The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.
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Thank ye for this! Ironically I was having a bad time because of phone issues but the second I was notified about this story, I lost my bad mood. Thank you once again for this, Jade!
A nice fiction! Very well done.
i do love some sexy Sparity.
I'm late
I'm always on time
I'm late but the train's on time
You both are on time
She's late and I'm on time
I'm with foal
But Spike's a dragon
Twilight's dense
Really Twi look at her, She looks like she swallowed a huge watermelon
Rarity's going to have cute fuzzy baby bunnies!
Fluttershy I've told you a thousand times... It doesn't work that way
You forget Discord?
Oh dear...
Play date!
I loved it
Maestro, I was tired.
This was good, you can see the love between them. I write Sparity Romance stories myself. If you feel the love while you're writing about them then readers will too
Lovely transition from romantic fluff to clop and back again. Thank you for it.
You know this prompt seems awfully familiar.
Eh, if Sparity massage becomes a traditional part of the SSC, I won't complain.
I do what I must to make sure at least one Sparity thing happens out of this story exchange
But despite my creative juices being stale from a job that began about 2-3 months ago, I wouldn't mind making this a SSC tradition... Hehe