just like watching the chaos that ensues when two different worlds collide. I tend to steer clear of grimdark and tragedy; call me a sucker, but I prefer to see a story end on a happy note or at least an inspirational one.

I enjoy traveling, and to this day the best place I've ever gone to was the Tokyo Comiket, the world's largest convention for manga and geeks anywhere. And just walking around Tokyo itself was just awesome. I visited during the Christmas/New Year's celebrations so I got to see quite a few temples and celebrations.

Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

Thank you for adding both Waiving Wanderer, Wondrous World and Heroes of Bite Apple to your Read Later folder. I hope that you will enjoy these stories when you get the chance to read them. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you so much for the watch! :heart:

Thank you for adding 'BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony' to your folder.:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for adding Pokémon Red and Purple to your library!

Thank you for adding War Mages and False Prophets to your read it later I hope you enjoy it :twilightsmile: as much as I enjoyed writing it. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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