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Sunset and Twilight stop to consider something serious. Is it really okay for a camp counselor to be hitting on one of the teen campers at an overnight camp?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 161 )

Clearly Timber didn't spend as much time reading up on laws letting him screw an underaged chick as Michael Bay did.

and something I was wondering...where in the fuck are these kids parents?!

7614663 Paging Nurse Redheart we're going to need magical liuqid healing onitment for that burn:rainbowlaugh:

...didn't you write Paren't Night Out though?
HAHA as if I didn't know that.

You want to get REAL creepy with this fannon?
...He does this every year.


So if Timber is in fact a major(18 or over) and Sci-Twi is still a minor (under 18)... The SciTwiSentry ship still has a chance... Hey Flash ended things with Sunset before why couldn't he do it again...

7614667 Luna and Celestia are functioning parentes ad locum...or 'in the place of patents'... That being said Where TF is Shinug Armor... You think he would ask to charepoen on the first major outings of his LSBFF at her new school...

7614663 even if he did there is still a Conflict of Interest

7614683 you do remember she said she never really liked him right?

I just thought he's 18. That sounds about right for me.

7614701 that can change, if DHX throw Timber into the mix, then they can have SciTwi fall for Flash... There is still EQG movie number 5...

7614700 We would think so but Sunset is still technology a teenager... age reset spell maybe?

7614709 way i see it both Twi and Sunset cockblocked him and will not be getting with him and i feel they just tossed Timber in at a attempt at actual canon shipping and failed cause Timber was literally a more annoying version of Flash only thing he had in common with Twilight was a certain level of intelligence but even then Sunset is way smarter than he is I'm sure

7614700 she said she never really liked him so odds are she's safe xD

>tfw the age of consent is actually 16

In what country? (or state, I think there's like one or two states where it's not 18)

7614719 fair enough, but can I still have hope for it in EQG 5? :pinkiesad2:

Now Timber hittin' on Sci-Twi (or Sparky) is just plain creepy. For all I know, he could look like a teenager, but is really a college student or something.

7614729 I wouldn't...the main focus of these movies was never shipping; nope thats what all the fanfics inbetween movies in for. Besides if any ship needs to be made canon in this damn movie series its Sunlight dammit...just let Sunset have her hasbro! :twilightangry2:

7614732 according to him he'd been living in the forest all his life, never even went to the mall. So we have a total and almost literal Hippie hitting on super genius magical city girl...pardon me while I load my bass cannon to sink this fucked up ship


I´m Spanish, but I have read the minimum legal age for Camp Counselor in America is actually eighteen. There is no basis to suggest Timber is older than that.

My comment was to the age of consent being 16, which it is not where I am. I didn't say a thing about the age of camp counselors.

7614695 Shining Armor goes to Crystal Prep not CHS.


See, I read this too. But keep in mind that this is a TEEN camp. Teen counselors aren't going to be put in charge of other teens, on a general basis. On the whole, for teen overnight summer camps, 20-somethings are the encouraged instructor age. The camp in the show is a family owned one, so maybe there's fuzzy law stuff happening, but on the whole, the 18 year old camp instructors are for younger overnight summer camps.


Oh well, the writers didn´t think about the implications of giving Sunset and Twilight a teenager love interest (Flash), either. :trixieshiftleft:

That last line, thumbs up, hooves up :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::rainbowlaugh:

If it had been another character, sure. But I don't think you're taking Timber's actual character into account here. Seems like you're just using him as a strawman.

7614751 Federal law says that yes, but individual state laws can vary, and most states say over twenty.

now i need to know >.<

7614764 Actually, according to the scene in Cinch's office, Shining Armor has graduated.

Thank you. Didn't like this canon ship... Timber seemed... poor as a character. Can't out my finger on why but I did just not care for him.

7614738 Valid point... That was something I did not consider.

7614764 He's old enough to be romantically involved with Cadance... The school's dean... Which for a prep school I assume means something like vice principal...

This kind of thing doesn't stop Sparity shippers since Spike is technically underage LOL

I didn't even see the new movie and I liked this.

7614723 age of consent laws vary from state to state. In some, no ifs, ands, or buts, it is 18. But other states have different laws.

Here is Maine's consent laws as an example.
At the age of 16, a minor can legally date, and even engage in sexual relations with, aan adult. At 14, the same rule applies, ONLY if the parents of the minor give their consent to the relationship. In both instances, it is only legal as long as the age difference is no more than five years.

If Camp Everfree was in Maine, and the guy was only 22 years of age, it would then be legal. Now, in Texas, even if the guy was 19, he would be going to jail... And Texas is a state you do NOT want to spend time in jail in.

7614935 As a proud Texan myself, this comment delights me.

7614723 Here in IL the legal age of consent is 17.
It varies state by state. If you're curious, here's a list.

Nali #41 · Oct 3rd, 2016 · · 1 ·

I thought they'd worked the creep factor out of these films after EG1's "I didn't say no! I mean, I did, but... I didn't mean no," bombshell was rightly thrashed, but here we are again. This ain't the sort of stuff you want to be glorifying for little girls, Hasbro.

She's a mid twenty-something shoved into a teenager's body by a species altering dimensional portal. It might be a challenge to get those charges to stick.

My personal opinion is that Timber is a decent character, but there was no need for him to be Twilight's love interest. He could have just been a camp counselor she befriended due to their common interests or something like that. Hell, what if Timber just decided to hang around her because she reminded him of his sister in some way? Wouldn't that serve the plot better than forced shipping? Especially forced shipping with these kinds of implications. After all, even if they hadn't been outright shipped, the fandom would have done it anyway. There was nothing to lose by having Timber and Twilight just be friends.

That being said, there are 'Romeo and Juliet' provisions in place for when one member of a long relationship turns old enough to be considered guilty of statutory rape (say, the girl turns 18 and the guy will turn 17 a month later, and they've been together for three years), mainly so disapproving parents can't abuse the system to get the two to forcibly be broken up. I'm not sure if this applies to all first-world countries, though.

Ulrezaj #45 · Oct 3rd, 2016 · · 19 ·

I personally find all this age of consent arguing hilarious. My reason being that my parents got married when my mother was the ripe old age of 16 and my father was 25.
Hell, my neighbors did one better, she was 17 and her husband to be was 32.

Anyways, the age of consent laws are pretty pointless when the average teen loses their virginity at around 13-15. All the law does is make them be sneakier about it and possibly lead to more dangerous circumstances.

No... That's way too young to loose your viriginty. I don't know anyone my age who has


Well looks like EQG Twilight is very much like her Brother in this world! :rainbowlaugh:

Maybe Gloriosa was 25 and Timber was younger and not officially in charge?

I feel like even ignoring the age difference, it's still problematic because Timber is an authority figure.

Divide by two, add seven. Why don't people understand this?

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