• Member Since 6th May, 2014
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Enigmatic Otaku

Write stories. Acquire followers and moderate horsefame.

Comments ( 56 )

Yes, it's finally here & we didn't have to wait too long this time! Can't wait to see how creative Tempest is gonna be with Dusk in the bedsheets!

Not sure how I feel about Dusk colluding with a war criminal, but I suppose all is fair in love and war. Maybe love is too strong a word. Lust mayhaps.

Alright guys see you next year when the next chapter comes out.

Well this is off to be a fun story so far, I am hoping for femdom on this one with Tempest feeling more comfortable playing the dominant and Dusk just being Shell shocked into compliance. I wonder how it will turn out for them tonight.

So with the Mane 5, Trixie, and now Tempest/Fizzlepop, who is left for Dusk's harem?

To simplify things let's stick to ponies Twilight is canonically close to.

We know Luna wants him. Celestia seems to have a more motherly relationship.

No sign of any romantic interest from Starlight so far. Which IMO is a good thing. The power dynamics in such a relationship would be all screwed up.

Sunset Shimmer and the human counterparts are a possibility. But they add a bunch of complications. Especially if there's a human Dusk.

There's the Canterlot 5, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, Lemon Drops, and Twinkleshine. Only problems are that Lemon Drops and Twinkleshine have no characterization to speak of and EO would be murdered if he takes Lyra away from Bon Bon.

Lauren Faust said in an interview that Cheerilee and Twilight were intended to become close friends over their mutual love of learning. While the show never did anything with that the comics have.

Zecora and Twilight became pretty close over the Alicorn Amulet incident and Zecora's mentorship.

Derpy/Ditzy/Muffins literally took a "bullet," for Twilight in the movie. That kind of thing tends to make people close.

The CMC are somehow still minors in the show. But the show timeline makes no sense. Cutie marks are blatantly a puberty metaphor suggesting the CMC were 12 - 14 at the start. Multiple fan attempts at timeline analysis has 5 years as the bare minimum time between seasons 1 - 7 that makes any sense. So logically they should be 17 - 19 by now. So aging them up in an AU is perfectly sensible.

Anypony I'm missing?

The Invitation". If this is updating regularly, I will miss it until the last days of May. Holiday to the Wye valley and around the Hay festival.

Dusk Lyra Bonbon sammich.
Also, there's a possibility for Eris/r63Discord, Chrysalis, etc.

No Eris. The only genderbent character in this AU is Twilight.

Chrysalis is still possible, then. Not probable, but possible.

Yay, it's here!

“Where in all of creation is your guard!?” she shouted.

That is a valid question the fans had been asking for a long time.

Now I know my home isn’t the most… eh, defendable, but keep in mind that Equestria is a peaceful nation. Um, aside from the odd exception of an invasion here or there… or evil alicorns bent on world domination… or chaos spirits running amok… or treehouse-destroying centaurs, nothing really happens, especially here in Ponyville.

Now, the last part is obviously a lie.
According to fanon there is at least one catastrophe each week.

Good chapter!
Nothing actually happened yet, but it looks already promising.

One small thing: her name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist, not Fizzlepop Berry Twist.


FFS, Give Luna her deserved loving.
And Moondancer. If any mare produces his first-in-line heir, it should be her, not Trixie.

Is Sunset Shimmer a prospect, or is she like a cool big sister to him? And for that matter, is SciTwi on the other side a male as well? Or is interdimentional self-relations in the cards?

Supporting my friend.

Oh, Luna will get what's coming to her... even if she has to wait a few centuries or two. :trixieshiftright:

And as for EQG, I've never considered incorporating it in this AU before, so I guess I'd still be on the fence on how that would go if it were to happen.

Heretic. The only worthy successor can only come from the Derp.

Oh yeah. That's the type of mare for dusk.😍😈

I would have liked to see all the six (and Trixie) with their foals.

Hopefully Trixie would actually love her child and not just use him or her as solely a means to get into the upper class.

Just sit back and imagine the chaos of a dozen or two alicorn-powered foals born more or less all at once.

Discord is gonna be such a draconequus in a joke shop for years. :rainbowlaugh:


Update soon, pls?

Updaaaaaaaattteee ppplllzzzzzzzz!

This series should have been a full length fic, but oh well, wishful thinking.

Hope this can return. We are almost at the 1 year mark since last update :(

umm...excuse me...but why is Twilight Sparkle, a male alicorn Prince named "Dusk Shine"?
That should be an OC tag on this story, and most certainly an Alternate Universe tag.
Making the Mane 6 males may be some folks kink...but not mine....
Looked like a good story result under the Tempest tag...but, u just killed it for me.
EDIT: did not realize this was in a series. but, the others by this author have the correct OC and AU tags. this one does not.

Um is this fic dead?.

I suppose I have to get back to the daily grind.

Get back to churning out some horse words.

Hahaha, I read this thinking it would be a nice cool clopfic to enjoy.

ONCE AGAIN enigma has left me hanging, with no hope of Eve reading about tempest getting the big D.


Well actually, I have been working on finishing this.

A couple thousand words in, actually.

It updated? omg I've been looking forward to this day for a long time :pinkiecrazy:

After 2 years of waiting it is finally here now I can die peacefully

Just needs a 5 years later chapter where Dusk is now up to his neck in foals. :rainbowwild:

Thanks for the chapter! :rainbowdetermined2:

A mare wearing your shirt after a booty call is like planting a flag at the top of Mt Everest

I'm surprised Luna hasn't made an appearance in this story. Did she finally decided to give up on pursuing Dusk?

“Oh geez, not the face! It’s close to where my brain is!”

This is one of the funniest lines I have read in a long time. It's so great because I can actually imagine Twilight Sparkle saying that in the show. It's so fitting.

Ok I’ll admit I was wrong it didn’t take a year for the next chapter to come out, it took two years.

Dusk never pulls out. Never. Honestly I wouldn't trust this stallion to pull a turkey out of an oven. He is just incapable of pulling out.

I lost my favorite hoodie this way, to this day I've still not found another like it.

Thanks for concluding this one! Glad to see some of your writing once more :twilightsmile:

It makes it all the more awkward when the turkey has a suspicious baby bump when it's time to carve it.

Is it wrong that I completely forgot that this story existed? Oh well, nice to know that since the day dusk became the prince, he learned have a few fetish or two.

“Ahem. What I meant to say was: and here I thought I finally got the basics of cooking down. It’s funny; I can mix potions and chain spells with the simplest of ease, but the art of slapping together some ingredients between two slices of bread somehow eludes me.”

I'm sure you're not the only one...

Dusk was beside himself with embarrassment. Not only did he need Spike to tell him when to eat, but apparently when to sleep, too.

That's not exactly news...

With his vision obscured, Dusk tossed his head this way and that, his hooves clawing at the fabric as he struggled to tear it away. In his efforts to do so, Dusk soon fell onto his stomach, his wings then flapping in tandem with his growing frustration.

Who would win?

  • An alicorn stallion, former student of Celestia and current Element of Magic.
  • A simple piece of cloth.

“T-Tempestpop Shadowytwist!” he squawked, pointing a hoof at the mare.

He must be really flustered...

“Oh geez, not the face! It’s close to where my brain is!” Dusk cowered, shutting his eyes as he shied away and prepared himself for a devastating blow.

Tempest: "One time I want a stallion to not think with his brain, and then this happens..."

I figured you’d jump at the chance if I simply gave you the opportunity, much less recognize it. I mean, some of the intel I gathered before the invasion suggested that you’ve been highly promiscuous with several mares already. Surely you had to know what I was doing.

:ajbemused::pinkiesmile::rainbowlaugh::raritywink::yay:: "You have no idea how good he is at missing hints..."

While amused, Dusk perceived the thinly veiled threat hidden behind her actions.
Get on with it already… or else.

What would she had done if he would have teased her a while longer?

“As rough as I want, huh?” Dusk said, withdrawing his rod all the way to the tip before sliding it all back into her with a wet ‘plap’.

Careful Tempest, he ist still an alicorn stallion in his prime...

That was the only notice Tempest received before Dusk reached out his hoof and unceremoniously pressed it over her belly scar. After casting a spell, he focused magic outward from his outstretched appendage, having it bounce around harmlessly within the mare.

For a moment I suspected he would cast a spell to heal her, and only afterwards remembers he already came inside her...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

And I probably put too many quotes in this comment...

i am kinder curious are you done with this series or is there still more coming down the line?

I still have more planned, as well as a non-clop comedy sequel featuring Dusk and his many kids.

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