• Published 2nd Oct 2016
  • 4,611 Views, 83 Comments

Maybe - Summer Dancer

When Flash is left alone once again, another student comforts him, like always.

  • ...

Maybe Not

Flash Sentry stared after Sunset’s retreating back and sighed. Well...that didn’t go the way I’d hoped, he thought. He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his spiked blue hair.

Then, a warm hand touched his back. Flash opened his eyes and glanced over his shoulder. A familiar face regarded him, her eyes bright with sympathy. She gave a lopsided smile and simply said, “Wanna talk?”

Flash opened his mouth to give a confident but polite dismissal, but quickly stopped himself. His mouth curved into a frown and he rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes darted about awkwardly. “Uh...how long have you been standing there, exactly?”

Ditzy grinned at him. “Long enough.”

Flash’s cheeks started to warm. He exhaled before chuckling. “Yeah...I, uh...I’m kind of going through some stuff...and I’m not really sure what to do about it.”

“I’m all ears.” Ditzy plopped down onto one of the steps leading to the lodge house and spread out her arms in a welcoming gesture. “Come, sit!”

Flash shoved his hands in his pockets and chewed the inside of his cheek. He walked forward and sat next to her with a sigh.

“Girl trouble?” Ditzy asked, crossing one foot over the other.

Flash glanced at her, smiling ruefully. “And friendship trouble.” He paused, absently running his fingers against his cuticles while staring off into space. “I’m sort of confused about everything. When I met Twilight...the other one...it felt so right, being around her. I mean...she’s smart, pretty, friendly... and she’s got this…” He trailed off, and his face scrunched in search of thought. He motioned his hands, trying to get the proper words out.

“...kind of a quiet strength about her...I mean, she’s not out there, but she’s...you know what I mean?”

Ditzy nodded enthusiastically before pausing and shaking her head.

Flash gave a sheepish smile and leaned back, resting his elbows on the hard wood. “Yeah. I’m not that great with words that aren't lyrics."

“Well, look on the bright side,” Ditzy suggested. “The Twilight from this world might like Timber, but..." She glanced at him sideways. "Do you think the other Twilight still thinks about you?"

Flash averted his gaze. “I wonder that too sometimes. But it’s probably not going to work out between her and me, aside from her being a long way from here.”

“Oh? Why wouldn’t it?”

“Well...When I met the Twilight from this world, she barely gave me a second glance. I know she was probably busy, but...it’s become a pretty common thing, now. I mean, she’s nice and all, but I don’t think she’s even interested in being friends."

“But she’s different from the other Twilight,” Ditzy pointed out. "Didn’t Princess Twilight herself mention that a lot of us were actually quite different from our other selves? If both Twilights are different people, their interests probably won’t line up all the time either, right?”

Flash thought for a moment. “While that might be true, whoever Twilight chooses to be with would have to affect who she’s with here, wouldn’t it? What about the Cakes? If they weren’t married in Princess Twilight’s world, how and why would they be married in this world? Would there still be any Cake Twins for Pinkie Pie to babysit?

“And that goes for my parents, your parents, and everyone else’s. I’m pretty sure we all have the same brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles. It's like we're destined. It has to happen, right?"

Ditzy pursed her lips together, looking uncertain. “I...I don’t know. I don’t know how it all works. I don’t know if what they do affects our lives….or-or if it happens the other way around…” Ditzy scratched the top of her head.

Flash kicked at the grass. “Maybe we weren’t meant to be together in the first place.”

Ditzy scooted closer to Flash, placing an arm around his shoulder. “Don't be sad...For all you know, it could just be a teeny little crush.”

Flash hung his head. “Who knows. Maybe I was the teeny little crush too.”

Ditzy gave a small sigh, and rested her head on his shoulder. “You know you’re more than someone’s teeny little crush. Don’t you?”

Flash shook his head. “I don’t know. Sunset only dated me in the first place just to gain popularity. Twilight liked me for me, but...she’s like a star. She’s...impossible to reach for. She’s a Princess of an entire country and a savior to both her world and ours. I’m just a guitar player with a car. I mean, it’s awesome and all, but what use would she have for it? She has wings!

“And Twilight’s just a High school student here,” Ditzy said, raising her head. “Just think! The other you could be an important Ambassador...or a Prince! Or even a Knight!” Her hands stretched above her head as her legs lifted off the ground. “The possibilities are endless!

Flash couldn’t help but laugh. “I doubt it. If I were a Prince, I’m pretty sure Twilight would’ve mentioned it by now.” He smiled at Ditzy and tapped her arm with his knuckles. “But I bet you’re something special in the other world. You’re always there for people. And me. You just...get me, you know?"

Ditzy grinned. "Really? I'm not that great with words either. I'm just happy to help! Just don’t single yourself out so much, okay? You’ll find a great girl someday, Flash. I know you will.” She tilted her head to the side. “Speaking of, have you thought about Sunset lately?”

Flash waved his hand. “No, we’re just friends. At least I hope we are. We haven’t really spoken until now.” He rested his elbows on his knees. “It’s kinda weird. It’s almost like talking to a stranger. She really did change. Even if I considered dating her again, I doubt she’d want to. I was the one who broke up with her. Besides...I’d be reaching too high again. Sunset really did grow into something beautiful. But they’re both better off without me. As long as they’re happy...I guess I’m happy too.”

His head suddenly snapped up. “Whoa…” His eyes widened, as did his smile. “WHOAH!” He jumped to his feet, startling Ditzy

“What!?” she gasped.

“I just had an epiphany!” Flash yelled, jogging in circles, pumping his fists in the air. “I just had the perfect idea for song lyrics!” He suddenly whirled around and held out his hand with a dangerous-looking smile. “Come with me!!!”

“Whoa!” Ditzy said as she was yanked off of her seat. Together, the two raced across the camp. After a few twists and turns along the trail, the two of them reached the boy’s side of the camp, where most of the students were walking about, exercising, or talking with one another. “In here,” Flash said as they neared his tent. He poked his head inside before gesturing Derpy inside. “Good, my roommate isn't here…”

He jogged over to his bed and knelt down as Ditzy gawked at her surroundings. “Ooh, the guy’s tent!” she grinned, placing her hands on the rustic furniture.

“I don’t think your tents are much different than ours,” Flash chuckled as he pulled something out from under his bed. “Ah, here we go…”

Ditzy turned around and gasped. “You brought your guitar? Is that allowed?”

Flash simpered as he shrugged on his guitar strap. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Besides--the woods are the perfect place for inspiration. How could I not take this thing along?”

Ditzy giggled and pinched two of her fingers together before running them across her lips. “My lips are sealed!” Flash sat down on his bed, his brow knitted in concentration. He nodded his head, gesturing Ditzy to come over.

The blonde haired girl skipped over and sat down next to Flash as he tuned his guitar. He hummed quietly to himself as he strummed out the chords. Finally, he broke out into a smile. “Now we’re talking.” He grinned at Ditzy and winked. “Check this out.”

He strummed his guitar and exhaled.

Girl with the crown, you made my heart soar,
I hoped we’d be so much more
But I only have a car and you’ve got wings
What use would you have for those things?

Maybe, Maybe, Maybe
We just weren’t meant to be…
But baby, baby, baby that’s alright with me

‘Cause your happiness means everything to meeeeee….

Flash sighed and brushed his hair back while Ditzy clapped for him. “So angsty!”

“Thanks.” Flash tapped his knuckles on the base of his guitar. “It still hurts…” He gave a small shrug. “But if I could move on once, I could move on again...couldn’t I?”

Ditzy hugged him gently. “I know you can.” She rubbed his shoulder. “You’re a really great guy, Flash. I really hope you know that.”

A smile spread across Flash’s face as he returned the hug. “Thanks for everything. And you know what?" They pulled apart and he gave another wink. "I think you're an even greater girl.”

They regarded one another with soft smiles. Ditzy's eyes turned downcast and she started to play with her hands while Flash cleared his throat.

“Maybe I could make my life story into some kind of career,” Flash said as he resumed strumming.

“I bet the ladies would really go for that, huh?” Ditzy said with a wink.

Flash laughed. “Maybe. But I think it might be a long while before I think about dating again. I don’t think anyone at school would be interested right now.”

Derpy brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “There’s always someone.”

The corners of Flash's mouth lifted and he gave a confident tilt of his head. "You know what? Maybe you're right. Gotta stay positive. Alright, check out this next one, Ditzy. It's called Two Mares, one Crown."

Ditzy sat cross legged on Flash's bed as she rested her chin on her hands. She closed her eyes in content as a soft melody filled the tent.

Author's Note:

I enjoyed Legend of Everfree, and I felt really bad for Flash :twilightblush:

Thanks to the people on my blog who voted on whether I should refer Derpy as Ditzy Doo or Derpy, but it looked almost down the middle. Anyone of those names could work I suppose.

Seriously, poor Flash.

Comments ( 81 )

Optional other theme song for the story:

(Courtesy of Roulette Records, Inc., a Division of ABK Music Corp.)

Ditzyy turned around and gasped.

Extra Y.

Same... and i don't get Flash hate either... give Flash break...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels kinda sad for Flash Sentry and I'm not even a fan of him. I'm also glad to see Derpy Hooves cheer up the poor guy.

I ship them. In fact, maybe I can use this...???:twilightsheepish:

Actually, I need to come up with my own stuff.

I feel sorry for Flash, honestly. He deserves to be happy and not hated by fans and apparently Hasbro now too. I really liked his interaction with Sunset, but I hated Hasbro when the plot got in the way.

Great job again.


I turn away for one second and I see you publishing a new story.

BTW, I prefer Derpy.

It's called Two Mares, one Crown.


I don't want know how the song goes, or what the music video would look like

Okay, as a guy who can relate (In a way), I can effectively say that Flash's mindset is realistically captured: he's not entirely willing to give up, but he accepts their happiness as more important. Well done, Summer. Well done: this pulled the heartstrings. :heart::fluttercry::heart::pinkiesad2::heart:

Also, thanks to you, I now ship both SunSentry, and FlashDoo in EQG. :rainbowkiss:

7610563 :rainbowlaugh: I have another one in the works if you want a heads up this time.
7610558 They have become shippable, haven't they? :trixieshiftright: Loved Diamond In The Rough!

7610597 Thank you. ALL the ships! :pinkiecrazy:

You're welcome, I only wish I could follow you twice. :heart::pinkiesad2:

And- as long as they're straight -YES! :pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by Nordryd deleted Oct 2nd, 2016

I think the movies have been trying to imply that Derpy has a thing for him -- and he's oblivious to her emotions.

Nice to see some Flash love. (And I'm not a one-shot guy) Well done!

Nice for Flash to have something good happen to him now and then. I personally see him and Derpy as being very good friends, maybe even since childhood. The fact that she keeps supporting him when he's down is so cute.

This is a great ship that I didn't know I needed in my life until now.

Ri2 #19 · Oct 2nd, 2016 · · 1 ·


Loved this! I felt sad for Flash in the movie as well. This was also a good expansion between the scene where Ditzy comforts Flash. I really enjoyed this little one shot.

Keep looking out for that special someone Flash. You'll never know if she's close by!

Flash Sentry: future Greg Universe, :coolphoto:

A wonderful story. It's nice that Ditzy or Muffin is there to comfort Flash like brother and sister do.

This makes me ship Flash and Derpy now.

Yay, a story about my favorite subplot thread in the movie! :pinkiehappy:

Flush shoved his hands in his pockets

Freudian slip? :trollestia:

Cute little quasi-shipping piece. Bittersweet, emotional...I like it.

7610600 I'm predicting this story will be featured by tomorrow, and probably for a while after that.

Wow. This was a rather pleasant fic surprise about Flash (and to a lesser extent Derpy/Ditzy) and it was pretty good. Going in my favorites now, and you kind of got to feel for Flash getting ignored. I mean he's been brainwashed twice, the girl he likes is from another world and her human double is not interested in being friends so far... Poor Flash. In-universe and out he gets ignored a lot. So kudos on a good fic.


I'm just less than happy that the writers have standing orders it seems to ethnically cleanse the EGs setting of anything that directly connections to Equestria, Flash's feelings for Twilight included.

That was a nice little piece- it's always cool to see something that puts Flash and Ditzy as friends. They seem pretty tight, 10 outta 10!

7611340 there were a couple lines in there that may have hinted at some feelings that were a little bit more than friendship.

That or my vision is being clouded by the fact that THIS IS MY OTP:rainbowkiss:
I had to edit that three times before I got it right.

On the matter of destiny, I think Starlight DISTORTED fate when she came to this world, effectively causing events to spiral out differently.

Most adorable. I do love seeing Best Human used well, and this definitely qualifies. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

Poor Flash is oblivious to a girl crushing on him. Actually I was kind of wondering if Derpy/Ditzy/Muffins had a thing for Flash after watching the last two movies and seeing her comforting him right away after him getting pretty much ignored by Sci-Twi.

Two Mares, one Crown.

Equestria Girls 5:

"Ditzy, will you go out with me?" asked Flash hopefully.

Ditzy, too occupied with fighting the monster of the week, ran by without acknowledging him

"Aw," sighed Flash. A few seconds later, Ditzy came in from the opposite side of the frame and patted his shoulder

"Wait, how did you...?"

Alternate optional other alternate theme song for this story, based on the title:

(And yes, I used "alternate" twice in that description. Deal with it. :trollestia: )

Featured. I called it :trollestia:

Congrats, though I'm sure you're used to getting featured by now

I also couldn't help but notice how close someone is to 800

Congrats on the feature! You deserve it! :twilightsmile:

Somehow I am reminded of this scene:

As always, dear summer, you excel at adorable/endearing/cute slice of life stories.

But I MUST know....what your initial reaction was to THIS https://youtu.be/dj4ZwLLnGdY

So wait.

Is this a romance thing!? What!?

You did a great job of capturing Flash's emotions and angsts. I can relate, that as a guy, as I've felt that way so many times. It was really nice to bring Derpy in to help console and inspire Flash; she really is a sweet girl. They would work well as a couple or as friends. Who know' right?

You know, this pretty much exactly captures what it felt like after that scene. In a very, very good way.

It's really quite sad to see how Flash just sort of got dropped. He may have been lacking in personality, but he had potential, and even now he still could make for an interesting character. Certainly more likeable than Timber.

Would be nice to see what Princess Twilight actually thinks about the whole affair, rather than just have Sunset dismantle Flash's heart second-hand.

But I digress. You've written a great little fic indeed!

Well this was a insight into Flash's forever alone status.

You know what's especially cruel?

Sunset Shimmer has a way to contact Princess Twilight anytime she wants, but apparently, offering Flash a chance to try it just doesn't occur to her. That... seems selfish to me.

7612904 Actually you're right. I have seen a few stories where she lets Flash borrow the journal to talk to Twilight, there's even one where Twilight gives him one for himself so they can talk more, but without anything canon showing her doing it it is a little selfish. Plus she seemed a little rude to him already by telling him to get over it. She might have been trying to help him, which I can respect, but she could have done it better and considered how Twilight feels about Flash at least.

I agree. Poor Flash. Good story.

7611989 I fear if those were her memories or her feelings :trixieshiftleft:

7613297 Oh.....wow you're taking that moment very seriously haha

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