• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!


Loving someone is more than just an emotion. It becomes a part of us and changes who we are. Without that other person, we simply aren't complete.

Rainbow knows this. Rarity knows this. And that's why simply being together over lunch is all they need in the world.

Art by Modak
Now with a reading, graciously provided by PonyStemCell!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )


Holy balls, i can't get over how cute this is.

Loving someone is more than just an emotion. It becomes a part of us and changes who we are. Without that other person, we simply aren't complete.

I would have to disagree with you. Love is really a concept invented by humans as a way of excusing our needs for sexual activity. At the end of the day we are still a type of animal, we are a brilliant intelligent - debatable - ape. Like all animals we are required to reproduce to continue our species into the next generation. Love is simply a word we created, that we made up, to justify this purpose and explain our needs to interact with female and/or males on a sexual level.

But I will admit it's adorable how you describe Love. XD

8206823 Nice response. You get a Follow.

I just realized Rainbow Dash in the picture looks like G3.5 Rainbow Dash!

Then explain asexuals who date, dumbass. Love is basically a mutation of friendship, everyone whose brain isn't located in their crotch knows that

Oh, I do believe in Love, mon cherie'. I just like riling up people on this site. I like reading replies for my own sick amusement. :)

What an expertly-crafted slice of life. You managed to be slightly deep without becoming overbearing. The figurative language works quite well, except perhaps for that phrase “basking in her presence like a worshipper at a temple”. I don’t know, that one seemed clumsy. It’s the word “worshipper” I think. Clunky. How about this:

“We’re alone at the table again. Once more I’m speechless, basking in the presence of the amazing mare before me like a penitent at prayer.”

Personally, I might stop at “…amazing mare before me”, but I tried to retain the religious imagery you were going for. “Penitent” implies penance, which subtext was not present before, so maybe take that out.

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