• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,692 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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So Few Even Know

Five pairs of ghostly eyes traced the shadowed edge where the horizon ended in the epic distance above them. A terrestrial black swath ate at the cosmic swirls beyond, and everything in between the far end and that very spot was darkness. There was the occasional splotch of dim luminesence: a river of firelight twinkling off several unknown continents away. But—for the most part—the landscape bending ahead of Rainbow and her friends was darker than dark. The presence of stars flanking the plane—afforded to their peripheral thanks to their position at the very edge—made everypony feel even smaller.

"It's so enormous," Fluttershy murmured. "And yet—when you take it all in at once—it seems so small."

Applejack whistled. "Reckon so."

"How come we can't see it all like this on the other side?" Pinkie Pie remarked.

"Because, darling," Rarity explained, "The world was constantly curving away from us when we lived in Equestria."

Pinkie Pie squinted, rubbed her head, then squinted again. "... ... ...I don't get it."

"On a convex plane, the rest of the world is obscured beyond the vanish point and—" Rarity went cross-eyed, then sighed to herself. "Why do I even bother?"

"Wait!" Pinkie Pie waved a hoof. "I think I get it! It's like a cockroach getting lost on the outer ring of a doughnut!"

Rarity beamed. "Exactly, Pinkie! Once again, you never cease to ama—" She suddenly winced, drawing her forelimbs daintily to her ghostly chest. "Wait... j-just how often did cockroaches make contact with the treats back in Sugarcube Cor—???"

"Let it rest, Rarity," Applejack muttered. "You ain't got the same stomach y'all had then."

"Mmmmmm..." Rarity squeaked with a noticeable shudder. "Don't s-say things like that, Applejack!"

"But it's true."

"I don't care!" Rarity tilted her nose up. "I aim to reclaim my vital organs when all this is said and done." She suddenly gasped. "OooOooOooh! Perhaps our bodies will be even better once we bring the Harmonic Prism back to Equestria?! I could certainly do with a pointier horn, how about you, Twilight?" She batted her eyelashes. "It goes so fashionably well with sunhats."

"A lot of time has gone by, Rarity," Twilight said, staring up at the furthest end of the curved plane with squinting eyes. "Odds are Canterlot fashion has gone through several seasons."

"Well..." Rarity slumped with a frown. "Did I just get off the Barge of the Damned and Depressed or what?"

"Sorry, Rarity," Twilight murmured, continuing to gaze skyward-and-earthward at the same time. "I just... can't get over how wrong this feels."

"Wrong?" Fluttershy gulped. "H-how so?"

"The furthest edge of the plane." Twilight pointed. "I can see it."

"Yeah?" Pinkie Pie dug into her ghost ear. "So?"

"Well... it shouldn't be possible," Twilight snorted. "Considering the thick atmospheric layers that must surely be collecting along the curvature of the plane..." She glanced back at their anchor. "...the gas should refract light far too much for such a piece of the earth to be visible to the naked eye from so far away!"

Rainbow Dash was wrapping the last length of a bandage around her forelimb. In so doing, she obscured the last exposed wound suffered from the battle on the Light Side. The glowing dissipated altogether, masking Rainbow and her ghostly mares in the penumbra of starlight.

She tilted her head up to meet Twilight's gaze. "The Firmaments were placed here by the alicorns to protect the Light Side—just like the Sun and Moon. We know this."

"Yeah! But even still—!"

Rainbow raised her bandaged hoof. "Before you even start, Twi." Her brow furrowed. "... ... ...do you honestly expect all things in an ancient realm exposed to pure chaos to function just like you'd expect? Even scientifically?"

"... ... ..." Twilight Sparkle sank beside Rarity. "I'm not sure I can handle this." Her teeth chattered. "Everything I ever learned at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns... to think that it's all out the window."

"I dunno 'bout y'all," Applejack said, tilting her hat back. "But I plum lost any semblance of familiarity the first moment I saw ponies in Rohbredden fixin' to kill each other."

"Well, of course, Applejack," Twilight muttered. "We all had to struggle with the morality of this situation."

"Some longer than others," Fluttershy said.

Rarity and Twilight winced.

"Wooo!" Pinkie waggled her eyebrows. "Look at the tail extensions on you, girrrrrrl!"

"Yes, well..." Fluttershy fidgeted with her forelimbs, although she didn't look even remotely ashamed. "It had to be said."

"Maybe..." Applejack fanned herself with her hat. "...I'm a mite big lucky I didn't pop out of the Vanilla Zone until the very last second."

"We all had our struggles to deal with, AJ," Rainbow said. "Let's not pretend otherwise."

"Yeah, but it's all simple now, right?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "We made it past Verlax and her army of meanie-pants in Rohbredden! Now all we gotta do is jog to the Midnight Armory, grab the Prism, then hop-skip-and-jump back!"

"There's a Trinary War in effect, Pinkie!" Twilight grumbled. "Remember? Three giant armies killing everything in their path in a death struggle for the Armory?!"

"Yeah, so?" Pinkie stuck her tongue out. "We just avoid those cranky melon fudges!" She chuckled in Rainbow's direction. "Sorry to steal from you without asking."

"It's okay, Pinkie." Rainbow gulped. "And—more to the point—there's Luna knows what waiting for us between here and our golden destination. Never mind the factions of the Trinary War."

"Well..." Pinkie's ears folded. "...I said it'd be simple... I didn't say it would be easy."

"How... uhm..." Fluttershy bit her lip. "...how are we going to get back to Equestria?"

"Oh Goddess..." Rarity grimaced. "Fluttershy makes a good point." She looked at Rainbow. "We can't very well go back the same way we came, can we?"

"Maybe..." Rainbow tightened her bandages,wincing slightly. "Maybe not. I dunno." She looked behind her at the cosmos lingering beyond the windblown precipice. "The Emeraldinians weren't the only ones to cross over. Someway—somehow—the Dark Vigil carried an entire civilization of Lunar Imperialists over to the Dark Side."

"And don't forget Chrysalis and her hive!" Twilight exclaimed.

"The alicorns also visited this side," Fluttershy said. "Right?"

"I don't know, Fluttershy," Twilight remarked. "I don't think Luna or Celestia have been to the Midnight Armory since it was first planted there by their forbearers. And all others—like Whitemane and Mortuana and Onyxxus—only made it as far back as the edge on the Light Side."

"Oh." Fluttershy stared woefully at the ground beneath them.

"Duaaaaaaaaah!" Pinkie gasped through an epiphanous smile. "The Divines! Endrax!" She grinned in Twilight's face. "A dragon matriarch got us to the Dark Side! Maybe Endrax can do us a favor and bring us back!"

"Uhhhhhhhh..." Twilight leaned away from Pinkie, wincing. Her eyes darted aside. "You want to handle this one, Rainbow? Or should I?"

Rainbow Dash stood up on aching limbs. "Mrmfff... I think the Herald and I are on our own with this one, Pinkie."


"After all, Verlax went searching for Endrax." Rainbow sighed. "And we all know what happened to her."

"Yes... but still..." Pinkie cocked her head innocently to the side. "A big meanie dragon like Axan turned good after doing super horrible things to a bunch of ponies. Who says someone like Endrax can't do the same?"

Applejack and Rarity exchanged thoughtful glances.

Rainbow took a breath. "I don't know... at least—I don't know enough to bet on it." She gazed up at the dark plane's curve once again. "This is the Dark Side. It's way... waaaaaaaaaay different from anything I've ever experienced or faced before." She gulped. "Just... who knows what we're going to run into?"

"Then... do we even know how we are going to get back?" Fluttershy murmured.

Rainbow slowly shook her head. "I've no clue, Flutters. But—then again—I also had no clue before I touched the Utaan symbol. What's to say I won't learn a new way to go beyond once we've gotten the Prism?"


The six souls continued staring at the dark swath.

"Whereabouts—would you say—is Equestria?" Rarity asked.

"From everything we've learned from Luna, Whitemane, and Mortuana," Twilight stated. "I'd say it's safe to bet that it's directly opposite of the Midnight Armory."

"Then... in a way... we're looking at Equestria right now?" Rarity stated.

"I suppose you could say that."

Rarity exhaled through a bittersweet smile. "I wonder what they're all up to now... everypony in the sun..."

"It could be night for them, Rares—" Applejack said.

"Bah! Of course, I realize that! Even still... how remarkably odd..." Rarity cooed. "Very soon we will be treading under their very hooves—trying to save each and every one of them—and only a handful of mortals on the Light Side even know it."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow Dash's nostrils flared as she turned to face her ghostly companions. "Let's work on a way that every pony born after us will know about it. Ya dig?"

"How?" Pinkie said.

"How else? We go ea—" Rainbow winced. Hard. "Forward. We... uh... go forward..."

"Reckon we should pack our things, then," Applejack said.

"Yes. But..." Twilight pivoted about to gaze sympathetically at Rainbow. "Are you sure that you're ready, Rainbow?"

"Nope." Rainbow spun about with a flick of a short tail. "Which is why we should get going."

"Better fetch the Herald, Sugarcube."

"Stop being ahead of me, AJ," Rainbow Dash muttered in mid-trot. "You're not that psychic."

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