• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago

Enigmatic Otaku

Write stories. Acquire followers and moderate horsefame.


Vinyl Scratch makes a stupid online purchase for internet popularity.

Octavia is livid when she finds out what she bought.

But hey, it's not like they're in danger or anything because of said purchase, right?


Chapters (1)

Having narrowly escaped the successful coup dealt by her treacherous cousin Duke Blueblood, Princess Rarity and her younger sister Sweetie Belle, try to escape their beloved kingdom of Soothsay.

Unfortunately, the two get separated, and to find her sister Rarity is forced to enlist the aid of a demon, something she thought to have only existed in the realm of fantasy.

The demon is more than willing to help her, of course... for the right price.

Collab between myself and Earthsong9405.

Chapters (1)

Soarin' thinks there's something wrong with him.

He's been practicing a certain two-pony stunt with Rainbow Dash for quite a while now, and yet all they have to show for it are cuts and bruises.

Maybe he hasn't been putting in enough practice.

Or maybe, just maybe... there's nothing wrong with him at all.

Art by Pimpartist101.
Written for PimpArtist101's contest.
Special thanks to Shortskirtsandexplosions for his help.

Chapters (1)

Big Mac is a strong stallion, no doubt about that, possibly even the strongest pony around.
However, that changes when he meets a filly by the name of Lily Longsocks, whose raw strength might even rival his own.
It is from this filly that Big Mac will learn where a stallion truly draws his strength.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Proofread by Flutterpriest and ChappedPenguinLips.
Cover by tyuubatu

Chapters (1)

Pregnancy is hard. Not just for the mares, but for the stallions as well.

After one mishap, what started off as a romantic night for Rainbow Dash and Soarin' will shape the rest of their lives forever.

That'd be all fine and dandy for Rainbow Dash, but Soarin' isn't making things any better for himself when he keeps uttering the same word that annoys Rainbow to no end.

"Sorry", and its other variation, "I'm sorry."

Written for PimpArtist101's contest--which this story WON!

Cover by PimpArtist101

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle feels that the Equestrian populace is too sheltered. As such, she is determined to keep them up to date with the latest happenings in Equestria. Backed by the Crown, she'll give them the best news they've ever seen.

Now, everyday, on the hour, Equestria At Six will be there, bringing you the news you know you can trust!

Collab story between myself and MadMaxtheBlack

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are visiting Rarity. However, when the first snows of winter suddenly fall--rather than let her friends trudge through the cold on their way home--Rarity invites the two to stay the night at her place.

What started off as a fun night for the three will soon spiral into an embarrassing evening for Rainbow Dash, especially after Rarity unveils to them her newest line of animal-inspired sleepwear.

Commissioned by Anonymous who wanted a story written around the cover art here that was drawn by Raridashdoodles
Click here for a reading!

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day is a fun holiday for most. Candy, heartfelt gifts, what's there for a pony not to love?

However, when a young filly named Cinnamon Bun doesn't get so much as a card from anypony in her class, it's up to Ebony Stars, her batpony friend, to cheer her up.

But, as the years go by for the two, what started off as an anonymous love letter he sent to her in the guise of a secret admirer may develop into something much deeper.

Commissioned by Anonymous.
Cover art by DLowell.

Chapters (3)

To whoever this may concern, please, I beg you, for your own well being--DO NOT watch this film!

I don't know where this thing came from; it just showed up one day on our shelf and there doesn't appear to be any record of it on our inventory lists.

I'm not sure if this thing's freakishly enchanted, cursed, or whatever, but whenever I take it off the shelf, it reappears there the second I turn around! I even burned this thing out of annoyance and tossed it in a woodchipper a few times for good measure and it still manages to somehow come back every single time in one piece! I don't know, it's like this thing wants to be watched!

Still, it shouldn't--not by anypony! One of our employees here got curious and decided to look at it alone, and...and he hasn't been the same since...

Please, this is your last warning: put this thing back where you found it and walk away...

Cover provided by zoarvek who also proofread.

Chapters (1)

Discord's upset, as Fluttershy has been spending a considerable amount of time with Treehugger instead of him.

When the draconequus is forced by Fluttershy into promising not to try to send her to another dimension again, Discord figures that the next best thing to solve his little dilemma would be to trick a human hippie from the late nineteen-sixties (A variant of human that Discord finds equally as annoying as Treehugger) into Equestria, all in the hopes of having him 'coincidentally' bump into and befirend the earth pony mare.

Maybe then she'll spend her time with the new creature instead of Fluttershy.

Warning: Drug use.

Cover is by Sugarcup91 and credit to Sura-Resch for funding this story when the previous commissioner decided to jip me.

Chapters (2)