• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 42 minutes ago


"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


On a road not taken...
Two young women meet. Both with extraordinary powers. Both with extraordinary grudges.
Between the two of them, nothing can stand in their way.
Not even each other.

My main entry for \o/ Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest \o/. Thought I'd take the prompt in a different direction.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Ahg, how dare you combine two of my favorite things! I now need a story of their rise to power.

One has immense power over the physical world. The other controls the domain of the mind. Together, they make a deadly union.


So what is the "Factory?"

And what's to stop Wallflower from using her power on Sunset so she can rule alone? Or control her, at least.

I get the impression Wallflower would absolutely _hate_ being the public face of their rule, which makes Sunset's position rather secure. As to altering Sunset's memories, well... who's to say she hasn't already? Perhaps she only had to do a little trimming to get the perfect partner in crime.

I didn't realize diabolical and delightful mixed so well. Nice work, Drider.

Hello there! One of the judges for Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest checking in for your donation choice for this submission. Which of the three charities would you like $20 donated to on your behalf?

Law Center, please.

Posh #9 · Apr 24th, 2021 · · 1 ·


"I may have also erased all her knowledge of what an ocean is. Next time she gets to the coast she gonna freak."

. That is evil 🤣🙈:rainbowlaugh: I love it

Delightfully horrifying. Glad I finally read this. Thank you for a match made in Hell, but in a good way.

Author Interviewer

In an instant, the room had two occupants. But it was not illusions, nor invisibility, nor even teleportation at play. She'd never been alone to start with. She'd just forgotten.

Oh my god, that's great.

This whole thing is great. :D

I'd honestly love to hear the backstory/continuation of this, it sounds like an awesome world just waiting to be expanded

Any chance of a continuation?

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