[RANDOM] What's this? · 3:20pm June 22nd
Oh, it's just my REBLOG FROM NEIL GAIMAN!!!
Oh, it's just my REBLOG FROM NEIL GAIMAN!!!
Not sure if this has been shared around or not, but a friend found this and sent it to me:
Seriously! This is, like, MOST of my fics on this site by now! It hasn't even been a full 6 hours since I posted this one! How am I hitting the feature box so consistently?!
This isn't a brag, btw, I genuinely want to know because I want to be a professional author and if I can repeat this success in the original fiction arena I'll be able to quit my day job within a freaking year.
Quite literally I was NOT expecting this! You're all awesome and I can't thank you enough for enjoying my writing this much!
tl;dr - I put ponies in another fic, but only for a few chapters
So, real quick, minor confession...this fic is actually one of my oldest, and it's not on this site.
Hey, easy, easy, let me explain.
This chapter is a straight up continuation of the previous chapter, and there's literally zero time skip, unlike most of my chapters in this fic. So much so, in fact, that what had originally been two separate chapters (Gilda fights Sunset, sleepover happens) had to be combined into one because the "Gilda fights Sunset" chapter was going to be too long. It was during the re-working that I realized this was actually the best way to do it and that the one naturally flowed into
Not much to say about this one that the notes at the bottom of the chapter itself don't already say. Obviously, my health is much better and my sleep is improving to the point where I'm not having to take medication for it nearly as often. Work is going pretty good (I'll post about that at some point, it deserves its own post) and I've gotten HYPER into The Lost Tomb, which if you haven't read it is an absolutely brilliant masterpiece of sapphic science fantasy and so much of it makes my heart
So I've said in my rather sporadic updates that I've been going through a lot, and I believe I've mentioned that the things that have been happening have been rather more draining on the ol' spoons than I otherwise expected.
Yes! I am still plugging away at [REDACTED], it's just somewhat slow going due to life reasons. I'm starting to accept that I'm just never going to be as outlandishly productive as WandererD or n7punk, and I'm working on being okay with that.
One thing I've grown to hate is my life going to absolute crap at the worst times and in ALL the ways all at once. I've lost so much every time it happens and in many ways never get back what I lose. Without going on a deep dive on this, I had life spin up it's, "Let's make Chrystal the main character of a Jim Butcher novel," engine and I'll often have no idea what I'll be losing until it's already a done deal.
This time, I lost my cat.