Blog #20: Pinkie Pie is a good horse and I love her · 11:23pm Apr 9th, 2021
Hi everypony!
Recently, I decided to ignore the multiple big important pressing matters I should be tending to in my life and work on a story again! I had this short story lying around that I wrote a few years ago and never got around to finish editing until now. It's basically a story about Pinkie being polyamorous. Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.
Hi and thanks a lot for adding Of Bubbles and Stars to your library.
You're welcome, Mr Dazzle! I think I already said this to you the other day, but I've been meaning to read more of your stories for quite a while :3
Thanks for adding Dragon Lord Ember Skips Work to your Collection of Shipping! Always nice to see someone still looking at my stuff.
2445840 So you're not KItty Hawk?
Yay, I don't have to pretend to like that cat anymore! I could be free from that cat's tyranny and not fake my care anymore. FREEDOOOM!!