• Published 22nd Apr 2016
  • 3,584 Views, 44 Comments

Winter Friends - Harmony Pie

After a surprising blizzard, Applejack awakes to a certain white unicorn calling her out the door. It's all for fun, right? So why can't Applejack stop blushing?

  • ...

Diamond Ice

"Good morning, darling!"

What in tarnation? My eyes flew open, and I broke through the warm cocoon of pillows with a yawn. The old blankets clung snugly around my stomach like a snake, and I cursed the interruption of my sleep. Rolling over, my gaze landed on the clock, and I groaned inwardly.

"Rarity," I muttered to myself, swinging my hooves around to the floorboards. That pony better have a good reason for waking me up so darn early.

"Applejack!" the voice lilted again, and I stumbled to the windowsill, squinting at the blinding, white snow. Against the sparkling ice stood the alabaster unicorn, wearing the biggest grin I've ever seen. She gave a little wave with her hoof, beckoning me outside.

I pried the window open, shivering as the cold winter air swept into my room. It was pretty refreshing, though. I leaned out, clapping my hooves together. "Oh, yes, Rarity? It wasn't like Ah was sleeping or nothing," I called, watching her pout.

"Just for a while, Applejack? Come outside, it is absolutely gorgeous," she gushed, doing a little twirl in her red and white coat. "I feel like we hardly spend any time together, just the two of us."

For whatever reason, I flushed at that, bringing my head back. Modesty, right? "Uhh, sure, Rares," I responded eloquently, a smile lifting up my lips. "Just give me a minute."

I pulled shut my window, carefully bringing my hoof up to my forehead. The subtle warmth had faded, thankfully. She was just saying she wanted to hang out, of course. I shook my head, my golden hair flying down my shoulders, as I turned around to the closet. Upon inspection, I realized I had almost nothing to wear for winter clothes.

The bare wooden walls mocked me as I rubbed my chilled fur in frustration. That blizzard had been mighty surprising, bringing about a whole heap of snow from the Everfree Forest. Granny, Bloom, and Mac had been stuck on the train heading back from the fair. Even Rainbow had been impressed by the storm's "awesomeness."

"Gravy and corn sticks," I grumbled, peering into the mothbally darkness, and swiping at a lone, dusty scarf. I brought it into the light, sneezing at the deep, red material. Celestia knows how old this thing was, but I had to admit, it looked pretty good around my neck. It would have to do.

Sighing, I brought back my mane into its usual low ponytail, making sure to smooth out the fuzz on top in the mirror. What? I froze, staring at my glossy reflection. Since when does Applejack care what she looks like? I rolled my eyes at the silliness of my copy, snatching my worn hat off the wall, and tugging it over my doesn't-matter-if-it's-frizzy-or-not hair.

Rarity was probably impatient, and I knew from her many 'lessons', to never to keep a lady waiting. Giving my mirror the cold shoulder, I creaked open my door and trotted quickly down the wooden stairs. What did this girl have in mind? I haven't played in the snow since I was a filly.

When I reached the outside door, I was greeted with the same coldness, and a pile of snow up to my knees. Grimacing, I gingerly dipped a foreleg in. Holy Celestia, it was brutal. But, Rarity had made it somehow, and so would I.

Sucking in a breath, I trudged through the snow, each step causing more than a mite of pain to jolt up my legs. The things I do for this mare! I collapsed before Rarity, shuddering with each movement. "How could ya make me do that?" I gasped, glancing up at her beseechingly.

Rarity bit her lip in mirth, her shimmering diamond blue eyes coming to meet my own. "Oh, terribly sorry, darling," she amended with a lopsided smile. "I do believe I forgot to carve a path for you."

It took me a moment to realize she had offered me a helping hoof, to which I took gratefully. "Carved me a path?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, a little bit of warmth spreading into the hoof she had grasped.

Rarity motioned downwards, and it was at that moment that I took notice of the ground, and the lack of snow on it. My mouth dropped open.

"I just levitated most of the snow, and placed it far over there," she explained, motioning far in the distance. "It was getting to be quite the hassle."

"Golly," I breathed, sliding closer and poking Rarity in the chest. "Looks like somepony has been hiding a little talent, hmm?"

Rarity went crimson. I chuckled, waving my hoof. "Don't need ta tell me, Rares. This really is quite the amazing job, here," I said, finding some sort of delight in her flustered expression.

"Yes, well, thank you, Applejack," she finally responded, sweeping back her thick coat. "However, I have called you here for a matter of great importance, that cannot be delayed by talk of magic abilities," she intoned, staring at me seriously. Her muzzle scrunched up in the most adorable way. Ahem.

I cocked an ear. "Ya have?"

"Hmhm," she hummed. "We are now pony warriors, one against the other in duel." She leaned closer to my ear, causing my muscles to tighten involuntarily. "Warriors, yes we are, darling. And I shall make the first move," she whispered, her velvety fur brushing against my cheek.

Why was my face so hot? I was sure I was burning up from the inside out. Why? It wasn't like—something smashed into the side of my head, causing me to cry out in surprise. I heard delicate little giggles, and whirled around to see Rarity holding a snowball in her magic. I blinked, slowly and carefully wiping off the snow.

Rarity's playful smirk softened, and she lowered her guard. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt you, or anything, darling. I just wanted to—"

"ATTACK ON THE MARSHMALLOW!!" I shrieked, leaping into the air, and gathering a mass of snow in my hooves. Rarity squealed, ducking away at the last second.

"You ruffian!" she teased, blowing snow dust at my face.

I grinned, backing away a couple steps. I had a much more practical idea. I collected a pile of snow from the side, and stacked it in a sort of fort, sticking my tongue out at the enemy.

Rarity huffed, giving me a wink that sent butterflies to my stomach. Her horn lit up, and with a flick of her mane, she set a mountain of snow before her.

I folded my arms across my chest, jerking out of the way as Rarity launched another attack. I threw a snowball, as high as I could reach, and heard a squeak from the other side of the wall. "You're gonna have ta do better than that, missy, if ya want to beat me!" I cried out, peering around the edge.

Rarity was silent for a moment. But, of course, she had something planned. A ball of snow about the size of my head rose above the wall in a blue aura. My eyes widened as is started to gain speed.

"Raaarriiityyy!!" I dashed across the yard, the giant snowball hot on my tail, followed by the manic unicorn. I soon found that, to my chagrin, Rarity had only cleared a portion, and I was quickly trapped by the taller hill of white. Dang nabbit.

"Hah!" Rarity shouted gleefully, pouncing on my vulnerable form, and pinning me to the ground. I struggled, but only managed to get a faceful of snow. I gasped, letting out a laugh. "Fine, fine. Rarity, you win!"

Rarity rolled off of me. "Thank you," she gasped, as we laid side by side, staring at the golden rimmed sky. Her chest rose up and down rapidly.

"Let me know to never cross ya, alright?"

She giggled, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. "Applejack, have you ever been tired of what everypony expects of you?" she asked suddenly.

I flattened my ears. "Actually, yeah. Mah family usually expects me to work the hardest. Sometimes it's just nice to just get away from everything." I glanced across at her. "This was nice."

Rarity nodded. "Yes, it was. I had a long night of dresses for a client, and I suppose... I just gave up," she said simply.

I shrugged. "Nothin' wrong with that Rares," I assured.

Rarity smiled. "And I'm glad I got to spend that time with you," she told me, placing her hoof over mine gently. I stiffened, shivering at her touch for some reason.

Rarity snapped up. "Oh, my poor dear! You must be freezing without a coat!" She sat up without hesitation, and pulled off her own coat, hoofing it to me.

I bit my lip. "It's fine, Rarity! Really, Ah don't need it, Ah just don't have anything for the season yet," I protested, pushing her offer away.

Rarity shook her head. "No, I insist darling! I have so many others at home, you deserve this. Here," she moved closer to me, wrapping the coat around my body and slipping my forelegs through.

It felt like heaven, and as much as I wouldn't tell Rarity, I had been a bit cold. "Thanks," I stuttered, breathing in the fabric. It smelled wonderful, of flower perfume and marshmallows.

"Of course," she replied lightly, brushing back her styled, indigo mane. She leaned forward, enveloping me in a warm hug. My cheeks lit up with a fiery heat, and my heart pounded erratically as her face brushed against mine.

Shoot. I couldn't deny it anymore. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

I was in love.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this fluff!:heart:

Comments ( 43 )

Applejack's ending thoughts... Great story!


This is so cute, like, really. You got me saying 'awww' at the end :rainbowkiss: Rarijack is too good and pure for this world :heart: As always, amazing and cute work :raritywink:

This story keeps popping up on my alerts to read. Omen?:facehoof:-I guess I'll track it and give my feedback soon.:trollestia:

Comment posted by Violet Rose in The Rain deleted Apr 22nd, 2016

So I tried sorry Harmony. But you are just not the type of writter I like, I don't know why your work is good I just don't enjoy the stories you make. It not you, it me I'm sorry to say this but I'm no longer going to read your stories. I never follow you the first place so this seems kind of pointless.

Again sorry you got great work I bet all of them are better then mine so good luck on every story you make and well this is where I say goodbye until you reply to this comment if you want and when I.reply back meaning that could be our last goodbye. But then again.... no wait, I'll shut up now

Alrighy, that's fine, I guess. I'm sorry you don't like my stories, but I'm glad you gave me a chance:heart:

7148254 Please don't take it too hard, I say that I'm a heartless monster but I'm a really nice guy that makes his friend annoyed because I always put they needs before my own. Anyway good luck I got to write this short story on Fluuters and Screwball that would be fun, I might need help for that but no one wants to work with me. Never mind later keep on rocking on. :twilightsmile:


"ATTACK ON THE MARSHMALLOW!!" I shrieked, leaping into the air, and gathering a mass of snow in my hooves. Rarity squealed, ducking away at the last second. "You ruffian!" she teased, blowing snow dust at my face.


"You ruffian!" she teased, blowing snow dust at my face.

in a new paragraph.

Very cute, harmony. I love RariJack and this was just perfect!

This is both adorable and very well written. You captured both characters perfectly and I was especially fond of Applejack's narrative as well. Like I can clearly hear her voice the entire time. Nicely done!

This was amazing. We need more! Multi chapter now! *holds you at gun point.*


I miss winter

I can't remember the last snowball fight I had...
I love the image and mood of this story, one of those silly romantic moments that are the highlight of any relationship.

Sorry, I don't think so:twilightblush:

That was bloody adorable. Well done.

Aww thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :heart:

Sequence , Sequence!!!!!!!!

This was adorable!!!!!!:raritystarry:

You mean Sequel, right?

Short, sweet, and super fluffy. Just like cotton candy.

I had five other stories earmarked for reading the night I read this one, and it easily was the best of the bunch. Thanks for writing it!:pinkiehappy:

7150799 yes…sorry wasn't paying attention

It's all fine, silly:pinkiehappy:

A well written Fic with damaging amounts of fluff not even the first person stigma could survive the cute.-Thespybot
You'll be in the next taco tuesday.

I liked it. Very well thought out, and the words used did the job. :pinkiehappy:

Rarijack is one of my favorite ships, mostly because the two of them are so different personality-wise. But their common ground is that they're both hard workers, in their own respectice fields. I like how you tied that in at the end. This was really cute. I think I spotted a typo though:

Why was my face was hot?

Is the second "was" supposed to be "so"? It threw me for a loop when I read it, and I've made plenty of mistakes like that myself.

Great work, as always :yay:

i'm working on the review now im so sorry


No, of course, it's okay! I wouldn't recommend this story of mine as much, but feel free to give me your thoughts:raritywink:

7249655 didnt you suggest it to me..... or was that someone else


Nope, I don't think I did. And you don't have to do it if you don't want to

7249678 I'm more then happy to I've already started and it's such a cute fix I'll have to recheck who sent it to me but is it ok if I post my video in your comment section

This reminds me of The Princess Rarity's Rarijack fluff series.

Ah, I do love me some adorable RariJack, and there's few things more adorable than love being birthed in the midst of a cute-tacular snowball fight! Well worth a like and favorite, indeed! :raritystarry: :ajsmug:

"We are now pony warriors, one against the other in dual."

If I may (not that this is a big deal or anything), I believe the word you were looking for was "duel" not "dual".

Your the first review after the clip


This was absolutely adorable!!!:rainbowlaugh:

This is so cute I wish it had a sequel since AJ figures out she's in love at the end. *squee* :raritystarry:

*3 years later*


Lmao I hate my 13 year old self. And just myself

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