Sunset arrives in the human world as a pony in the middle of a busy freeway in Britain and physics happen. Stranded in a world that doesn't even recognize her as a person with everything she's ever wanted, consequences she never asked for and no way home, circumstances conspire for her to end up going to Hogwarts in Harry's year as Luna Lovegood's pet.
I am intrigued.
Now this is some gold right here, loving every moment of Sunset's incoherent bewilderment at wizardly nonsense. And Luna, offering lemons as a bookend to Sunset threatening arson, you've really got her dialed in.
What a lovely Christmas gift!
As it turns out, Sunset is terrible at navigating fae logic. Poor Luna having to take up the slack...
I really like the first chapter, this one though, not so much. I hadn't expected these fairies and it goes a bit further than necessary. At least thats how I feel about it.
The writting, the story itself and how its written, is still great. I'll be waiting to see where this is going.
Yes, that's the Luna we know and love.
To be fair, she didn't know the rules going in, but good fire trucking god, Sunset just speed ran Everything You Don't Do When Dealing With The Fairfolk.
Luna is adorable and Sunset’s bafflement at the wizarding worlds magic system and morals is hysterical
Not what I expected from a Harry Potter crossover, but very interesting.
Strange, but you know, my most common complaint with fanfics is when they follow the source material too closely. Like, most Harry Potter fics will make some big change, like "Harry raised by an alien" but then have all the same major story beats play out, like the butterfly affect is just a suggestion.
This seems to actually be taking the less traveled route where it isn't going to be just a rehash of the books with a different flavor. Good luck.
There's a fine line to tread. A lot of mlp/potter fanfics end up with ponies trivilizing all the conflicts in the Potterverse with a wave of their horns as they fix all their problems.
Bacon Horse? Nah, Ketchup and Mustard head
There's a combustible lemon joke in here that burns your house down, but my potato got too excited and it blew up. Maybe I'll buy a bunch of moon rocks and grind them into a gel
This could be interesting, but I feel like it took a turn toward far too serious. If it's mostly for establishing a relationship before going to hi-jinks, I am here for it.
Questioning the sanity of the wizards is very valid. I always did question why there's literally 0 security if you have a floo fireplace. That said, I humbly request that you don't harp on things that don't actually fit into your story. Idk about others, but stories that become sermons about one social issue or another just aren't fun.
Looking forward to more if this is more than getting some random thoughts out of your brain. Best of luck!
Why was my first thought after reading this Cave Johnson's rant about life and lemons and Potato!GlaDOS' reaction to it?
Edit: Okay so somehow I didn't recognize you were directly recognizing that part of Portal 2.
I'm almost alright with this in so much as the alternative tends to be both boring and pretty much impossible. As I've said, I've seen so many fanfics just everywhere that try to retread the entire story of the source material, which can be a pretty big undertaking. Harry Potter is pretty long if you rewrite each book. Don't get me started on One Piece fics that do this. They never finish.
Having a MLP/Harry Potter fic where they solve the problem within a reasonable 100k word story is preferable than a one-million word one.
Just the fact that we're following a character who was canonically present but hadn't been introduced yet at this point in the books means a lot.
Okay, you got me.
Love the story and delightedly looking forward to reading more. Well done! 
Wow that was intense ive never seen a sequence so elegant really checks out with the fay lands and it was probably timed for them to have thier fun first lol
Mhmmmm seedless mango
Aaaand I appear to have accidentally gone through an unexpected 21.817 kilowords today, oops. Fun though! :D
Thank you for writing. :)
Oh Sunset
We’re really in it now
Love it.
👍👍👍👍👍 nice, and very interesting
great idea. I have seen a lot of Sunset Shimmer in the Harry Potter universe before but this one is great!
I look forward to seeing where you take this
Moar also Put your points into Power Sunset
If Sunset still has those lemons, there's a pair of castles and a whole bunch of fae that need to learn not to screw with
Caveman JohnsonSunset Shimmer!more
This is some Dresden Files stuff
And thus Luna has created Problem for fairy lands. Because thanks to her Titania created an alicorn while not having her name. Only way Luna cound have better vengeance for her mother would be if she had arrived here with Nundu - cat that manifests Death and Disease. But Sunset, Alicorn of Fire and Destruction will work too.
On the side note, Sunset would have interesting reaction to Discord when she returns to Equestria. Discord would not like this reaction.
This story not only give such an interesting point of view for the Harry Potter world through Sunset Equestrian understanding but you also develop Luna character as well.
It seem the two of them will be tied together thoroughly after this. I wonder if Luna will emerge from this with other abilities besides her unusual personality?
I absolutely love this and need more. It's amazing, extremely interesting what you did, the jaunt in faerie land utterly unexpected, even more so the consequences.
Instant favourite, can barely wait to know how the duo will grow up together
The opening was a bit overly dense, but I'm very glad I pushed through it. Eagerly looking forward to seeing what Sunset and the Lovegoods can make of this absolute dog's breakfast of a situation.
Heh, wow. You're a REALLY good writer. I could TOTALLY empathize with Sunset throughout this entire chapter. Her frustrations were so vivid! This is a VERY promising beginning to the story.
Ugh, abstract stuff like what happened in this chapter REALLY annoys me. I HOPE TO GOD that you won't do stuff like this regularly as the story progresses.
So, aside from that massive annoyance, this was still a good chapter and I can definitely see hiw/why Luna might've earned Sunset Shimmer's grudging respect. Hopefully the next chapter will be a bit more normal than this one.
Twitchy tail! My Pinkie-sense is tingling.
I thunk Luna or Shimmy would have powers like Discord.
Good god this is got reallly dark really fast. It's all very much in character but the direction this story went isn't really one I'm comfortable with. Seelie and unseelie are all about mind-fuckery and even if they do manage to get out their mind are pretty much compromised at this point. Also not sure if its the aforementioned mind-fuckery but Sunset is being waaaaay more of a bitch in this then she ever was.
Very fun read so far, I wonder if Sunset is actually turning into a Changeling then an actual alicorn. I wonder where this Crossover will lead to, but it's certainly taking an unexpected path so far. Looking forward to see more of this story, keep it up.
Oh lordy.
Another fine chapter, funny to think that the fae would be completely enthused with the idea of being pastel ponies, but perspective really is everything.
That T-shirt dodge was true genius in the best sort of fashion, I love it.
Now we're out of the literal and metaphysical woods and off to Hogwarts, a year early even! A clever way to involve all and sundry in the Year One shennaniganry I must say.
I hope that is the end of that Midsummer Night's Dream. Honestly, I'd rather be making deals with Discord than with the least he doesn't put a knife in your a way where you're actually wounded.
If Luna is starting the same year as Harry Potter though, Sunset is going to be in grave danger from the DADA teacher.
This will be a good first year in Hogwarts, poor teachers.
Nice to see another chapter of this. I've got to say, I've read quite a few of the Harry Potter/MLP crossovers on the site and this one is... refreshingly different so far. I'm enjoying it quite a bit, and excited to see where it goes.
This, this was a great chapter. I do look forward to more if and when more comes. Keep up the writing and take all the time you need, cause this was so worth the weight.
Well, that was a wild ride, and we haven't even got to Hogwarts yet.
On the note of Hogwarts, there's the inevitable house discussion. I can't help but think that Luna's experiences would make her far more likely to be Gryphondor than her canon Ravenclaw.
D'awww, Sunset is growing up, learning empathy, caring for others beyond her self interest! By the end of Luna's Hogwarts education she might even be fully worthy of her ascension if she keeps it up!
McGonagall's going to flip quite hard once she sees the smol, talking, winged unicorn that absolutely is a crumple horned snorlack. Undoubtedly so. How cold you ever imagine otherwise?
Only slightly. She has certainly seen much and learned much in the lands of the fae. Also said trauma is quite likely to make her not really want to deal with any heroics.
And, quite honestly, I'd rather she not be with the same old trio that tends to become the center of most HP fanfics. Having Luna still be a Ravenclaw would make this continue to be as refreshing as it is, having her be the hero of her own story.
The key trait of a Gryphondor is not a desire for heroics, it is bravery, and that's something that Luna definitely has at this point.
Hey, an update! Nice to see this story continuing.
I got really surprised when Luna dad pulled some heat out of his backpack and went Doomslayer on the Fea. That guy probably even researched the muggle fairy stories to come up with the idea of using a shotgun. Very few wizards use muggles contraption after all. I hope he comes back because he is badass.
It loom like the adventure left some mark on both heroines and it seems like it's the start of Sunset growth as a person. It starts with regrets now but it might end with friendship and Sunset being less of an asshole.
But Sunset being less than impressed at the school curriculum is immensely funny to me. She will probably end up teaching Luna, maybe others some stuff as well.
are we FINALLY done with all the Fae stuff? those parts were not all the fun for me to read honestly.
So far a really fun Story, I like the spin you put on the HP/MLP Crossover. Looking forward to more of this Story.
Well, at least someone recognizes Sunset as a unicorn.
I do love the comparisons Sunset is making between CSGU and Hogwarts, and I wouldn't be surprised if theres more to be made once Sunset and Luna get to Hogwarts.