• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.


Sunset Shimmer has a confession to make.


Third Place Winner of the Dialogue Only Contest.

Cover art borrowed from IDW.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apple Valley: A Hearth's Warming Horror Story

It has been ten years since the loss of Ponyville, and three of the survivors have formed a make-shift family all their own. But on this Hearth's Warming Eve, the fourth of their number is finally coming back into their lives. She has a story to tell about a trip she took the holiday prior, when the cold winds blew and the bells did ring. When the ones left behind wept and laughed in endless, frozen agony. When the figure of her nightmares returned for the one who had escaped him so long ago...

This is the story of how the last Apple returned to the Valley.

This is the last Hearth's Warming horror story.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Meltdown

Flash Sentry gets home from work and Sunset Shimmer is acting strange. What's gotten into the former villain?


Based on a true story.

Chapters (2)

Excerpts from the Journal of Twilight Sparkle, recovered by Canterlot Interdimensional Expeditionary Force on Sojourn #4, approximately 2 Equestrian Years after last contact.


Inspired by the "Seeds of Extinction" Haunted House from Universal Studios Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 28.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to The Wicker Mare

For years and years, the old mare has been sitting beside the river in quiet contemplation. One fateful day, a filly asks her why.


Written to mark the 50th Anniversary of Robin Hardy and Anthony Shaffer's 'the Wicker Man.'

Cover art borrowed from aidapone.

Chapters (1)

In another Equestria, order is maintained by a select group of skilled spellslingers operating under the endorsement of the crown. The ponies call them Lawmares, and they are a dying breed.

Twilight Sparkle is one such Lawmare, considered by her Princess and her peers as the finest spellslinger in generations. Her abilities will be put to the test soon, however, as a dark force is growing in the North, and not even the Lawmares may be able to keep the chaos at bay.


My loving tribute to Westerns and Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' cycle.


Chapters (13)

A storm is rolling in, and Big Mac is nowhere to be found. Sugar Belle stands at the window. She watches, she waits... and she worries.


A short inspired by the song of the same name.

Chapters (1)

While strolling the boundaries of the Crystal Empire on a snowy Hearth's Warming, young Princess Flurry Heart comes across a relic long thought lost. Touching it brings an encounter with a dark spirit from the past.

Now, here they are, face to face; two rulers of the Crystal Empire, one of the past, the other of the future.

Will the cold dead heart of the King of Shadows corrupt the Princess of Peace?

Or will a miracle come to pass on this most blessed of holidays?


Written for Frazzle2Dazzle for Jinglemas 2021, whose request was "Sombra and Flurry Heart, with the hope of no romance between them." Merry Christmas, buddy. Hope this is in that wheelhouse.

Cover art borrowed from yumeyuuheii.

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout has set out on the path of reunifying Equestria. She's found a circle of friends, showed the tribes that they can co-exist, and even restored magic to the land.

Yet, there are questions that remained unanswered. What led to the breaking of the tribes in the first place? How did things go so very wrong? And just what is the best path forward in undoing centuries upon centuries of damage?

Sunny seeks the answers from those who came before, but has failed to consider the age-old adage; be careful what questions you ask...

...because you may not like the answers.


Cover art borrowed from rockhoppr3

Chapters (1)

None of this is my fault. I was excited for you to get here. You're the one who ruined it.

I need you to understand that... before I send you away.

Chapters (1)